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Thread: Eh I give up

  1. #1

    Eh I give up

    The only scope I have is a 4%
    I was testing agaisnt people with 188 Scopes, the 15% or 13% ones forgot.


    People with scopes will win, thsoe w/o or with craps one dont bother ;/

    I give up PVP, No point, Scopers will win.

    Unless there some crappy noob Event or something where you can try and kill, oh well.

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4
    /tell me ingame if you want pvp points off me.

    Im down to rookie from that "dont shoot me i surrender" escapade in 2ho 2 weeks ago.

    Basically I played as if it was 14.2 with me vs a scoper.


  5. #5


    I couldn't dream about it Cloudeh

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