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Thread: Well it was fun for a while. Guess i wont be staying long after all.

  1. #1

    Well it was fun for a while. Guess i wont be staying long after all.

    Being a veteran of most of the MMORPG's I have seen and been able to deal with most of the nerfs that come down the pipe. I do admit most of these changes are made in the best interest of the game. Their hard to deal with but in most cases a change of tactic will allow a player to continue his game.

    The purposed OE changes as they relate to pets is the single most devastating nerf I have ever seen in any of the games I've played.

    I play an Engineer I don't OE. All of my buffs are my own I cast a decent pet but not a godlike one and the 20% OE change doesn't bother me in the slightest as I am self sufficient at this stage but yet and still I have a problem.

    I will never be able to play the higher end game or pvp this character. A simple Debuff will drop me to below the requirements to operate my pet at which point I'm useless solo or grouped. The fact that I have no recourse against such an attack period. There are no nano program removal operations for me.

    AS far as over equipping in general I have mixed feelings about it I feel on one hand since the options were there for everyone to use it was actually a selling point for this game over others. An actual reason to buy and play. On the other hand I am sure it shortens overall game play per paying customer which is likely not a good thing to FC.

    I am not sure if FC programmers and developers looked at the whole picture when theybegan thinking about the removal of OE from their already established game. Did they realize that they were going to kill PVP and high end game for ALL pet classes? Can anyone offer me a scenario where this isn't the case?

    So in closing I have to say. If these issues aren't addressed I wont be around for patch 14.4 I just wont abide by a company that would nerf a full 1\3 of its population with such a sweeping change.

  2. #2
    C ya
    182 NT

    Calming is just a hobby I dabble in, my real passion is blowing stuff up.

  3. #3

    just my 2 cents

    Forget about this game man. Your dealing with a company who has screwed its customers since day 1. Apparently, balancing ALL classes within the 1 year that the game has been out has proven to been too much for our beloved Funcom. Now they are "fixing" each of the classes at a grueling, tedious, 1 class at a time rate...and nerfing everybody with their last-minute-quick-fix OEing patch.
    Engys concerns were commpletely overlooked with the new OEin patch. As oppossed to FIXING ALL classes in accordance to changes being proposed in an OE patch....Funcom has decided to implement such a patch before their game is even fixed. (Funcom can't even get pet pathing you really think the work on an OEing patch is gonna be grade A?)
    Engys concerns are miniscule next to NT problems. But see...Funcom ignores the NT boards even though the majority of their high lvl NT's are about to quit because their class is so Nerfed.
    THen we have the agent situation, and the fixer situation, and the Adventurer situation, and some people beleiving that MP's are overpowered, and the ridiculous trader profession which has become the chosen PvP class of the game EVEN THOUGH THEIR NAME IMPLIES THAT THEY ARE A TRADE SKILL CLASS.
    There is no sense of risk in the game...Yalms completely killed that. QL's in yalms is a waste of time. They all fly the exact same why bust your ass struggling to find a QL 200 yalm when you can just go to a shop and spend 5mil on a QL 30-40?
    It took them till a few weeks ago to implement team missions....WOW. They added a teleporter to each of the floors, and added a whole line of coding so everyone in the team would get the same mission. (I thought they said that team missions were gonna use the dungeon level designs?)
    Hunting outside after lvl 100 is a waste of time. Might as well join the legions of players who all crowd around the mission generator in Tir and begin the process of running mission number 473810473743814703947184938.
    This game was initially released with the potential to bury Everquest, Ashrons Call, Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot..all of em. But now...this game lingers on the boards perhaps a little higher then AC, and theres a good chance that is an overstatement. This game has received one award from Computer Gaming Monthly in the YEAR its been out. WOW. DAOC has been out for like 4-5months and has a larger customer base, VASTLY more awards (probably because their programmers give a damn about what they are doing, and don't see why they should cowboy program.) And much more recognition then this game has EVER received.
    My opinion? I think the best thing Funcom could do now is pull the plugs on the servers for a while. Fix everything, then rerelease the game. ANd I mean FIX EVERYTHING. In its current state AO is about 40% complete. I mean, its been a year...theres NO tradeskills, NO competent hunting grounds for higher lvls (still, and no, Ace camp THE ONE HIGHER LVL CAMP IN THE GAME, does not cut it or satisfy me.) Hell, they can't even balance their classes. And for a game based on PvP, character balance is paramount. LOL...btw...PvP doesen't even exist in this game. Its a 1 on 1 dueling system reserved only for the twinks, and overequiping may limit the twinks...but it doesen't balance the classes. MMD, the arena, all the "PvP" areas will be the same replayed bull**** its always been.
    O and best of all...this game has LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG. LOL, this game makes top end PC's chop because Funcom lacks the ability to make it run smooth graphically. Granted, this has been fixed alot over the past few months...but again run any other game, and the graphic lag in AO screams at you in comparison with the smooth graphics of say DAOC.
    And it irritates me when someone is leaving the game, because of frustration and they get that cocky "Cya" or "Can I have your stuff" bs. The community in this game even sucks. And its a community that is so dishonest with it self, it will not admit that this ENTIRE GAME sucks.
    AO has alot of potential, but it will never recognise it. Seriously, you want to play a game and have fun with balanced classes and trade skills? Play any game but this one. This is an amateur game with mediocre performance, and an unacceptable number of flaws, made for mediocre players, and those people who are okay playing a 10th rate game. If you are someone who likes a high end product that performs beyond your expectations and really makes you say "wow!" your in the wrong place.
    Find a game that caters to your needs, and any one of them are better pick then this one. Or wait (like I am) for one of the newer next generation MMORPGS to come out. Star Wars Galaxies prolly be out in the fall. But see....Varent is not trying to cowboy program or rush their game like Funcom. So it will probably be delayed, but expect a product that is 200% more complete then this one on the first day of release.
    But overall...I'm sorry to see ya go. Any player leaving a MMORPG is a blow to the entire community. But I understand your reasons for leaving...because I feel the exact same way. Good luck with your future travels in a game that was made to impress!

  4. #4
    Lexi, i always said the same and i got flamed by trollish idiots here....

    now the day that i always called has come > 14.2 patch

    Funcom is the most stupid an inexpirienced company.. to sad since i really love the game.

  5. #5


    No Axyrn...u said "Why is funcom going on a suicide trip??" phrase.....

    Lexi 1331 completely justified it and complained, about true facts and stuff. Surely alot of poeple do the same and have the right to do so. But honestly...a comment such as "Why is funcom going on a suicide trip" won't help anyone... that invites fan-girlies like me to... what u people call "troll" in on u...

    but i consider myself an annoying lil druidess hunting u down for breaking a branch in a vast forest. =P Why? Cuz i'm bored i guess..... G'night.

  6. #6


    Can I have your stuff?

    Games change. Online games change all the time.
    Learn to consider changes as such (NOT NERFS) and games will remain fresh for years. Play balancing changes always happen, there are inequalities, so FC is attempting a fix. A good one i think. One that will help the community gain a focus so all can understand the rules of the game, and not just the ones who have actually delved into the community.

    Oh well, I hope you all are not the kind who threaten to leave then come back to ***** about more changes. I also hope your not the type who *****es when nothing is different.

    Either way.

    Later, and can I have your stuff?
    Last edited by ArchRave; Jun 7th, 2002 at 06:22:14.

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