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Thread: A request Regarding the 14.2 OE patch

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Psilex
    You haven't been reading the patch notes too well. Pets will finish out a battle before stopping.

    Debuffs already screw me when I'm in my NT, so there won't be a difference.

    The only valid point is on weapons. I can see how that would be a negative factor and agree completely.

    I will be quitting when SWG beta opens up. Already there is much more story integration within the game, but I expected that from Lucasarts. Even though I defend my guild, leaving us to strive after a story is unforgivable, and the complete lack of communication on Funcom's part is as well. 14.2 won't make me quit, those two reasons will.
    Actually I have read the articles they are somewhat vague on the pets:

    All pets being commanded by someone with 20% less than the requirements to make the pet, will have their pets go into "/pet behind" mode after their current battle. (Or at once if in no battle.) Pets will refuse to obey commands until the skills are back up.
    MP healpets qualify as in battle while healing? Dont sound like it.

    By that we mean: until no one is fighting the pet. If 3 monsters are beating up on a pet, the pet gets to finish off all three (if it can , before it switches to a "/pet behind" state. Basically, the pet will defend itself by the grit of its teeth...
    So what if mob turns to you for 2sec, pet go into "/pet behind" then? And after current fight is over (if you win) you definately forced waiting for debuffs to wear out before next fight.
    Last edited by Myga; Apr 19th, 2002 at 15:12:51.

  2. #42
    I'm sorry, you are right, I forgot about heal pets as I am a crat. That is another factor then. How much do you guys have to buff to get heal pets though? I get TONS of bots all the time and I remember when I was messing with my agent that MP's didn't quite have as many heal pets it seems (or I may have been trippin').
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

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  3. #43
    Heh dont ask me I'm agent, I dont even know if I can summon them at all after 14.2 . To answer from my pov at 182 with abilities and nanoskills capped tho, I'm barely able to summon best healpet with eye of odin and both mochams running and since traders can debuff all nanoskills more than 400 points with both drains, the answer is rather obvious.

  4. #44
    Well, at least our profession will be getting some agent can finally wake up from his long long hibernation.
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

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  5. #45
    Yes but still the game will be boring if I end up sitting on my ass 3min each time I see a trader mob in a mission.

    Anyways alot of interesting news about agent changes in 14.2 at

  6. #46
    The game is already boring after you play enough. That is what I'm talking about when I say the story is limp.

    I attended the last developer's chat for SWG, and they are integrating quests with game right away (quests differ from missions)

    Have you checked out what it will be about?
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  7. #47

    man stop whining

    what is up with you people. 14.2 is trying to get game balance in line. so what you can't kill aces and real means in seconds. god the instant fc makes it so you have to risk your neck for xp people start whining like babies. i can almost guarantee that swg will be no where near as easy as ao and if you don't believe me go look at eq.

    geez can't believe people whining about not being able to equip a ql200 weapon at 100 maybe that is how it should be and fc is just now correcting the situation. people mmorpgs change constantly; always have always will.

  8. #48
    By that we mean: until no one is fighting the pet. If 3 monsters are beating up on a pet, the pet gets to finish off all three (if it can , before it switches to a "/pet behind" state. Basically, the pet will defend itself by the grit of its teeth...

    Anybody try to play a pet class after 14.0? It's impossible to get the mobs to beat on your pet. You could be standing 100 feet away behind a tree and have 3 monsters beating on you pet. All of a sudden they run across the playfield to attack you.

    Not to mention that the minute you step into a mission, 8 monsters run from all corners of the maze to come attack you. Not your pets .... YOU.

    And the really brown stinky icing on the cake is the fact that pets can't even seem to find their way across a totally empty room without getting lost. I'm surprised they manage to navigate from the Newland grid exit to the Omni-Trade exit without ending up face in some far off corner. It can't be expressed how bad pathing is has become with 14.0

    14.0 basically fugged things up beyond compare for pet users. 14.2 just puts the extra hammer tap on the love plug.

  9. #49
    "i can almost guarantee that swg will be no where near as easy as ao"

    I dont want SWG to be easy, I dont want AO to be easy either, I want both games to be Diversified in things to do and have a remote bit of balance
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  10. #50
    Just from what I have seen though, the story is encorporated within the game from the start.

    There are missions, like ao, but there are also quests, which are a bit like "npc quests" in the fact that you get them from an NPC, but that is where the similarity stops.

    The main fact is, Funcom has stopped all communication with it's gaming community. I'm not saying that every post needs to be answered, but I think they have taken the opposite extreme by just letting 2 moderators answer questions.....sometimes at that.

    Already SWG is different in that respect, and the game hasn't even been beta tested yet.
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

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