This has probably been suggested before. But! I'll say it anyway.

I would like to see a suppression gas building in every town and in some zones. Within the building would be a toggle switch that allows you to change the surrounding area to a lower suppression gas setting. Each building would be massed with lvl 200 mobs for the side that holds the toggle switch. To toggle the switch you must kill all the switch protection mobs and then hold the switch for 1 hour or so. A warning would go out to all opposing forces that your switch has been toggled.

This could be done in the following manner.

gas is currently 75% in a town ..say tir
omni comes in and holds it for allotted time goes to 25% and becomes one hell of a war zone until the clan can reclaim it ...or omni gets it to go to 0% suppression 1 hour later.
now gas is 0% and neutrals can join in the fight
if it is recaptured by clan it goes back to 25% in the clan direction.
If not then it goes to 25% in omni direction and all mobs in town switch to omni
If it is held 1 more hour 75% to omni and the town is now considered captured and part of omni tech.

This would give the "War" that is going on a real feel to it, as you could lose your home town. (Tir is mine) Give you more to fight for.

Also during Amnesty and Truce periods none of this could go on.

Just my Thoughts.