I already typed this out once, but my comp crashed just before i hit submit :-/

Better uses for trade skills!

How many hours have you spent shopping around for that big shiny gun thats gonna make your life on rubi-ka so much better? Too many if you ask me, it takes me days sometimes to find what i need.

Anarchy online already has a trade skill system, why not put it to better use and save alot of people alot of time?

Using those hard earnt trade skills you could be able to upgrade you weapons ql a little. Taking your screwdriver to you weapon and dismantleing it back down to its weapon base, this gives you a good place to start. Every weapon has a quality discription - like a cast off shotgun. As we know cast off covers a range of of quality levels, not too big a jump though which will stop ql1 weapons being converted into ql200 weapons. All you have to do is take your weapon apart, then rebuild it with better components. I think its fair to say for every 2 ql's increased you have to add another component - say you want to increase your weapons ql by 10, you need to add 5 different components that are of (or close to) the ql you aim to increase your weapon to?

I think keeping it to quality descriptions is the best way of controlling upgrades while still making upgrades useful, aswell as sending a little player trade to those trade skill professions out there, but best of all, cutting down that shopping time and letting you get out there and earn that exp in less time.

Maybe this can be applied to armour too?

Anybodies ideas and suggestions are welcome... I think idea could really improve the game and give us trade skill users something to do with our skills that could make us a bit of cash