Originally Posted by
I am obligated to do nothing more than my conscience demands. And that conscience demands that I not give thanks to a creator who makes demands of myself and all those who descend from me simply by the fact of their birth. I have been given a free will, and a working mind, and those tell me that I am my own being, not chattel belonging to some distant master who cares nothing for me beyond as a figure in a ledger who can help fill his pockets. Love and respect must be earned, with an appeal to our dignity and well being, not simply demanded out of hand. Can you understand that?
I do not mean to suggest that the Clans do not possess 'Crusaders', since we most assuradly do. My point is that we both have factions who pursue this conflict between our two sides to the point of religious zeal, with only murder in their hearts and venom upon their tongues. I do not like those of that bent within the Clans any more than I like those with that persuasion amongst Omni-Tek's ranks. Zealotry sows nothing but ill, and turns the ground beneath us all to ash where new things cannot grow. My preference is for diplomacy, reasoned arguement, debate, and other means that show that we have evolved beyond a need to batter each other with clubs and stones and can indeed act as a civilized people who've learned the lessons that history has to offer us.