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Thread: Remove Critbuff....

  1. #21
    *takes bonghit*

    ok, guys, guys, how about, only lvls 1-30 and lvl 190-200 can pvp, then you have the golden days of pvp (lvl 1-30) after 14.2 patch, and your refined, um....completely thought out plan for your ultimate *****in char days of pvp. the rest of us can...***** about not being able to shoot people.

  2. #22
    List of Things that screwed up PvP (probably not complete)

    1. Mirror Shield

    2. Alpha Strike

    3. Instant Root/Snare

    4. Instant Nano Debuff

    5. Instant Skills Debuff

    6. Instant Init. Debuff

    7. Instant Grid Run-Away

    8. Instant Full healing

    9. DD Nukes ignores AC

    10. Crit Buff

    Now I totally support nerfing Crit buff for PvP if....

    1. Duration of Mirror Shield is 30 seconds max in PvP

    2. There is a 10-15 seconds delay between Specials in PvP.
    (for example you will need to wait 10 seconds to do FA after burst in PvP)
    ***Also anyone with high enough evades should be able to dodge specials such as Aimed Shot, Fling Shot, Burst, FA, Sneak attack and Fast attack*** Under current rule these attacks ignores DMS, which makes no sense whatsoever.

    3. Root/Snare will break as soon as the target is under attack and has 200% nanoresist in PvP

    4. Nano debuff has a max duration of 20 seconds and with 200% nanoresist in PvP

    5. Skills debuff has a max duration of 15 seconds and with 200% nanoresist in PvP

    6. Init. debuff has a max duration of 15 seconds and with 200% nanoresist in PvP

    7. Grid Jump takes at least 8 seconds to excute in PvP

    8. Heals only heal 50% in PvP(or cost 3 times as much nano)

    9. AC and Nanoresist will both affect damage of any DD nukes

    10. Then crit buff (include MA buff, Crats buff and items with CritIncrease) will only count 1/3 as much in PvP
    (note only modifier counts 1/3 as much. if you have low evades you deserve to be crit when your opponent's AMS is much higher than you)

    There you go.

    /me turns on the air conditioning

    ok you can start flaming me now

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Ripple of Soul
    7. Grid Jump takes at least 8 seconds to excute in PvP

    Now hold on Tex.

    You had better be giving the Fixer some offensive capabilities to make up for removing our ability to get away. Currently, the only thing a Fixer is good at is getting away from a fight. You take that away and all we are, are gimped soldiers.

    Now tell me I'm wrong.

  4. #24

    Red face

    why don't we strip off our equipment and go at it bare naked in the arena? (no wait, damn atroxes...nerf them)


  5. #25

    Angry Nerfing crit hit's???!?!??

    Who the heck came up with this idea???!?

    Get serious

    Why not just chopp the arm off all MA's out there so that they'r 100% gimped.

    All men, and all women are stars

  6. #26
    Originally posted by Grupert
    Better still, just remove people that want things removed!
    Agreed(flame me ,,no prob with it) though there are a few good posts posts here,,,all I see this forum as is the place where the word nerf rules supreme,,and it truly gets a bit tiresome. So you got killed in pvp,,,who cares ,,,i die in it to and after I die I dont run to forums whining remove this ,,, nerf that class,,,,figure it out nerf this one,,and next time u die u will just scream abut the next proffesion that killed you. Try asking for something to make your class stronger,,not others weaker for a change. As an agent I can attest to the fact that when nerfs come down,,,,they break classes not balance things out. Besides ,I dont believe any of the nerf screamers will ever be happy,, ,,,,, so enough wasted time here for me. If u dont want to die find a safe game wth a god mode cheat,.

  7. #27

    Angry GRRRRR

    First off... when they remove mk shield from soliders you might have a leg to stand on asking them to remove MY crit buff.

    Why do i get asked to group?

    my suppa heals? No.. they are good but without the added damage I bring to a team they aren't really much more survivable.

    my awesome martial arts special attacks? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*gasp choke wheeze*.

    My damage? Hey it's good.. but it's not a shotgun now is it?

    My Crit buffs? Gee... what is the one thing i get INSTA spammed for on getting a group? My killer +120 evade buff? hmm newp.

    Look, pvp isn't balanced in this game to start with, level cap comes off at 75. The pvp system is not intended to be "fair" it's designed to reward biggest baddest most buffed.

    And there is NOTHING to stop anyone from getting a crit buff.

    The notion that knee capping my professions groupability is going to some how make pvp more "fair" is off base. We can say the same of nullify, grid armor, MK sheild, and a number of self only buffs. The difference being that professions class defining ability can be SHARED unlike so many others.

    You remove this buff you dont' just effect PVP you effect the xp / hour ratio fo pve as well. Crit buffs = faster exp. You REALLY want to screw all the lower levels out of leveling at the same speed you have? Not fair in the least.

    You want balanced PvP? Find a different game. AO was not designed to be balanced in pvp, some profession excel at pvp, others excel at pvE. And reguardless.... a lvl 200 WILL knock the snot out of anyone 150 and under.

    Personally I wanna smack ya for even suggesting this nonsense.


  8. #28

    I say everyone is exactly the same...

    I think everyone should be able to heal, crit, equip weapons, buff, and pretty much do everything the same as every other class. All I really want is different skins for things so that I can be happily unique that way...

    This is what we are moving towards with all of these so called balance issues... I don't want balance in the game. I want professions to be good at some things and to not be good at other things. If some professions are naturally better at PVP then others who cares. Enjoy the profession you play and if you want to be more powerful at PVP or PVE or soloing then play a profession that is good at that. Stop the balance changes and start working on more important changes like the lag and disconnects. These are fundamentally more important then profession balance anyways.


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