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Thread: Clan n Omni distinction

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Clan n Omni distinction

    I would like to start out that i firmly belive you should stop the balancing of the proffesions and sides, (despite what u read here i am clan thro and thro and the only reasons i have seen omni territory is thro avoiding the guards). It makes no sense for a crat to be able to fight an enforcer and win. Can u imagine having a politcian be he primeminister, president or cabinet member taking on a police officer, soldier or assassin? Sure give them non combat proffessions skills, and group benefits, buffs, wrangles, (as there is currently no viable non combat method for gaining exp). But make it damned hard for them to survive without a group. The way everyone moans about how weak a fixer is shows how it should be with all non combat proffessions.
    As for the orgs i'll cite an example, taking a look at the American war of independance ( to avoid current political sensitivities ) there were the British, excellent weapons, highly trained soldiers, state of the art equipment. Then there were the Americans, breaking the ice on guerilla warfare, using what could be stolen or manufactured with limited supplies, clearly at a disadvantage. But effectively winning by will, and number.

    Therefor i suggest these ideas;

    Would it not make sense that Omni should be able to join corporation run organisations, which provide access to special corporation armours, clothing and items. Making these better by a small amount would encourage players, most of whom feel a desire to be uber, to join, and therefor assume an appearance similar to each of their brethren. These items could be supplied from org specialist shops, much like the trader and fixer shops. It would also be necessary that these items be removed from the player should they quit the organisation. Making these free, unique and no-drop would stop moaning around loss of cash etc that would inevitably occur. The types of orgs i envision would be; Omni-Pol (its in game and just needs to b special) for soldiers and enforcers,, Dept of Trade and Commerce for crats traders and the like, Omni research dept for you engis and docs, Omni Healthcare for docs again, (it would b nice to see medsuits taken away from the public and placed in this role) you could allways have discarded or secondhand ones left in game for general use, but make them rarer. Even org unique nanos would be good, having a detain suspect nano esp for omnipol would fit in quite well. Or boons to tradeskill nanos for the research org etc etc.
    Likewise you could have org specialist missions, your assassin org could set up hits on similar level player on the other side, sure it would suck to be on receiving end of this but, your gonna get reborn, and if u disabled looting for these types of encounter it would be accepted. Or your Omni-Pol could stage warehouse raids or spikes for smugglers, be allowed to take down clanners in Omni cities etc etc.

    As for us clanners, well we like our freedoms, scorn the use of uniforms and rigid orgs, sure we have Raddimann and his government and small elected bodies. but none of the big brother is watching you type things going on . I dont truely believe we should get any major bonuses, we get to live as we like, wear what we want, carry our guns with us down the street, ( that'd be good to see, compulsory un-equipping of Omni citizens as they enter and leave their cities). A more market like environment in Tir, traders and smugglers touting wares including banned merchandise, skill buffing illegal pills (unfortuantely widely available), older, obsolete weapon types (omni gets the lasers, we get the bullets type of thing) in a market or something, with some ambient noise, rather than those faceless machines inside fair trade. It cant be that hard to change the skins, we allready see them in athen in the slums area. Could it not also be done that people of the wrong side could break and enter shops, so if you made it into an omni zone, used your trusty hacker tool, you could shop from an omni shop. Of course you would need to make something worth doing this for, cos at the minute every shop is pretty much the same. Clans could get benefits of being able to work their mines, most of them are in clan territory, and people do enjoy this passive side of these games, i know you probably wont appreciate the reference but UO got this pretty well figured out, and tradeskills played a huge and interesting part to the game.

    Opertunities or missions to hit Omni supply depots, or else our shops get shut down for a few days. Capture the aforementioned mines to disrupt some of their shops etc, and allow these zones to be political, its very boring seeing people shooting down your guards whilst all u can do is watch, even tho i really abhor PvP cos of the attitudes involved.

    Additionally it would be good if you implemented the political zones inside the big Omni cities in areas such as the Flooded part of Omni ent, surely they have problems with riots and protests here, the less well off, neglected by the corporation people, those who support the clans but dont have the intelligence or means to leave and change sides.

    I think i'm gonna stop here and save other ideas for another post, grats if you made it this far :P, pat yourself on the back and go get a coffee to wake yourself up. I appreciate the attention and i dearly hope this turns into an RPG rather than a level fest as it is in danger of doing.

    Syllke - Lvl 62 - Opiflex Fixer - Clanner ( born and bred )

  2. #2

    Arrow mmoRPg?

    you forgot advents and fixers in OT....

    and uhh...nice ideas but uhh...this game s already a powerlvling game like all the other rpg s out there...

    i like the new acronym for these games...MMOG....not mmoRPg

    thx to verant for making ppl believe RP is achieved by gaining exp and lvling up for more HP and skillls...

    aaanyway....once i had a vision of a colony world in conflict when i first read that paragraph on AO homepage....still sounds cool when i read it does the advent description (fixer too) ...a lot better than hearing "/s team of 5 LF doc for BH"

    want some rp-ish stuff?
    make a new ch....a neutral advent....dont twink him...get to lv 7-8 and then leave newland to explore the world...its a whole new experience....
    my rerolling squad (what s IPR? )
    Celebnor, Balbanes, Lacaan, Ignetos, Hadouken, Icehilda, Icementat and the late Seregnor

    if you ever met one.....well...nevermind

  3. #3
    you could also put a NO OMNI restriction on all those weapons which are deemed illegal to own and use

    (after all they are a ruthless society of strict laws)

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