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Thread: Cannot Drop Items in Missions

  1. #1

    Cannot Drop Items in Missions

    Since 14.0, my friends and I have been having problems dropping items in pickup missions (individual mission, not team).

    This is a problem when the item in question happens to be the MO.

    First time: could not drop item. Gave to another teammate. They could not drop the MO. Attempted decorating the mission wall with some spare ammo. Could not do so. Someone had to take item, zone, come back, and then could drop it.

    Second time: same thing.

    3rd time: same thing.

    4th time: zoning and camping repeatedly -- could not drop MO.
    Mission could not be completed. The "found item" for this one was a nano crystal, which was different from the other times. We also had a teammate disband, but those were the only differences I recall.
    Last edited by Forth; Apr 16th, 2002 at 23:22:26.

  2. #2


    Maybe this was a little hack of theirs to reduce the server crashing missions?

    I can live with the "fix" if it means I am a lot less likely to get dropped inside a mission, and log back on with 3 very angry mobs killing me while I load. Even more so with team missions; 6 people logging back at slightly different times in slightly different locations getting the stuffing beaten out of them in a not-so-slight way by 6 slightly different mobs
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