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Thread: Gameplay suggestions for future patch maybe?

  1. #1

    Gameplay suggestions for future patch maybe?

    I talked to an advisor earlier, named Pandemonicom, and she said that I had the best suggestions all night. And what I propose to you is

    1. Implement an automap that STICKS. I've died so many times from misisons where I gain a whole bunch of xp, only to LD or have to log for some reason, and when I get back on I lose the map. If that would upset balance or something, make such an automap purchasable or would require map navigation or something

    2. Allow misison terminals to allow you to pick the location, and adjust the rewards accordingly. Say for example, you pick a mission in NL city for NL city, you wouldn't get that great of a cash or XP reward. I don't have a yalm, nor do I have the money to buy one, yet all the missions that I get now at level 60 basically require them. And it's really hurting my level advancement

    3. Make up a portable insurance terminal. I agree that this would defnitely upset balance, but I propose this: Make it a one use, one per inventory only, if possible, and make a requirement, such as a comp lit requirement or something.
    To further balance it, you could make different QLs, and for the higher QL's affect different %'s of your xp, or something. The more % of xp you save, the higher the price/ QL

  2. #2
    :/ Bump down down down.

    1 - I agree with this
    2 - NO. Lets get people out in DAV/CAV, you know.. those cool zones noone goes to? Make any mission pick a zone relating to it's QL.
    3 - No real opinion, but I think it's a bit of a bad idea.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

  3. #3
    1. That would be nice, very anoying loosing the map when killed in large team missions with 4+ levels.

    2. FC once said they would implement a distance slider to the mission terminal, what happened Cosmik ?

    3. Disagree, it will totally remove the only penalty in this game, xp-loss. 10% hp left, u hit the portable 'saver', then u die, do the rezz, buy a new 'saver' and fly back to mission. No fun, no swearing over lost xp, no nothing... We need penalties in the game or else it will really become utterly boring. And as it is now it is fine, after all u only loose some xp, no items, no lvls...
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  4. #4

    Porta-saves could work if...

    A lot of suff has been spouted recently about portable save terminals that require you to pay to use them. However payment in the form of credits is wrong.

    Portable save terminals could work if they require you to sacrifice some of your unsaved XP to use them.

    I've just done a small mission and picked up 100,000XP
    I use a porta-save and I immediately take a 25,000XP hit
    but I know 75,000XP is safe.

    Make people sacrifice some of their gained XP in order to insure the rest of it. This could work. Give people the option of security (with a REAL cost that you'd have to consider) or risk (but if you suceed, you keep ALL your XP).

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