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Thread: Big news: Funcom nerfs crit buffs in 14.2

  1. #1

    Big news: Funcom nerfs crit buffs in 14.2

    Check out

    They're being made self only, and replaced with lesser versions for team.

    Glad my bureaucrat just sunk 300k IP to use a Krutt


    Edited because I can't type

  2. #2
    Well, the crit buff nerf comes along with the IP reset, so it shouldnt be a problem no matter what weapon you use, you can get back your ip and invest in another one.
    NT phone HOME!!

  3. #3
    Oh yeah. Nice to know your unintuituve enough not to know that crits are getting a nerf tree shoved WAAYYY up its bum!
    I was one of the people who believe that FC had a "secret" 12.0 patch just before launch....he he.

    You start to think that the Shrooms are wearing off and then you look at the ceiling and realize you got a few hours.

  4. #4

    Re: Big news: Funcom nerfs crit buffs in 14.2

    Originally posted by JohnMclain
    Check out

    They're being made self only, and replaced with lesser versions for team.

    Glad my bureaucrat just sunk 300k IP to use a Krutt


    Edited because I can't type

    where did you hear this...... your full of ****..... i have heard nothing on this..... where is this coming from?
    Level 132 Nano-Techniction <---- Retired till NT fix
    Level 72. Engineer <---- why is my pet running the wrong way?
    Level 69. Agent <---- Retired sence Concealment Nerf.
    Level 58. Adventure <---- TONS of lost ip.
    Level 41. Meta.<--- Mp's are too uber.
    Level 30. Enforcer <---- press "Q" and watch tv.
    Level 29. Doc <---- Can't..... Find.... Group.....

    Quote of the week "When people complain equally about all of the classes, then the game is balanced."

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Garzu
    Well, the crit buff nerf comes along with the IP reset, so it shouldnt be a problem no matter what weapon you use, you can get back your ip and invest in another one.
    Exactly, hurray funcom!!!!! nerf that baby!!!

  6. #6
    Lozer you ****.

    I stated in the first line where it came from. Just because you lame flaming ass doesnt know punchingbag is the MA site.


  7. #7

    Angry LOL

    Ok with 14.2 patch we will have lesser ql weapon and no more crit buff

    So no more red monsters killing

  8. #8
    Why dont you guys go read what is written from the main source? The punching bag says MAs will get a new line of crit buffs to use on others.... the old ones will be self only. If the new ones is half as effective as the currrent ones, it means a UVC will be about the same as VS, which again means it is still KICK ASS.
    NT phone HOME!!

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Garzu
    Why dont you guys go read what is written from the main source? The punching bag says MAs will get a new line of crit buffs to use on others.... the old ones will be self only. If the new ones is half as effective as the currrent ones, it means a UVC will be about the same as VS, which again means it is still KICK ASS.

    And I bet the new ones will stack with Crat Speech crit buffs.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Garzu
    Why dont you guys go read what is written from the main source? The punching bag says MAs will get a new line of crit buffs to use on others.... the old ones will be self only. If the new ones is half as effective as the currrent ones, it means a UVC will be about the same as VS, which again means it is still KICK ASS.

    No agents are getting the new buffs, and the 'new' scopes are gonna suck to high heaven, so 20% crit chance versus 40% crit chance.. You pretty much cut all damage output in thirds, unless soloing, then you cut it in half.

  11. #11
    Supersoly lvl 220 Atrox Enforcer
    Fearthis lvl 200 Opi MA
    Tehsoly lvl 60 Atrox Enforcer

    and a lvl 160+ sold...


  12. #12

    Smile Food for thought

    Shotgun weilding MAs at high levels.

    Self UVC.
    Pay a lot for a prenerf scope.
    Use fist nanos to change into chemical/poison/fire damage. They work this way since 14.0 AFAIK.

    They would have to alter every single high crit damage weapon besides the incredibly slow soldier-oriented cannons to screw a character build like this, make that all high damage weapons period. Even weapons with medium crit but high maximum normal damage work fine if they aren't too slow.

    Granted there is a vocal segment who only want soldiers to be doing ranged damage worth having.

    MA + this. Use fists to get above 150 and have the blobs of IP to max ranged init and put on a scope to eat all init past whats needed to get 1.0/2.5

    /just me thinking about how to become more nerf-resistant next time around

    Oh yes, my current main is a trader. Please add 50% more hate to your posts to reflect this.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Megabio

    No agents are getting the new buffs, and the 'new' scopes are gonna suck to high heaven, so 20% crit chance versus 40% crit chance.. You pretty much cut all damage output in thirds, unless soloing, then you cut it in half.
    From the punching bag:
    Martial Artist: There has been a change to the existing MA critical increase buff line. These are now self-only and can only be executed by martial artists (not agents under false profession). 3 new MA critical increase buffs have been added that can be executed on others, but are lower in power than the existing buffs (this new line does not stack with the older versions)
    Seems to me its MA they are talking about.... but the agent will also get some from what I read somewhere, cant find it now.
    NT phone HOME!!

  14. #14
    this is a good thing...less shotgun-wielding bastards
    Supersoly lvl 220 Atrox Enforcer
    Fearthis lvl 200 Opi MA
    Tehsoly lvl 60 Atrox Enforcer

    and a lvl 160+ sold...


  15. #15
    Originally posted by SolyHhit
    this is a good thing...less shotgun-wielding bastards
    What? Forgot that all the MAs will just switch to Krutts now?

  16. #16
    Uhm, exactly what prevents MAs from using Krutts right now? I mean, it won't be a change for them.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  17. #17
    Uhm, exactly what prevents MAs from using Krutts right now? I mean, it won't be a change for them.
    Well anyone with half a brain knows this, but people want to scream the sky is falling. Maybe the chicken littles could actually wait to see just how the changes affect things before they start crying about the end of the world.

    Face it 14.2 is Funcom fixing the very unbalanced professions. Reducing the effectiveness of OE and now making crit buffs less effective is a imo a good step in the right direction. There is no conceivable reason why support classes should be able to outdamage the combat ones. Docs heal, traders debuff/heal, MAs, NTs, Advents and Enforcers do damage, Soldiers and Enforcers tank, Agents and Soldiers do the big first shots to soften up mobs, etc.... It makes you have to fill a role instead of being able to be a one man wrecking crew with a shotgun. You cant have a good teaming game when you only need a few professions to do everything there is. You need a diversity of profs and that comes from having the professions fill roles.

    The upside to that is everyone has a place in a team, the downside is that it leaves some professions better at soloing or PvP. Its not fair but it hasnt been fair all along, its just shifting to the other folks for a while. Get over it, or do what you have been telling MAs and NTs and Agents for the longest time, reroll an MA, NT or Agent if this bothers you that much. Of course the IP reset makes this all moot, so why dont you just wait and see how things work out, eh?

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