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Thread: Patch the Old LLS to remove it's night vision effect!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Patch the Old LLS to remove it's night vision effect!

    Simple request.

    It's green.
    It's bright.
    It's ugly.
    I want it off!

    I already have turned off "other effects", but it had the side effect of removing zone borders and the cloaking pack effect as well.

    Please FC, I see zone borders without the ugly green tint.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Bump, leave the old LLTS adn remove that annoying night vision.

    Some nights are meant to be uber dark!
    I was one of the people who believe that FC had a "secret" 12.0 patch just before launch....he he.

    You start to think that the Shrooms are wearing off and then you look at the ceiling and realize you got a few hours.

  4. #4


    If u don't want the old ELLTS with green vision, then get the new one that comes in 14.2 - and I will be happy to buy your old ELLTS if it's QL150+, hehe

    Krabbus - Level 116 MA Engineer

  5. #5
    Zero, I do believe this is Funcom motivation to use a "new and improved"(riiiiiight) LLTS.

    Catch ya planetside.
    101 Opi MA RK1
    In Search of a Friendly Helpful Guild

    53 Sol Engie RK1
    President of NFC

    Catch ya planetside...

  6. #6


    I don t want FC to remove the old LLTS, a lot of persons (not me) have paid a fortune to have what the others had before for a low price ....


    I think it is an unfair situation and it's illogic.... FC, why did you implement the rules concerning over equipment while you are introducing an new imbalance ?

    (note : LLTS have been removed till 14.0 without warnings and without patch notes)

  7. #7
    Originally posted by KROM127
    (note : LLTS have been removed till 14.0 without warnings and without patch notes)
    The reason FC never said it was to prevent ppl to harvest ELLTS, and I guess they hope ppl accidently delete their old scopes.

  8. #8
    Actually, something that might coerce people out of their old scopes (or at least be really comfortable with the trade-off) is to stop the night vision effect from being controlled by the "other effects" toggle.

    If you want to use an old LLTS, then you do it with all the benefits and warts that were intended. I use one myself but always thought it was silly that I could turn off the night vision effect (not complaining for the time being, but you got me thinking)
    Private First Class Katelin "Athaclena" Demesa (Babe), Manager
    Omni-Tek Bureaucrat, Division 9 R.S.G.E.
    "If at first you don't succeed destroy any evidence that you ever tried at all."

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