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Thread: pony story

  1. #1 pony story

    I swear i remember this story a LONG time ago and was wondering if someone has the rest of this or knows the author.

    Im frankly obsessed with this masterpieceo of AO literature and was curious if anyone knows if it was finished?

    Anywho, if it hasnt/cant find the author, i may just be forced to finish it myself (Im wierd enough, really)

    (had to post link cause ghettocom has a 15000 character limit, the story is 60k. Agent secotor on the other hand doesnt have a character limit)
    I was one of the people who believe that FC had a "secret" 12.0 patch just before launch....he he.

    You start to think that the Shrooms are wearing off and then you look at the ceiling and realize you got a few hours.

  2. #2
    The pony seems to be nuzzling around the VN boards of late...

    Last edited by VdpMeat; Apr 15th, 2002 at 20:46:59.
    VdpMeat ex-MA Engie

  3. #3
    OOOOOOOOH!!!! The pony story!

    I remember those! They were really, really, REALLY goon! LOVED them, and have missed them. They are back, you say?

    /me runs over and checks out the links

  4. #4
    That is some of the funniest stuff I've read so far..

    215/15 | Lagerlad Atrox Adventurer | eqp | Mostly indestructible
    214/13 | Xpie Atrox Meta-physicist | eqp | Supernova!
    Member of Ragnarok

  5. #5
    Yes pony has been hidding out on the VN board.

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