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Thread: Please fix the grenade launcher

  1. #1

    Unhappy Please fix the grenade launcher

    Hey Funcom,

    The Grenade launcher model is very short, yet still the toon uses the assault rifle hand position. The result is that the toons left hand is about a foot in front of the gun barrel holding nothing but air. It looks very bad. One way to fix this might be to extend the model out a bit.

    Also, why does a shotgun get so much higher crit numbers than a grenade? Is the grenade's explosion that weenie? Already if you want to use a grenade launcher you have to deal with the 1 round clip, why does the crit damage suck so bad?

    Thanks and this is meant to be constructive and not a flame of this interesting game.

    P.S. edit: I also wanted to add, how come the grenade ammo is so much more expensive than other ammo types? 840 for 25 shots? I mean its not uber or anything

  2. #2
    Greneade launcher, and hand grenades for that matter, were written off as "useless" minutes after they were first tried. Why?

    For grenade launchers Damage is similar to some pistols, shotguns, and other assorted weapons. If not less then some weapons of similar quality. And even if the damage is slightly higher in some cases, the Fire-reload-fire-reload of the gren launcher makes killing a mob take forever. Any other weapon actually holds more then one shot, so doing damage with a gren launcher becomes a bit unwise.

    Hand grenades.... pay loads of cash for 1 grenade. And it doesnt do a whole lot of dmg for the money. And if you want to even try to use them... Throw, equip, throw, equip, throw....

    Grenades, Nice toy, thats about it. Ya might as well try to beat them to death with a Reet doll.

    I wish they were worth using, I'd love for my Engineer to use them. But Im rather fond of living through my battles.

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