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Thread: No Fixer Love, No Fixers

  1. #1

    No Fixer Love, No Fixers

    just as topic say

    you nerf fixers, and promise a useless feature (what good is means of transportation when theres only 1 place to go) as a candy for us to lick on.

    fixers will never be seen in grid armour again. its useless at the lvl you can self cast!!!

  2. #2
    I for one will no longer be playing my main.

  3. #3
    i will no longer be playing. this is my main. no other prof is "right" for me in ao. why should i pick my second preferred prof ? its a game. i pay for it. if i cant have what i want, i quit. that simple. i dont want uberness. i would never pick fixer if i did. i want to have fun and style and uniqueness... and not just when rolling missions for blitzing

  4. #4

    I don't have a single character over 20--except for my fixer.

    I just don't know that I want to spend the time and energy bringing another character up through the level-loot-level treadmill that AO has become.

    They're finally starting to add some storyline events--I've seen four GM NPCs in game in the past week, and been glad for it--but increasing the wear requirements of our already gimped armor is adding insult to injury.

  5. #5
    ahhhhhh BUMP!
    "People fear they dont understand, Hate what they cannot conquer".

    "Only the dead have seen the end of war."

  6. #6
    Hehe... want proof that the Fixers are all nerfed to he11 and leaving?


  7. #7
    only ones asking for my stuff is noob fixers wanting the lot as i leave ao. the best thing i can do to help, is NOT to give them the stuff, and tell them to make another char.

  8. #8
    I've never played a fixer but it has been obvious to everyone but Funcom and a few representatives of a few professions that shall remain nameless that fixers need more help than anyone and need it faster. The fact that they continue to ignore your needs is the height of absurdity!


  9. #9
    I am no longer playing my Fixer MP or Engy. I may change my mind If i see that its not as bad on pet classes as i think its going to be.

    Ill build a nice MA to while away the time and wait for another game to rear its ugly head.

  10. #10
    i played mp before i fell in love with fixer (easy at low lvls).

    i cant see 1 thing that affect mp in new OE rules. they are the ones supplying other pet classes with OE potential, not ? only good thing for mp is they get less whining engies stalking them wherever they go.

  11. #11
    Some with musical talent do a song the day the fixers died.

  12. #12
    If I had any sense of humor left about the fixer situation, I'd make a parody. But as it stands, Im just goddamn pissed off now. Period.

    Oh ya, almost forgot again....

    Screw FC

  13. #13
    big bump for highjack

    fixers have always overcome the nerfs... this is the final battle Funcom Vs Fixers (read: customers)

    Funcom create the arena, and nerf us. what chance do we stand ?

    Fu Ck

  14. #14


    My main is a Fixer. My Fixer is now retired until I can find one single reason to play. Yes, fun would be a good reason. It is not fun to play a Fixer.

    Go to sleep Ethic...

  15. #15
    bummer I had just upgraded your weapon, oh well.

  16. #16

    On that note...

    I still want to turn in my guns to you and get that upgrade.

    I am not deleting Ethic. Just retiring him in hopes that they someday make him fun to play again...

  17. #17

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