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Thread: Being Serious Means Disbanding Your 120 Member Guild

  1. #1

    Question Message deleted

    Last edited by Debitte; Apr 29th, 2002 at 04:58:04.

  2. #2
    YYYAYYY, one Troll less! Go home!

    Right... /strong1

    Check out the recent posts....
    See all those replies from Cosmik?

    "ignore...senior player"...BAH!

    Look, AO is at it's juvenile state... Creating a whole new world needs the perfection of god himself.
    SO givit some time... or wait...what am i talking about... ur quitting yeah? ... Okay well... have fun. *wave* Can i have ur account BTW?

  3. #3

    Re: Being Serious Means Disbanding Your 120 Member Guild

    Originally posted by Girltrooper
    Well, I did it.

    Disbanded one of the largest guilds on RK2.
    Cancelled my subscription.

    After 9 months I have had enough? Why?
    Hrm, that seems pretty selfish to disband a guild of 120 players cause you're calling it quits. Why not just promote someone?

    Originally posted by Girltrooper

    But it all started to come undone with 14.1. A static dungeon that previously was exciting and fun became unplayable. What 2 players could safely handle now required 6. I looked at 14.2 - a patch that would do a truly amazing thing :

    Make my weakest character strongest (Girltrooper).
    Make my strongest character weakest (Debitte).

    Had to look it up to make sure I heard ya right. Debitte is a trader? And how does the 14.2 patch make you weak? If you're talking about wrangle income, yeah, but who needs more money after lvl90? You can just go get missions for the stuff you need.


    Why do I keep playing? *edit* disreguard, ditched this game *edit*

    Why Can't Chown Save?

    Biding my time until the time is right........

  4. #4
    Did this person just say, correct me if i'm wrong, that her/his trader would become his/her worst character? Hasn't everyone on these boards been complaning that with the OE changes traders are about to become gods? Wow this is almost as funny as Jason X's thread..... I love you guys!
    Jason X is your god and we are all noobs

    "Pride is the devils' whore."

  5. #5
    I got a lvl 6 doc on RK 2, can I have your stuff?
    NT phone HOME!!

  6. #6
    It was a fairly sad guild anyways from what I saw looking over my wifes shoulder (she joined to give them a try for a short time). Not that the people were bad by any means(most were quite nice), just no good leadership, no events and no guild activities at all. When my wife was selling items in trade a couple times she meet a few very low levels that were not even aware they were in the guild....obviously they had been newbie spammed in. Basically this guild was just a chat channel and not even a very good one of those actually as most folks never said a peep.

    Personally I like to see guilds that have a point, whether that is RPing, common play styles, ones that promote grouping or whatever it may be, it is up to the guild leader to promote that. It is rather sad, immature and selfish that someone would actually prefer to mess up the fun for 120 other people than pass the leadership along to someone that might actually take the reins and do something were they had failed. Just because someone no longer enjoys the game is no reason to have a hissy fit that effects many others negatively. I guess this is the perfect example of someone that just didn't have the first clue how and wasn't up to leading a guild in the first place.

    Anyways, I also was the leader of a very large guild (in DAoC), it was largest and most powerful on my server as a matter of fact. When I became bored, upset and frustrated at that game and decided it was time to leave, I passed the leadership along to those that were dedicated to staying and making it work. The last I checked they were doing very well and still having fun. That is called being responsible, a good guild leader should put the needs of his people before his/her own.

  7. #7
    I think that these "spam guilds", which are formed by people running around inviting any non guilded player they see are formed just so someone can make comments like "one of the largest guilds [insert "I'm important" statement here]".
    The guild I'm in (and an advisor of) is small. We have about 80 something on the list, but a lot of them are alts. We do have a lot of lower members, but not because of spam invites, we always have sit-downs with prospective applicants and explain how we work, ect, ect.

    Anyway, at lvl 93 (I think I saw), if you can't figure out that 14.2 will make traders better, then, well you must not have learned too much in your 93 lvls so far.

    (oh, also trader BTW)

    Why do I keep playing? *edit* disreguard, ditched this game *edit*

    Why Can't Chown Save?

    Biding my time until the time is right........

  8. #8


    Just want to point out something here. Traders might be better in pvp as a result of 14.2, but it won't mean squat for pvm. A lot of other classes will get worse at lower levels for pvm though.

    Theres a difference between letting one blade of grass grow and mowing all but one down a few inches. Might look the same to the ant sitting on the tip of a freshly sheared blade though.

    Guilds, hmmm.

    Guilds on average are crap. Personally I've sworn off guilds (current one is a joke of sorts) because its the same crap. Bragging, begging, spam, wannabe politicians, and personality conflicts. Some guilds do ok with this, they have a collection of nearly equal uberleets that banter back and forth.

    Like we don't get enough of that in real life. When its a faceless person you're venting at, things get out of hand fast. To a real group of people whose eyes go wide at your lack of manners and decency, you often tend to shape up. On channels it seems to degrade in the opposite direction.

    There are a few truly enjoyable guilds, but those tend to be paranoid about adding more people, or get so close-knit to the point of being xenophobic. "Only team with guildies if possible" The latter works well if nobody leaves and theres enough people on, but when they leave AO or the guild, they begin to crumble.

    I knew one mostly real life/lan party guild, great until they quit. Actually 2 groups of people that didn't know the other group IRL, but they meshed well.


    PS, there are a fair number of good people leaving the game lately, not my problem if you see it or not.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Mercatura
    Just want to point out something here. Traders might be better in pvp as a result of 14.2, but it won't mean squat for pvm.
    Umm, yes, it will. Attack rating = damage. Now it won't mean that mobs damage will be lower after a divest, but it does mean that you damage will be higher. I know this is true already, but they will have to lower mobs difficulty to get in line with non OE'd players.


    BTW please tell me that you do run ransack and deprive in missions, cause, if not, you're severely limiting yourself.

    Why do I keep playing? *edit* disreguard, ditched this game *edit*

    Why Can't Chown Save?

    Biding my time until the time is right........

  10. #10

  11. #11


    To the ant sitting on top of a recently mowed lawn looking at the few blades of grass that were missed, it might appear those blades grew.

    The black bag full of clippings sitting at the curb would seem to indicate this is not the case.

    And yes, I run divest and plunder and hold them through the entire mission now. I'm done using deprive and ransack except for the first mob or two, thanks.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Mercatura
    Like we don't get enough of that in real life. When its a faceless person you're venting at, things get out of hand fast. To a real group of people whose eyes go wide at your lack of manners and decency, you often tend to shape up. On channels it seems to degrade in the opposite direction.

    PS, there are a fair number of good people leaving the game lately, not my problem if you see it or not.
    I agree about guilds. I've been in 5 with various characters since release, and they all sucked. No events, spamming and cussing on the guild chat channel, etc. The few that I have experienced that were decent still had no organization. The only one I was in that had a goal turned out to be the goal of complaining about bugs in guildchat all day long and filing bug reports. Noble in itself, but not particularly fun. I thought it would be fun to find folks to play with when my rl friends aren't online, boy was I way off.

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