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Thread: It's not the scopes that are the problem...

  1. #1

    It's not the scopes that are the problem...

    Hey Funcom... I'm personally of the opinion that if you guys were to change to *crit* code, rather than the llts, you'd find that it evens the playing field much more. The idea that a critical hit can do double damage over a normal hit is all well and good, but fact is, when you start adding in crit buffs and stackability to that, it becomes a major balance issue.

    If, however, you changed the crit code so that it simply made you do max damage with the hit + like 10 to 15% of that damage, that would leave the desirability of having crits, but remove the perception that it's *necessary* to have high crit chances...

    There's many ways around this issue, like the above mentioned, or lowering the crit damage of all weapons across the board (shotguns come to mind)... but widening the divide between the haves and the have nots isn't going to make things any better.

    Level 77 Clan fixer.

    Trellame ought to be sainted or made a deity or something. I mean, seriously.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up I concur, but....

    I concur, with the proviso I am an NT and don't get much damage from my weapons anyway, so in effect I am agreeing with a nerf-everyone-else idea.

    BTW, though I support this idea, naturally to compensate agents who are intended as a profession to rely on crits, Funcom would need either to have special crit effects for the profession (higher than +15% damage, attack score debuffs, stun effects, etc. -- hey, special crit effects are a good idea in general, it seems to me) or rifles with high aimed-shot reqs (to somewhat discourage use by other professions) which are unaffected by the proposed crit nerf.

    Also, it should be realized that this suggestion will probably never be implemented no matter how good it is because of all the work they've put in on changing the crit buff structure of late.... The other reason it won't get implemented is Funcom obviously *likes* mathematically unstable and unbalanced game mechanics.

    (For example, the flat damage reduction effect of armor is basically inherently unbalancing because for any given value of AC for which a fast/light weapon is equal in damage done over time to a slow/heavy weapon, if you raise AC but keep the weapons the same, the slow/heavy weapon becomes better. This is why slow/heavy weapons rule the game at present, because the fast/light vs. slow/heavy balance was obviously done without considering the AC of the target at all. However, if you balance fast/light weapons with slow/heavy ones assuming maximum MOB or player AC, then the fast/light weapons will become incredibly good for use against everyone less than Real Mean level.)
    Strycker, OT NT
    Member of AOR RK-1
    Mundus vult decipi, decipiatur

  3. #3
    I'd be happier if evades had an effect on crit buffs and scopes.
    As it is they don't which is why there are so many crits.
    I think you can get a 50% crit chance with UVC, ql194+ llts, crat speach and take the shot.
    Sunraven - Jumpaholic and Speedfreak.

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