Just adding my two pence worth, apologies if it repeats similar suggestions

In no particular order...

Make the shortcut bar resizable

Seperate the active nano's from the status bar

When in missions, make the black area of map translucent - as it is, the map is somewhat intrusive

I was under the impression that the map would resolve itself when adding points to the navigation skill, but I'm not convinced now. Features seem be very odd in what is shown - the sewer area of Ent, for example. And shadows, while nice, are'nt really that useful when giving information in the map window

On the world map, perhaps the ability to add information to places visited, listing O-T outposts and so on. The world map has a lot of potential as witnessed by player created alternatives. May not be as pretty as the standard map, but the information is far superior.Either way, the map requires enhancing one way or another, probably brought about by increasing the navigation skill

Move the chat bar (pressing enter to open chat, basically) onto the screen and move the health and nano bars into the
'redundant' grey area on the taskbar

The ability to stack items, not just ammo. I mean, you can buy large quantities in shops, such as nanorechargers and medikits but you can't stack them ingame!? Duplicates of items should all be stackable

Annoying aspects of combat...

Corpses disappearing into the landscape when killed, depriving the ability to loot the remains

Enemies which have the innate ability to travel through solid objects when engaging in firefights

Burst fire icon weirdness - using burst when an enemy is on it's last legs results in a false positive icon reading, still showing that burst is available when it's not. The resulting 'wait for previous attack to finish' message in sticky situtations is more than just a 'feature'... grrrr

Enemies showing as green (team mission end bosses were a favourite for this) being able to wax us, either on solo missions or team - I mean, killed by a greenie!? That's not an accurate or true account of either our skill or that of the enemy

A larger city map, a la the world map, with the ability to manipulate it; highlight features, a hover and info option for 'unique' buildings such as shops, prisons or whatever

If we have maps of areas, show them as a different hue on the world map, so we know what % of the world we have 'access' to

When buying things such as maps, nanos or so on, grey out the ones we already have to avoid needless duplication

Make special item icons more obvious, perhaps with a different background or similar

In the friends window, add the ability to get info on people listed as with the shift+r/click option. Also add a mailbox facility instead of leaving messages buffered - have notification upon rejoining the game. Similarly, have an option to trade items with friends even if they're offline (perhaps an RK version of the post office, for an analogy)

Chat between players on RK1 and 2

And so on and so forth...
