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Thread: Quantum Wings and Zoning...... :((( and some adds

  1. #1

    Quantum Wings and Zoning and some more things i am tired off..i.ex Amnesty End

    Well i have a Yalamaha but i wanted to check out QW yesterday.

    Well i Zoned from Newland to Tir and QW was canceled.

    I recasted QW and went into a Shop and QW canceled.

    What a crap FC thats just stupid i have no words for it.

    I am happy to have my Yalmaha really since FC seems no to be able to anything 100% right. at least my Yalmaha seems to work at 80%. Dont zone over Water Areas with your Yalm Btw. you will swim and be slower than anything in the game. Sucks Sucks Sucks FC Cozmik you are the one who gets payed to tell those bugs to your DEVs but you arent doing alot really...

    Ack.. what am i wasteing my time here, for those 12.95$ BUCKS FC wont even move 1 finger.. sorry but thats my opinion after 3 month playing and watching FC´s politics.

    Best to play the game pay the bill and shut up... thats what this all seems like. well i give my playing motivation 2 month more then i am done anyways with the lack of content and no storyline. Leveling , Leveling Leveling seems the thing...

    And one more thing !

    I have to play this Game in Window mode since 2 i bought it because it crashes and blows up to a Memory killer in Full Screen mode. You FC guys are just ignoring this. i have no words, and i better keep quiet before i get banned for this lousy Memory Management codeing.. yes i have 512MB and a Killer Machin,e...

    AMNESTY END is a funkiller. I loved to trade with omni people and even to group with em. On RK2 there arent enough people for this. My gameing Area is halfs a big as before, i really want the amnesty back. I dont care about thos politics, all i want is to travel around seek for new hunting places with my friends. Now half of my friends are playing solo since this stupid Amnesty trash.
    Last edited by Starboat; Mar 1st, 2002 at 12:01:24.

  2. #2

    Quantum Wings!!! yes:)) heu...NO !!! :((

    wahou, i got my nano formulas Quantum wings at lev 76... not enough cash before... incredible... i flight four hours over Mort, dragons, cyborgs....etc...
    and killed at range bye cyborgs :?
    - what's the hell , they can attack us at range and we can't replicate :?
    reclaim so, i fly in the city, make shopping, damn when i get out, no QW effect left
    Why are we not flying in shops :?
    Why do not the nano last after its duration effect :? (but not effective in missions...)
    - why the QW don't have the same rights than Yalms or others :?
    later i took a mission to Street east bank... damn after zoning the QW got off and i was on the ground, vulnerable to mobs attacks...
    - is it due to the fact the masteries went off, and when zoning i don't ever have the requirements... :?
    - damn **** too i can't cast unoffensive nanos in the air to refresh nano formulas masteries and QW...
    I teamed to hunt and make dungeons in Mort... holy sh.t ! i was too slow than the guys in yalms....
    So if i resume
    the QW is a 32 ncu cost
    its speed is raised by high Run Speed ( rumors...), cool a dark blue skill for us Mp....
    yu must cast again the nano after zoneborders, shops, missions....
    yu are very vulnerable after zoned from missions during the cast of the nano...
    yu could have it only around level 75 i think...

    -->> that's why all Mp forget this lazzy nano that brings more disavantages than advantages....
    so please Funcom
    or the nano will not be prefered by Mps ever... (
    Last edited by Jakden; Apr 30th, 2002 at 15:11:28.

  3. #3
    Well i Zoned from Newland to Tir and QW was canceled.

    If you don't meet the requirements ofthe nano when you zone, the program will be cancelled

    I recasted QW and went into a Shop and QW canceled.

    Quantum Wings does not work indoors.

    i am done anyways with the lack of content and no storyline. Leveling , Leveling Leveling seems the thing...

    There is a storyline.
    It caters to roleplayers.
    If all you do is "leveling, leveling, leveling" then you will get bored quickly. Don't blame Funcom for your lack of imagination.

    I have to play this Game in Window mode since 2 i bought it because it crashes and blows up to a Memory killer in Full Screen mode.

    That sounds like a system config or driver issue. I have run AO on 3 different systems, running 3 different OS (ME, 2k, XP) and 3 different video cards (Radeon 8500, Geforce2, Geforce4).
    I've had no issues running in full screen or window mode.

    AMNESTY END is a funkiller. I loved to trade with omni people and even to group with em.

    So in one point you whine that there is no storyline and in another point you whine about a core aspect of the storyline. Make up your mind. If you're gonna make a whine post at least make it coherent.

    - what's the hell , they can attack us at range and we can't replicate :?

    This is to prevent range exploits.
    It used to be possible to root/nuke mobs out of range with zero risk. It also use to be possible to nuke stationary mobs with zero risk.

    - why the QW don't have the same rights than Yalms or others :?

    Because one is a vehicle and the other is a nanoprogram.
    Because one costs 5+ million credits and the other costs a few hundred thousand.
    Because it takes a split second to cancel QW and it takes 10-15 seconds to get out of a yalmaha.

    -->> that's why all Mp forget this lazzy nano that brings more disavantages than advantages....
    so please Funcom
    or the nano will not be prefered by Mps ever...

    My meta has used QW since level 67.
    I've never, in the past 52 levels, found the disadvantages of QW to be particularly frustrating.
    I have never had the urge to buy a Yalmaha even though I have the cash and the opportunity.
    I have a QL50 Yalmaha in my backpacks but have not had the desire to put IPs into Vehicle Air.

    Nobody is stopping you from buying and using a Yalmaha.
    Quantum Wings is fine in its current form.

  4. #4

    Re: Quantum Wings!!! yes:)) heu...NO !!! :((

    Originally posted by Jakden

    -->> that's why all Mp forget this lazzy nano that brings more disavantages than advantages....
    so please Funcom
    or the nano will not be prefered by Mps ever... (

    You can fly and you're complaining ? Sheesh. Us adventurers are stuck with a bird that can't fly until level 150 or so. And none of the other professions have a flying nano, we have to buy a yalm for 5 mil instead of a nano I found in every mission roll at that level.

  5. #5


    sorry to contrary guys, but since the 13,9 patch, more and more players found yalms in chest mission at low levels...
    the proliferation of the yalm is not a fiction... take a little look in the sky... I find one at level 37 in a chest, with an hydro.
    In one hand yu have a nano formulas which keep yu in danger after zoning... which keep yu 32 ncu... which keep yu surely the same time to cast it than to go in a yalm...
    This is to prevent range exploits.
    It used to be possible to root/nuke mobs out of range with zero risk. It also use to be possible to nuke stationary mobs with zero risk.
    cool to prevent us to make range exploits, mobs can do ones... grrrr
    Because one costs 5+ million credits and the other costs a few hundred thousand.
    Because it takes a split second to cancel QW and it takes 10-15 seconds to get out of a yalmaha.
    sorry, yalm is found often more and more... and the time yu keep to cancel it, yu lost it to cast it contrary to yalms that need no time to enter it...
    Quantum Wings is fine in its current form.
    lol do yu enter dungeons with QW :?
    do yu crash from 100meters up after zoneborder :?
    plz don't say that, when yu enter a shop in galia's form, yu don't need to cast it again after shops exit ... :/
    the reqs needed are to cast it... not to keep it active... i don't want to become a cast machine to maintain all my pets or my nanos on.... haaaa crappy patch 14.2 to parry engi OE and counterstrikers grrrrrr...
    Ok, perhaps i don't understand or know all the exploits that Mp could do flying.... but in shop , what's the diff to fly or not
    why the nano formula don't keep on while the duration of the nano don't end :? It's a self only nano, OE is not very effective on it....
    I have 3 friends that i consider like masters by their title and the tips and advices they gave to me... 3 all prefered to raise the dark blue skill vehicule airborn than RS to raise flying speed... the 3rd demon useless confort them to do this too.... surely frustrated too to cast the nano after shops exit....
    If FC would keep it active after shop exit, or on in shop like in others zones, i will be happiest Mp in Rubi-ka )
    i post because i love this nano formula and the class too, not to complain by pleasure or fashion against FC.
    Last edited by Jakden; May 2nd, 2002 at 10:39:26.

  6. #6
    plz don't say that, when yu enter a shop in galia's form, yu don't need to cast it again after shops exit ... :/

    If you enter a shop in any Reet form (Calia's, Flurry of Feathers), the nanoprogram is cancelled.

    the reqs needed are to cast it... not to keep it active... i don't want to become a cast machine to maintain all my pets or my nanos on....

    When I play my meta (and all my characters for that matter), I keep all my necessary buffs up at all times (except when shopping).

    lol do yu enter dungeons with QW :?
    do yu crash from 100meters up after zoneborder :?

    Yes and No.
    I don't see what your point is.

    Ok, perhaps i don't understand or know all the exploits that Mp could do flying.... but in shop , what's the diff to fly or not

    If you enter ANY indoor playfield (shops are indoors), vehicles are disabled and nanos like Quantum Wings and any Reet form are cancelled. Could you imagine being able to fly/blitz through dungeons/missions at QW speed?

    I have 3 friends that i consider like masters by their title and the tips and advices they gave to me... 3 all prefered to raise the dark blue skill vehicule airborn than RS to raise flying speed...

    This comment makes no sense whatsoever.

    If FC would keep it active after shop exit, or on in shop like in others zones, i will be happiest Mp in Rubi-ka )

    It's not going to happen.
    They would have to recode every mission zone and store zone to differentiate between them. To be frank, that would be a colossal waste of resources. Funcom would be better served fixing other issues and actual bugs.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Jakden
    sorry to contrary guys, but since the 13,9 patch, more and more players found yalms in chest mission at low levels...
    the proliferation of the yalm is not a fiction... take a little look in the sky... I find one at level 37 in a chest, with an hydro.
    sorry, yalm is found often more and more... and the time yu keep to cancel it, yu lost it to cast it contrary to yalms that need no time to enter it...
    That was for a short period, then things went back. Now they are very hard to find, if you feel like it, you can go search the forums and find recent threads where people complain about how hard it is now to get a Yalm (Beginner's Corner, I think, I'm not bothered to go and post the link).

    I got lucky and found a Yalm several weeks ago but in the time since, no one in my guild has found one in the missions they've done.
    Numi7, Omni-Tech Employee
    Solitus Engineer
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  8. #8
    That was for a short period
    yeah, it seems it deserved FC commercial benefits... :/
    If you enter a shop in any Reet form (Calia's, Flurry of Feathers), the nanoprogram is cancelled.
    I'm sorry to learn that... others forms give RS bonus too, why do we need to cast again these nanos only...
    When I play my meta (and all my characters for that matter), I keep all my necessary buffs up at all times (except when shopping).
    that's what i'm saying.... i don't want to become a buff machine :/
    Yes and No.
    I don't see what your point is.
    i saw on forum the fact when yu enter a dungeon with QW, yu begin in the middle of it, with the all friendly mobs around yu...
    and after zoning, some Mp died from big falls....
    If you enter ANY indoor playfield (shops are indoors), vehicles are disabled and nanos like Quantum Wings and any Reet form are cancelled. Could you imagine being able to fly/blitz through dungeons/missins at QW speed?
    ok shops are indoor... but they 're not dungeon/mission.... for my opinion, it's not an exploit to fly (perhaps without vehicules...) or run fast in shops... or we must prohibate people running in shops...
    This comment makes no sense whatsoever.
    think what yu want, but for me, high levels experiences are very importants, this shows how this may turn.... at the begining yu took yurself for a god.... yu shine in city above the newbies.... but to be more effective, somes forgot it for yalms...
    here is the feelings about QW of a french Mp.... (not me )
    Et bien voilà ... pour avoir les 2 il est clair que le Yalmaha est ....enfin....moins Buggé ...exeption faite pour la taille ridicule que l'on a en en sortant

    Mais pour se la péter ... Hier 1 mn après avoir pour la première fois lancé la nano ( un moment innoubliable d'ailleurs) Un joueur cria aux autres Et les gars y a Jésus

    Donc QW c'est quand même la très très grande classe

    Mais bon suis obligé de reconnaitre que le MP morfle et va encore morfler avec les new patches ....On s'en fou ...on a une telle marge d'avance sur les autres que ca a au moin le mérite de les faire espérer

    Alors moi je propose un mail à funcom:

    " Vu les différents point négatifs de quantum wing en comparaison avec les qualitées du Yalmaha... auriez vous l'extrème amabilitée de nous autoriser à emporter un autre joueur avec nous dans les airs "

    Qu'en pensez vous ... qw moins bon que le yalmaha oki c'est entendu ( mais moins la classe hein )mais en revenche, on pourrait emporter un joueur...comme Superman
    it says ' i had the two and...yalm is less... bugged... except the tiny height yu have after yalm exit...etc....
    i don't dream it and not be an heretic...the link
    It's not going to happen.
    They would have to recode every mission zone and store zone to differentiate between them. To be frank, that would be a colossal waste of resources. Funcom would be better served fixing other issues and actual bugs.
    lol are yu a programmer or a thinker head of FC
    why they correct the agent and ma profession in the next patch ?
    because players playing these classes had bad feelings about effectiveness rules or balancing in the game....
    for me, saying shops are same that missions or dungeons, it's a bug.... not a priority one but a bug...
    if FC don't want MP put aside this nano like 3rd demon mindreaver... they must correct it...
    i admit the fact that QW is very cooolllll ! but i'm boring to cast again the 32 cost ncu nano after shop exit or steet east bank zoneborder....
    it begins to frustrate me, i'm thinking to put Ip in vehicule airborn to enter my low ql yalm.... is it not paradoxal for a flying class :?

    take nothing personnal in this discussion, i like to share opinions end feelings with yu and whatever it's said here, i take it easy
    Last edited by Jakden; May 3rd, 2002 at 10:55:21.

  9. #9
    In PvP, the ability to cancel QW instantly is a huge advantage.

    You cannot enter a Yalmaha while under attack, no such restriction exists with QW.

    You dont have that annoying view of your planes 'nose' in first person.

    If the advantages of a Yalmaha are more important than the advantages of QW, then buy yourself a plane.

    for me, saying shops are same that missions or dungeons, it's a bug.... not a priority one but a bug...

    Outdoor = 1
    Indoor= 0

    QW/Reet/Vehicles all have a playfield check.

    If playfield = 0
    Cancel/disable item

    This is not a bug, it's an intentional game mechanic.
    Funcom does not want players to fly indoors.

  10. #10


    humm.... i learn.... i learn.... so why do not keep it active but not effective :?
    -> no advantages in indoor zones... and yu don't need to cast it again at exit if the duration of the nano formula don't end...
    what do yu think about that :? no need to recode zones...
    Yu pointed the dis/advantages of the 3 ways to fly... more cool looking good... in PvP... but it's the cast again time more than its slowness or ncu cost that frustate me
    i just want to avoid the nano cast each time i went to a shop...
    FC just do it

  11. #11
    humm.... i learn.... i learn.... so why do not keep it active but not effective :?
    -> no advantages in indoor zones... and yu don't need to cast it again at exit if the duration of the nano formula don't end...
    what do yu think about that :? no need to recode zones...

    It sounds like you want all the advantages of a Yalmaha and all the advantages of Quantum Wings.

    As I stated earlier, I would rather have Funcom allocating resources to fixing actual bugs and adding features that would benefit a larger portion of the player base.. than to recoding a few nanos to give an already overpowered profession even more advantages.

    If you play a meta, you play the most 'uber' profession in Anarchy Online.
    You don't need a yalmaha.
    You don't need outside buffs.
    You don't need team mates.
    You can solo mission every single nano and item you will ever need.

    Complaining about the minor inconvenience of having to recast a 300 nano program when you zone out from an indoor area is just silly.

    Do you see every other profession complaining that they can't solo QL175 missions at 120 and that Funcom should fix it immediately?

  12. #12

    Red face

    just get back from this coldy week-end... so...
    It sounds like you want all the advantages of a Yalmaha and all the advantages of Quantum Wings
    that's not true, now i just want to not cast again the nano after shop exit...
    If you play a meta, you play the most 'uber' profession in Anarchy Online.
    You don't need a yalmaha.
    You don't need outside buffs.
    You don't need team mates.
    You can solo mission every single nano and item you will ever need
    like yu said it befor 'These comments make no sense whatsoever'
    if yu think the Mp is the most uber profession, just take a look on posts that talk about Mps who's ass were kicked by agents...
    i don't play the class for flying abilities... hehe i would have the other class nanos buffs... but it'll make a lot outbalancing... it's the interest to test the others classes... other formulas... differents means to play ways... I want team mates ! grrr i don't play a summoning profession to avoid friends in the game. i don't want to become a foolish caster who's talking to disobeying pets... lol.
    false again, i don't play Mp to solo and the QL nanos i would have to summon pets are too higher ,mission difficulty is too high to obtain it....
    and judging the benefits of the class is not the subject....
    Complaining about the minor inconvenience of having to recast a 300 nano program when you zone out from an indoor area is just silly
    yeah say that to those who complain about the tiny ratio they have after yalm exit... 'the yalm is a wonderfull vehicule... yu don't have to complain about it...' no sense too....
    Do you see every other profession complaining that they can't solo QL175 missions at 120 and that Funcom should fix it immediately
    same here, the subject of the post was not 'powerlevelling with a Mp.... '

    yur last post is less constructive than others.. yu point the fact that yu play or played a Mp to powerlevel and solo mission ql175 at lev120.... i don't... i first play Mp to summon demons and fell what's the class offering....
    yu were right, i reclaimed first too more things... but now i think it's more logical than we don't need to cast again the flying nano formulas, yu don't need to put yur yalm again after shop exit...
    I 'm just worried about the turning of the class... some left back the 3rd demon mindreaver and now qw....
    I grouped with engineers and burocrates, and i think that these class are more powerfull than Mp.... but it's not the subject...
    The poor underpowered class agent could have the same pets and the combat buffs....
    The changes i reclaim about flying nanos are realistic and will not outbalance the classes....

  13. #13
    yu point the fact that yu play or played a Mp to powerlevel and solo mission ql175 at lev120....

    My meta was created second week of release.
    Rerolled 3 weeks later.

    I used to like playing a meta because it was a challenge. They were underpowered and it was very difficult to play a meta well.

    I was the 3rd clan meta to use Quantum wings.
    I think I was level 95-98 when all the new meta 'enhancements' were added. Shortly thereafter, I ditched my meta to play other professions (she was level 103 for about 4 months).

    I play a doctor and an advent now.

    I only play my meta to make implants and farm items/cash for my twinks.

    if yu think the Mp is the most uber profession, just take a look on posts that talk about Mps who's ass were kicked by agents...

    Any profession that can root can own a meta in PvP.
    I never mentioned PvP in my replies. If you want to PvP, I don't recommend a meta. They arent exactly geared towards PvP.

    i don't play Mp to solo and the QL nanos i would have to summon pets are too higher ,mission difficulty is too high to obtain it....

    Then you're doing something wrong.
    I have about 5 pets uploaded that I can't use with self buffs.
    I've always had 5-10 nanos in my inventory waiting to be uploaded when I reached the skills.

    Maybe it's because I played close to 100 levels with healing pets that didn't work, broken pet buffs, no animas/creations/mezpets, 10 minute pet timers, pets that didn't zone and having to summon multiple pets to fight anything that was higher than a yellow.... I learned to be effective with those limitations.
    I don't even bother overequipping anymore.

    and judging the benefits of the class is not the subject....

    It's got a lot to do with the subject.
    Metas don't have to drop 5-6mil on a yalmaha because they have a profession nano that will allow them to fly at level 66-67.

    There should be some advantages to having a 5 million credit vehicle.

    Metas have already got enough 'enhancements'.
    You should be thankful that Funcom isnt nerfing the hell out of metas.

    I grouped with engineers and burocrates, and i think that these class are more powerfull than Mp....

    Engineers are pointless in PvP.
    An Engineer with a self buffed pet is nowhere near as powerful as a meta.

    Crats are a different story. They match up well with metas but a lot of their nanoprograms are either useless or broken over level 100.

    The changes i reclaim about flying nanos are realistic and will not outbalance the classes

    Stop whining and go drop 6 mil on a Yalmaha. Then you wont have to put up with the inconvenience of casting a 10 second nano when you exit a shop.

    I've seen a lot of frivolous and petty complains on this forum but this is one of the silliest. It ranks right up there with CHiKs complaints about agents cating meta pets.

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