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Thread: Why does it take .3 seconds to change armor but 6 seconds to drop a bow?

  1. #1

    Why does it take .3 seconds to change armor but 6 seconds to drop a bow?

    I hate the equipping / dequipping times. Who thought them up, and with what justifications?

    It takes me a minute to put on my NCU belt and change my NCUs, well fine, a pain in the tuchus but I can deal.

    Why then can I change my armor pants, body armor, sleeves, and implants in 0.2 seconds? It's just illogical. But ok, I can deal.

    What I find completely STUPID is the fact that it takes me 6 seconds to DROP (unequipp) a bow. All logic aside (logic?), this makes a bow-wielding MA no fun. Why must it be this way?

    FC, I can understand that you dont want people switching weapons all the time, makes sense. Don't change equipping time for all I care. So double the equip time, who cares. Just make UNEQUIP TIME HALFWAY REASONABLE. I mean how long could it possibly take to drop a pistol or a bow?

  2. #2
    I totally agree with that one. Unequipping should not be the same as equipping. Unequipping a BOW certainly should take very little time as an MA (according to the way IP costs are) it would seem is supposed to use bows at long range then use fists once they get within range. This would mean a lot of swapping, but 6 seconds of no action = death.

    Please change the equip times of bows. I just created a bow wielding MA, only to realize that switching to fists in a fight is totally useless. Using bows only is not viable as even the Schuylers don't do enough damage to be worthwhile in a fight compared to fists at higher levels.

    Ideally, I should be able to start a PvP fight with a bow equipped, drop a Maple Blaze on my opponent, close range, unequip, and then snap him with a Dimach, Brawl and Shen and begin punching him.

    I also think Dimach lock time and Bow Special lock time are too high. Bow Special arrows should have their damage modified by Bow Special Attack skill the way other weapon damage is modifed by their appropriate attack skill. Poison Bamboo QL 200 seems to ALWAYS do 800 dmg no matter how high my bow special skill is.

  3. #3
    Equip/Unequip times are based on the recharge time of the weapon. People used to have instant weapon swap times but it unblanced Alpha Strikes especially for Soldiers.

  4. #4
    If it is based on the recharge time, then how come fists, with a recharge of about 1, and a Schuyler Bow with a recharge of 2.5, when swapping backa nd forth it takes over 6 seconds?

  5. #5
    Originally posted by PipBoy
    If it is based on the recharge time, then how come fists, with a recharge of about 1, and a Schuyler Bow with a recharge of 2.5, when swapping backa nd forth it takes over 6 seconds?
    Because fists don't have an equip time. Like I said, equip times are *based* on recharge times. Fists are never equiped or unequiped, they are just made useless by having a weapon in hand (apparent in previous patches when fists would punch with weapons in hand already).

    The equip time you get is from the Schuylers Recharge time. The unequip time you get is from the Schuylers Recharge time. If you were to swap the Schuyler with lets say a Supernova, it would be much longer.

  6. #6
    The Schuyler's recharge time is 2.5 seconds. If I unequip it, it takes over 6 seconds.

    How is 6 seconds = 2.5 seconds???

  7. #7

    in any case

    In any case, if unequip is based on recharge time, CHANGE IT.

    It makes no sense. Changing this would not unbalance anything (although changing EQUIP times WOULD). It would make the game more fun and variable. (Less cookie-cutting.)

    What is the point of MAs being able to use the "stealthy bow" if once I get a shot off I am beaten to a bloody pulp without being able to DROP my bow?

    EQUIP THINGS = long time required. Agree.
    UNEQUIP THINGS = much shorter.

    Better game mechanics. Better logic. More fun.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by PipBoy
    The Schuyler's recharge time is 2.5 seconds. If I unequip it, it takes over 6 seconds.

    How is 6 seconds = 2.5 seconds???
    Like I already said, Equip time is BASED on Recharge, I never said it's equal.

  9. #9
    Then why is it I can instantly drop a Flashpoint? Flashpoints have high recharge.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by PipBoy
    Then why is it I can instantly drop a Flashpoint? Flashpoints have high recharge.
    All weapons have an equip time which only depends on the model and not the QL or your skills.

    For example:
    - Schuyler bow: 3sec equip time
    - Flashpoint: 0.4sec equip time

  11. #11
    It seems to do double what the "equip time" is, then. Whatever the case may be though, equip times for bows should be changed so thta they are very low in order to make them useful to MAs.

  12. #12
    The equiping time for NCU´s is really unneeded long. I wonder why....

    who cares if the Ncu is installed in 5 seconds or not...

    Funcoms tactics of getting your time wasted.

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