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Thread: Unequip everyone's implants with 14.2

  1. #21
    chances ar that people who exploited their implants on are already at a level where they can put htem back on no problem. This leaves the poor people who can't afford another 300k for treatment/ability buffs to put their implants back in legally crippled.
    Mick "Nuggethunter" McMullet
    Lvl 191 Soldier
    Loyal Advisor of Trinity 'till my last breath

    Plain and simple.... NERF bracers in PvP

    Hey, I’m uh.. I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.
    And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I am certain they're really really nice.
    I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "About" not "A boot".
    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I belive in peacekeeping, not policing. Diversity, not assimilation.
    And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat. A chesterfield is a couch.
    And it is pronounced "Zed"! not "Zee".. "Zed"! Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey,
    And the best part of North America! My name is Nugget… and I am Canadian!!!

  2. #22

    ql 200 head implants

    um, ok maybe i'm stupid, but what's the big deal about maybe never being able to wear a ql 200 head implant ?

    no, i'm serious, if i can get a ql 190-195 in, what would the skill difference be for a ql 200 and is it really worth all the crying ?

    not trying to be ignorant, i really don't know

  3. #23


    Making room for non OE'D professions and beginers. Ummmmmm works for me.
    We were beginners too.

    Back in the days, you couldn't hit ebay for a couple million at whim, or beg everyone with double digit levels over and over at the BB for buffs/credits/gear/blah.

    So, following this reasoning, we can trash up all your characters after 9 months to "make room for beginners". Ok, sure thing
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  4. #24
    Some of you may be missing the point. Removing all implants would force those who treatment stepped to use lower implants, thus balancing the game. If you can get them back in with buffs, fine. Those who had stepped and keep their implants in rather than do IPR will be more powerful.

  5. #25
    Originally posted by SypherBoy
    Some of you may be missing the point. Removing all implants would force those who treatment stepped to use lower implants, thus balancing the game. If you can get them back in with buffs, fine. Those who had stepped and keep their implants in rather than do IPR will be more powerful.
    I think one point you may be missing is that many classes were "balanced" based on having very high QL implants in.

    Waaaaaaaay back in the early days (when the actual developers talked to us,) they said NTs were just *****ing about being gimped because we werent using high QL implants. The devs stated that NTs were balanced with the idea of wearing high QL implants. So, if you take away high QL implants, where does that leave classes that were balanced with them in mind? I will tell you where, it leaves us gimped even more. Personally, I think it was stupid to balance NTs based on wearing high QL implants...but such is life.

    One final thought: God forbid that the masters of nano technology be able to wear QL200 implants..........or buff comp-lit........or buff treatment........or buff nano-programming...........or have any useful self-buffs (and yes, HumExt blows)..........

  6. #26
    Uninstalling everyone's implants could be the one thing that crashed AO for good. How many people do you think would log on, look at their toon and say, "screw it - I'm not going through that again"? I know I would. Sure it would balance the game - for the 500 people that still played, it would be real balanced.


  7. #27

    Angry Once again, heres how I see it

    You want to do something that results in every one of my characters having a bunch of items deleted.

    I will fight you tooth and nail with my last breath.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  8. #28

    Treatment skill

    I don't know about this one. Personally I couldn't care less if someone used a pre-14.0 to get into a ql 200 implant. What I do care about though : At 130 I have 585 treatment (And yes it is maxed). I can then do the following

    +74 from med suits
    +20 Gen. buff
    +80 Doc buff
    +100 from static clinic

    My treatment is now at 585 + 284 which is a treatment of 859. Now I think that equals around 180-185 implants. I can then put in a head implant to get everything in except the head creation. This skill happen to be pretty important to a NT so I guess I have to wait a few levels (150+) to actually get into all ql 200 implants

    Actually it sounds fair and gives me something to look forward to (new goals).

    What I don't like about the next patch is the policy on the LLTS. If I have a bag full of LLTS (high ql) I can get rich VERY fast. Might get me enough credits to actually have a chance to bid on some nullity sphere disc, which was found by some toon in a team mission.

    Remove them and replace them with the new scopes.

    - Kairalaa

  9. #29

    Why bother??

    I think most of us can probably see both sides to this argument. If you have high level implants in, you probably want to keep them in. If you don't, you want people to have to take their ql200 implants out. It all makes sense, right? Well, for me the question that really needs to be asked is this... Why bother??

    At this time AO is very much geared towards the lower levels. That's where the action is, where the population is, where one can actually hunt. (Do you remember hunting??) Once you hit 130+ things slow down dramatically. Life on RK turns into this constant stream of missions with teams of varying quality. It is 100% immemorable. Even those teams that were amazing are quickly forgotten. As a result, before too long people either quit or start new characters. And therein lies the answer to the question in this thread. Why should FC bother with making people uninstall their ql200 implants when in all likelihood those characters probably won't be active, participating RK members for all that long?

    The people who would really be impacted by the proposals in this thread are a small minority within the AO population. And, contrary to what some might think, that population is not growing; it's shrinking. Sure, there may be more characters that have hit 175+ now than three months ago, but how many of those characters are really being played anymore? Very, very few.

    So, again, why bother?? Game balancing is not about the existing crop of high level players. It's about creating a level playing field for the people who have yet to start playing.

  10. #30 does NOT make sense...

    I have NO characters with high level implants and I do NOT want all of them out. My implants are often still at a lower ql than my current level.

    Like someone else said...if they did that I'd log in look at all my junk in bags and say "screw it" and log out. Sorry, I don't have the patience to put everything back...
    Originally posted by runawayjim
    I think most of us can probably see both sides to this argument. If you have high level implants in, you probably want to keep them in. If you don't, you want people to have to take their ql200 implants out. It all makes sense, right? Well, for me the question that really needs to be asked is this... Why bother??

    At this time AO is very much geared towards the lower levels. That's where the action is, where the population is, where one can actually hunt. (Do you remember hunting??) Once you hit 130+ things slow down dramatically. Life on RK turns into this constant stream of missions with teams of varying quality. It is 100% immemorable. Even those teams that were amazing are quickly forgotten. As a result, before too long people either quit or start new characters. And therein lies the answer to the question in this thread. Why should FC bother with making people uninstall their ql200 implants when in all likelihood those characters probably won't be active, participating RK members for all that long?

    The people who would really be impacted by the proposals in this thread are a small minority within the AO population. And, contrary to what some might think, that population is not growing; it's shrinking. Sure, there may be more characters that have hit 175+ now than three months ago, but how many of those characters are really being played anymore? Very, very few.

    So, again, why bother?? Game balancing is not about the existing crop of high level players. It's about creating a level playing field for the people who have yet to start playing.

  11. #31
    Originally posted by SypherBoy
    Those who had stepped and keep their implants in rather than do IPR will be more powerful.
    Well, then pick a beef with funcom for fixing the bug this late in the game rather than penilizing those who did this legally. Several months back this was acknowledged by Funcom to be legal, just like stacking ransacks/deprives and IC/Essence is today. That may change again tomorrow. But in no way shape or form should the law be retroactive.

    Think, for a second why do we have this even greater imbalance in the game. Then ask yourself who caused it in the first place. Finally, tell me, who is going to reinburse everyone for lower ql implants/clusters/weapons/whatever they have to purchase now to meet the OE rules?

    All my chars are 14.2 ready now. I've made sure of that in the past 2 weeks. If funcom went that route and changed the rules again, me and a lot of my friends will simply leave.

    Then you will be able to have anyone's stuff. If you can't use it now though...
    Ananke - Carrah - Loretta

    ZWhen the going got tough, the tough ran away

  12. #32
    I think they should do that too. It pisses me off that I stand no chance of my twink beating someone elses twink because they made theirs b4 the patch! If they do it's gonna suck in some ways, having to get the buffs to stick it all back on. I bet doc's will get rich on treatment buffs. Still w, all the hassle it will cause I'm for it, you have to keep the playing field level.

  13. #33
    Remove everything I say.

    Its just like clicking 1 thing, moving it there. But someone doing it for you.

    Send it all to the Bank, or better yet, Reclaim.

  14. #34

    If they wanted to do it...

    From a coding perspective it wouldn't be all that difficult to do, though it would take a little time for the script to run.

    Create several level ranges. Everyone is in a level range. For each level range they have determined how man ability/treatment points you could possibly have, including implants, outside buffs (whether you originally had said buffs or not they would still be counted), med suit, and the +100 from the treatment term.

    They then add those values to your current ability/treatment values. Anything that you still couldn't implant would fall to the reclaim booth (along with a nice note showing up in your inventory explaining what happened).

    But as has been mentioned, as people level this will not be much of an issue. There might be a small % who will keep a low lvl twink around where they mapped out every IP point so they don't need to use IPR. They could grief some people, but if thats all thats left for them, they won't be around long.


  15. #35
    Originally posted by [CrispyChicken]

    Send it all to the Bank, or better yet, Reclaim.
    Good point Crispy... I think you are the first person to recommend sending the items the reclaim terminal, which for all purposes should be unlimited space.

    DrSquick - 134 Doc
    BloodSquick - 104 agent
    BrainSquick - 59 Crat
    Others: 42 NT, 27 MA, 14 Eng, 30 Enf

  16. #36
    Many people will choose to skip the IPR in favor of keeping their QL 200 LLS, implants, and 400 NCU. All of which were exploited on.


    Making everything magically uneuip creates complications.

    I have a better idea...

    Make the IPR mandatory. Everyone must use it. Until they do they cannot gain enter into combat or gain EXP.

    Because you activate the IPR at your own time you can take measures to unequip all your items properly.

  17. #37
    Many people will choose to skip the IPR in favor of keeping their QL 200 LLS, implants, and 400 NCU. All of which were exploited on.


    Making everything magically uneuip creates complications.

    I have a better idea...

    Make the IPR mandatory. Everyone must use it. Until they do they cannot gain enter into combat or gain EXP.

    Because you activate the IPR at your own time you can take measures to unequip all your items properly.

  18. #38
    i say let them keep their ql200 implants. nothing will be funnier than watching some "uber" implanted nt whip out the shotgun they spent tons of ip on only to find out that with all the crit nerfs, the shotgun probably isn't the best weapon they could use.

    ipr is NOT a 1-time deal. it is supposed to be an ongoing part of the game. if someone is so dependent on their current set of implants that they're willing to gimp themselves and never use ipr, then let them. meanwhile, everyone and their brother will develop strategies based on ipr(up this skill to this level...use an ipr point, reassign here) that will make them MORE uber than someone stuck with implants designed for how the game USED to work.

    "oh damn, they nerfed crits and came out with an uber supreme pistol of death that does insane damage. well, at least i still have 10 million ip in a dark blue skill."

  19. #39


    Yeah ...

    /sarcasm on

    wipe all chars back to level 1 with lvl 1 skills and IPs and no equip at all ...

    ... and then officially launch AO.

    Err hmm would need first to end beta xx, bugs to be fixed, missing stuff implemented and professions balanced.

    Another proposal could be :

    One dimension for powergamers/(so called)exploiters .. old rules, full OE, no limit/cap at all ...

    One dimension for noobs/whiners .. heavy nerfage, noobie special safety rules, 14.2 patch, etc ...

    You choose ur dimension the day its launched thats all.

    /sarcasm off

  20. #40
    You know, not all people who have on QL 200 implants and QL198 Low Light Targeting scopes and such are exploiters. Im personally sick of all the people constantly saying this when they don't even know for a fact if people have exploited or just went through hell finding exactly what items they could use that would help that get that piece of armor, implant or weapon on.

    I for one have my QL200 Implants on, along with a QL198 Extreme Low Light Targeting scope and my QL174 Itaca Ki-8 Snakeman and I can use a Slayerdroid Guaridan after 14.2 with out being affected by the OE patch.

    There is one thing in this game I hate is cheaters. When I worked on getting in my QL200 Implants I wasn't easy to say the least. I used QL160 Surgery Implants, Med clothes, Biomech helmet, Biomech cloak, Treatment Expertise, Surgery Clinic, Superior First Aid, Intelligence buff, Agility buff, Felines Grace, Enhanced Senses and the OT Windchaser m06 Quartz.

    Which all in the end allowed me to get my QL200 Implants on.

    As for my QL198 Extreme Low Light Targeting scope, I just needed Maestro Weaponsmithing and Journeymans Electrical Engineering to get those on. The majority of my skill comes from actually putting IP into it.

    So before you go whining and moaning and go accusing everyone of cheating or exploiting to get there QL200 implants, armor, or weapon on know your facts.

    Oh, also, I did even ask a GM on RK-1 about Implant Swapping and he even confirmed with me that It WAS NOT an exploit. So I don't know why you would even call it an exploit.

    waaaaaaaahhhhhhh wwaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.. Everyone else has worked harder to get their implants/armor/weapons on and I can't do the same so I gotta take everyones cake away.

    It all comes down to

    Me saying"I have my Cake and I can eat it"


    Random_Whiner saying "hey, I can't eat mine, i'll take yours away since I can't have mine"

    Maybe if you spent the time you used here whining and moaning about people who have QL200 Implants on you would have QL200 implants or something simular equipped as well.
    Last edited by Rez-SN; Apr 26th, 2002 at 14:12:08.

    Mech Engi 750 - Elec Engi 878 - Quantum FT 687 - Weapon Smt 806 - Nano Prog 903 *unbuffed*

    Engineer of Silent Night

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