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Thread: High Level MOBs are casting Newbie Formulas!

  1. #1

    Question High Level MOBs are casting Newbie Formulas!

    Last night in a QL123 mission I had a Hardened Nanoplaguer (doc) cast Prototype Biotoxin on my MA. Thats a 3-3 Damage over Time nano. In fact its the newbie one Doctors get on character creation. I was expecting at least a PNR (213 DoT) when he started waving his arms, but a 3-DoT?? LOL

    Same later in a QL136 team mission, we had Detain Suspect, Biotoxin MKI and Infected Wounds cast on various team members. These are level 30 or lower nanos being cast by Level 130+ MOBs.

    Hmmm.....what gives there?

  2. #2


    Bumping this....has NO-ONE else come across this weirdness? Or are you keeping quiet for fear they might return the old nasty nanos?

  3. #3
    Delete your thread now its nice have lvl 140 docs casting low lvl dots like infected wounds 21 damage instad of the higher.

    Ekk ive said to much now

    Proud member of Redemption

  4. #4
    Yeah, everyone is staying quiet because they like this bug

    1st time I noticed, was when a Doc threw a dinky little dot on me, and my damage shield absorbs poison. Absorbtion usualy gets knocked off so fast I never notice it, but I kept seeing "You absorb 5 pts of poison damage" Was wondering what the heck was going on, then realized that the 100+ doc just thew a newbie dot on me.

    Later on I got a good laugh when I came up on a advent mob, whose damage shields usually tear me up, and start seeing his damage shield hit me for 2pst of damage.

    Cute, enjoy it while it lasts.
    Vice President Cristin "Jypsie" Kaba
    Division 9 : Rational Science and Genotype Enforcement
    R.S.G.E Division 9

    Webster is your friend.

    You who consider yourselves actors and performers,
    if you play a compelling tune the people will dance.
    - Leetraider

  5. #5


    Darn, last week I was getting level 12ish mobs with 8 point damage shields and you guys get away with 2? Hehe
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

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