A message to all you clan lovers and haters out there, we all know tonight is a wonderful huggy event for the clans a night of celebration and love.

Well let me tell you what I will be celebrating, I will be celebrating seeing a child of omni tek butchered by clan 3305 17 times.

Hope in mort was the place (hope) A lost OT citizen how he got there we do not know his name in the OT library was Julian..

Clan 3305 came along all big and strong forced this kid to save and then slit his throat 17 times many of this joyous group gained killer titles from this brave event......

So clanners this is what you will be celebrating, this is what you do....

I Anisha Sytrae lotto will be gridding into West athens at around 8pm gmt, I will call into the west athens pub and drink myself into a stupor, then I shall leave that place and kill every clan guard 17 times on my own joyous march from West Athens to Tir.