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Thread: Booo 14.2!

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Booo 14.2!

    I don't like the direction the changes in this game are heading. I will probably quit after playing 14.2 for about a week. I think they should just start you at lvl 30 if you're not going to be penalized through that lvl. What's the point of repetatively killing things without any risk? This game is already getting pathetically repetative with my high lvl characters, and it's just going to get worse. With my main being a Trader, crit buffs are important to me. It'll be too bad that I'll have to use the annoying low light scope more often, or the new ones without low light but with a lower crit buff. For those of you who scream balance, and brag about not over equipping seem to only care about your own characters and professions. This game is being destroyed in front of your eyes. I just hope they increase the duration of team and regular wrangles so I can be more useful when you all come crying to me for one because you don't do enough damage (oops, forgot how helpful that OE'd team member was before 14.2, didn't ya?) and need a wrangle to reduce OE penalties.

    I do support the changes that benefit Agents, as well as the new items they described. I just think there's something wrong with you people who act like you're special because you DON'T use the system, and DON'T ask for buffs to get the most out of your character. If I hear one more dork brag about how he doesn't OE or only self OE's, I'm going to be sick. How can anyone want a game to take LONGER to advance? If you seriously think this game is going to be fun to play after maybe 6 months to a year of play, you're a fool!

  2. #2

    Thumbs down

    SHUT UP!!! if any class should shut up and take any thing they throw at them it's the trader.. how dare you whine...oh your mad cause no crit buff ?? ...good i am glad to hear you whine makes me happy ...just lube up and bend over cause now just maybe now traders will be on a equal plain with others concerning damage but every thing else they are still way to powerfull so shut up and take it like a man

  3. #3


    My main character is a Trader, but I have others jackass! My complaint is in the changes as a whole and how they affect everyone. What can you honestly say that OE penalties and crit buffs being made self only do to benefit you? It's like asking for someone to bend you over like you before mentioned to support this patch. I mean, don't you realize that SOME people know how to distribute IP and don't need IPR, and that SOME people can play this game better than you? Why must you insist on supporting the desruction of the game so that everyone suffers? It's obvious you have some hostility towards Traders Karatechump... maybe it's because you want to do as much damage as a shotgun does with your fists? Get out of here you boring little MA. Use your energized fists to beat off while you look at that gay jail porn you like so much.

  4. #4
    The game needs to be dumbed down to people like Karatekick's lvl for them to achieve anything.

    I'm glad they are making it easier for newbies (new to the game) to lvl and stay interested in the game. I go to newbie grounds a lot healing and buffing people. A lot of people that download the 7day trial never come back because this game has a much larger learning curve than most other games of this type. Getting killed by a red rollerat at lvl 7 and losing (sometimes , if they are new) 2 hours worth of experience can be very disheartening.


    Crit buffs..
    *Destroyed PVP for all levels. Have room for UVC at lvl 10? You will most likely win EVERY fight.
    *Made leveling past 130 soooo easy that teams could kill mobs faster than you could get hit 2 times. Sure that is all there really is to do but this made many classes very unneeded in teams.
    Docs and Pet classes the most.

    I guess you and me are among the few who realize that mobs are staying the same strength and all players are getting weaker.
    People are going to wish they had that ql200 beam wearing, ql150 omni elite armor on at lvl100, enforcer in their team after the OE. patch.
    Remember ... someone who can't add 20+20+16+12 in their heads are going to be happier though =)
    I had a friend who played the game for 2 weeks and he was a lvl22 agent wearing a over 20% OE'd rifle. All without my help or my explaining things to him.
    He got his information from other players.

    I had this MA in my team one day who was the most clueless person I ever met. He had characters past lvl50 and had no idea how to play the game.
    I kept casting intelligence buffs on him but he didn't get the joke. He just kept casting them back on me.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  5. #5
    this patch is a good thing currently, at least till they screw it up. So sit down & shut up fool
    Supersoly lvl 220 Atrox Enforcer
    Fearthis lvl 200 Opi MA
    Tehsoly lvl 60 Atrox Enforcer

    and a lvl 160+ sold...


  6. #6
    Wow.. ya got me
    /me sits down and shuts my big pie hole =P
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

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