Can anyone confirm that these mission are still bugged? I wasted an hour on one this morning only to be attacked by the person I was sent to find. The strange thing is that both myself and the "found person" are Omni. I tried calming him and waited a good 10 minutes with both calmed and after-calm effect on the person, but the mission would never complete.

If these missions are still bugged is Funcom gonna get around to fixing them some time soon? I remember reading that they were bugged months ago on the boards but figured that they would have been fixed by now. It is not fun wasting time heading to these mission only to find you cannot complete them.

Anyway, does anyone know if there is a work around to get these mission to work?

Bloody thing cost my yam. fund about 70,000 credits between the cash reward and item I did not get. I can only imagine how PO'ed someone would be if they were to take one of these missions into some of the more remote areas of the game or if they were to lose experience because a death.