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Thread: Omnibot broken ?

  1. #1

    Question Omnibot broken ?

    I havent received a single message from Omnibot for about 2 weeks now;
    just typed "/tell omnibot list" - a system message,
    can not send the message,
    receiver offline and inbox full ( no wonder )

    grrr... i will have to get my the damn armor myself now...

    Also since omnibot is down, it's difficult to sell everything...

    Anyone know what is going on ?


  2. #2

    Thumbs up


    Omnibot don't wark. What happens?
    I need it.

  3. #3
    Well. neutbot/omnibot/shopbot or any other bots are not run by FC so this forum might not give you much of a response

    They are player run, and therefore not guaranteed to be up all the time.
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Seid
    They are player run, and therefore not guaranteed to be up all the time.
    What?It's a joke?

  5. #5
    They are all player run "bots". Auctionbot, Shopbot, Neutbot, Omnibot, Helpbot.

    Funcom doesn't support them in any way.


  6. #6
    The ones that spam the channels: good riddance.

    8 hour in-game auctions with delusional sellers trying to unload junk that has 0 bids more often than not.

    Sure, I /ignored them, but why should I have to? Spam is spam, if a player spams with inane crap that fills 3 lines of text at 1280x1024 over and over and over, things would be done.

    Helpbot is great. Kuren's does nothing but good for players.

    Shopbot has yet to respond to me with anything except "Sorry I'm overloaded, try again later"
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  7. #7

    omnibot/auctionbot are great!

    i've used both with great success..

    auctionbot cause it has a functional auctioning system.. sure it spams the channel with useless items.. but then the people who want to sell those items would spam anyways, it's really up to the users...

    omnibot has an even better feature: you can ask it to watch for certain items, and it will forward to you tells on the shopping channels with those items in the required qls.. so it doesn't bother anyone and it actually allows you to have your next set of armor/nanos ready to use without ever having to sit in trade for days at a time... since it went down i simply gave up on having the best possible armor...
    Etchu solitus omni MP 103 on rubika1.. just left departmentX for First Order..
    Feydrutha nanomage omni NT 25 on rubika1 retired atm
    Rodja atrox omni soldier 20 n00b!

  8. #8

    Omnibot/Shopbot comming back!


    I managed to talk to Quaseem about it (he's the guy creating the bots), and he told me he had a problem where the auction data was corrupted and decided to fix it up before he brought it back.

    He said it would be back this week, and hopefully the new auctioning system would be implemented by then too. Also, the speed should be alot better now, although the popularity IS somewhat of a problem (it had more than 10 000 users apparently).

    - suber

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