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Thread: AGG-slider should NOT effect Nanos!

  1. #1

    AGG-slider should NOT effect Nanos!

    Ok, Here's what i think. The "AGG slider" Shouldnt effect the speed of nanos. Why? Couse Nano's and Physical attack's are not the same. We got three initives. Range, Melee and Nano. Also Nanos dosnt launch by them self when you get attacked and attack back. If you get attacked you always auto-attack back with physical attacks.
    I know the meening of the "agg slider" is that if you got it high, you are verry agressive. But "Im going berserk and start mezz'ng ppl" That kinda stupid, isnt it?. Agressiveness is more like hitting back and shooting back when you get attacked. Not using mind controlling and stuff. So I think FC should make it one Initivie skill that effects melee, range and Nano. OR make it so the launch speed of nanos dont get effected by the "AGG slider".

    What do you think?

    (Hope you understand my bad english)

    /Davkin lvl73 Crat RK2

  2. #2
    How about making anyone who is using pillows have a permanent 100% reflect shield?


  3. #3

    thats a fantastic idea

    the agg slider shouldnt affect firing speed either, we should always fire as if we are on max agg, but have all the benefits of max deff too. because firing and avoiding shots is two seperate things completly.

    /sarcasm remains on, ive never turned it off yet
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  4. #4
    Yeah, or make it so that you are invulnerable with aggdef on full def, and do +70000 damage if it's on full agg.

    </sarcasm> .. off for real this time.

  5. #5
    I've got a better idea, and one that Funcom seem to agree with. How about letting Auto-attack be turned off independently of the Agg/Def bar. That solves the problems withoutallowing Nanotechs to wander around everywhere on full Defensive at no cost

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