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Thread: Seeking a mature RP guild

  1. #1

    Seeking a mature RP guild

    Yes, I know, I should probably read through all of the posts here of people recruiting, but frankly, there are just too many.

    I'm a level 46 Clan Adventuress on RK1, and am seeking a good, active guild of mature members. In mature, I don't mean that they must be old, only that they are reasonably mature in character, and not in the middle of a hormone induced male adolescence, as many who have approached me in game seem to be.

    I'd like to find a guild that regularily plans activities, is very accomodating to its members, both young and old (again, in levels, not years), and is all about having good fun.

    I've been playing AO for a while now, and have basically wandered the planet alone, meeting only 3 people on my travels. It is not for lack of my trying... I don't know what the problem has been. The Clans have not shown me much friendship, and have recently been found in Omni-Ent more often than my home lands. As such, I have been relatively "conflict neutral", and would absolutely change sides should an Omni guild embrace me.

    Please contact me if you feel that I may enjoy your guild, either here, via email at, or MSN Messenger at . I look forward to talking with some of you soon!

    Huntress of RK1
    Events Coordinator of The Honored Maidens

    "I'm sorry, was that YOU I bludgeoned back to reclaim?!"

  2. #2

    Our Guild

    Hey Aadilya.

    I am the president of De Opresso Libre. We are a relatively new clan guild on RK1. I would like to meet up with you sometime to see if you would be interested in our guild. We are a very active guild of (mostly mature (see goofy)) members. We are more focused on powerlvling with some RP thrown in the mix. Minimum lvl requirements to get in is lvl 20 with only members over 50 being full unit members. I don't see that as a problem though since we have quite a few members right around lvl 50. We have several very experienced members who are very willing to help out players with anything that they need. Feel free to visit our website for more info and/or drop me a tell in game. Either Gorilla5 or Drsepsis and i'll hook you up with some members. We have in place a system for recruitment that requires applicants to have 3 sponsers in the group and an application period that gives us a chance to check you out and for you to check us out.

    113 Soldier

    62 Doctor
    President of Synergy Factor

    "The problem with the world is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be the death penalty for it, but why don't we remove all the safety labels and let the problem work itself out?"

    "The most populous thing in the world is hydrogen, followed closely by idiots."

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