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Thread: I don't get why Funcom don't want to inplement furniture.

  1. #1

    I don't get why Funcom don't want to inplement furniture.

    I mean they have all the models and data all the furnitures and stuff in the missions....They could just create a identical apartment at least with some bed , tables and kitchen I don't mind if they r identical to others we could easily decorate it with the current 10 limit decorations.

    I mean how hard is it to give us a apartment ? I really like the ide aof partying in my apartment right now all my apartment is is a room with nothing in it....just make it look like a apartment...pretty please!

  2. #2
    While I do like the idea of more furniture, I would prefer they spend their time working on server stability and fixing problems in AO.

  3. #3
    Because this game has more bugs and needs alot fixes. who cares about furniture ....

  4. #4
    I care about furniture! The only thing I do is Role Play. So I do not see all thees bugs that you other guys whine about. I dont see whats so wrong. Maybe thats because I dont play like you. Well , I do care about furniture. A LOT!

  5. #5

    back burner

    I would prefur Funcom to put their time into fixing bugs than make some silly furniture. Maybe when they're not working on bugs so much they should maybe work on adding a bed or chair (floor is always to cold) but I can live without. I mean would you rather have a chair or the ability to fight and not worry about dieing and have items that work and skills that are balanced? a chair seems so miniscule in comparison to the work they are doing now.
    "When in doubt... explode" - me
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  6. #6
    so all you want is a big circle of ****ing balance....that wont work...cause there will never be balance get that through your simple minds....we want FUN! not boring statistics and balance and tweaking and crap..... we want furnitures!we want guildhouses, we want diveristy, we want new clothes,we want more socials, we want more vehicles,we want events, we want imagination of a high degree!, so shut the hell up about balance beeing more important, for all I care balance can go to hell, THIS is what is IMPORTANT, not that other ****....get that!

  7. #7

    Exclamation Wow

    I am actually with Silkex on this one. I was temporarily brain washed by the want for "fairness in balance" too.

    Note: I think one of the most fun things that FC could implement is the ability to capture/hold aligned territory.


  8. #8
    I want furniture almost as much as i want more clothes

    Its just a matter of opinion.

    Roleplayers will always want cosmetic stuff - Clubs/ furniture/clothes etc
    Casual players will always want game tweaks/enhancements/fixes

    No point arguing about it
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  9. #9
    True enough, but.... those who want furniture are right.


    --The connections that enable us to learn are infinitely more important than our state of knowing.

  10. #10
    shut up, I dont want more RP VS casual player crap...and im tired of hearing each so called side talking about whos right or not... I dont care about any of you, all I want is a game thats fun and that has customization and lots of things for me to change, interact and play with...

  11. #11
    Yupp more things and fun and happiness for everyone.
    And a big evelasting supply of Kappa Berries for me.
    All the ducks are swimming in the water

  12. #12
    I agree - we want furniture! (well "we" actually means "I")

    Those who go on about PvP and that "my char is gimped" blah blah blah - if PvP is a problem for you, Don't go out and fight in PvP (its hardly rocket science is it?).

    At the end of the day, AO is a game - a place to have fun. Adding stuff like this will enable you to have fun without mindlessly killing things.
    I must warn you that I fight very dirty, I spit and fart and soil myself


    "Sings we a dances of Wolves
    Who smells fear and slays the coward

    Sings we a dances of Mans
    Who smells Gold and slays his brother"

  13. #13
    Dear lord I'm agreeing with SilkeX..if I start meowing, dear lord someone shoot me. is a definite plus..I would like a nice couch to crash on when I bring some fly doctor babe up to my apartment..or a nice wet bar to serve drinks from for parties..
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  14. #14
    I would like some furniture I can accually sit on in my appartment. As far as fixing bugs ae- game balance I could care less game balancing always ruins the game cause of all the nerfs and will never be finished because someone will always say well soso class killed me so that class is way to powerful I demand a nerf for them or a fix for my class...... I admit there are real bugs out there but nothing serious enough not to take the time to make furniture solid. Would be nice if you could use your house key on furniture and it would make them solid and locked down.

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