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Thread: Can I get a wrangle?

  1. #1

    Can I get a wrangle?

    I started my trader to help out friends and make a little money. At lower levels, I use to go to the BYs to see if there happened to be anyone willing to tip for a 40-50 wrangle. Of course, most of the time people are asking for the 132. I didn't have a lot of success then. I was originally a fixer. I know how it is to need a wrangle and it be hard to find one.
    Now that I'm 100+, its gotten to be a bit of a headache. Well, really a big headache. I'm in that range where I have enough money and I would rather go get the items I need rather than buy them from people.
    Don't get the wrong idea, although it does bug me to get AT LEAST 3, up to 10 tells when passing thru populated areas, asking me for a wrangle, I can't be mad at that because I know how bad it is needed sometimes.
    But, most of the time I am on my way to go do a mission, get some supplies, talk to a guild member about something they need to discuss or something else. I will reply with "sorry, I'm busy ATM and I can't do that now, sorry again"
    More times than not, I will get an "ok", no response, or "it's cool". But sometimes, people will get really nasty or say things like "just another selfish trader".

    To those people, I'd like to say- what do I owe you? do you consider that there are quite a few other people asking me the same question at the same time usually? Do you realize that in most cases I can't just turn and hit you with the wrangle you need on the spot? I have to go to divest and plunder, recharge nano, stack more divests, more plunders, recharge nano, wrangle? That isn't a simple favor for someone you don't know and if I did that for every person who asked for it, I'd never get anything done.

    I play this game for the same reason that those people do. I enjoy it and have fun playing. I know that it may seem like a simple thing to do, but please, before you make a nasty comment to a trader who doesn't do a wrangle for you, think about it. How would you respond if you just got your 20th tell of the day requesting a wrangle and you had team waiting for you to get there? And on top of that when you try to say no in a nice way, they curse at you? What if you heard that a few times a day? All I'm asking is that those of you who get mean with a trader who doesn't wrangle you, take a minute and think how you'd act if someone was asking for several minutes of your time. Doesn't seem like much to ask? Well times that 20. Then multiply that times the days you play, or will play AO.

    BTW, when I can, or do have the time, I do wrangles when requested. And to those of you who reply to a courteous refusal with a courteous response or none at all, thank you.


    Why do I keep playing? *edit* disreguard, ditched this game *edit*

    Why Can't Chown Save?

    Biding my time until the time is right........

  2. #2
    At least you have the courtesy to respond that you're too busy, and you deserve respect for that. Half the people in this game will just ignore you if you politely ask for a buff, and I find it really sad that people are that selfish. How many seconds does it take to type "I'm too busy" or even just plain "no"?

  3. #3
    What a wonderful opportunity to give agents a "hide profession" nano, or to create a tradeskill item for a skill like Quantum Forcefield Tech that would give you a "open/closed for business" HUD.

  4. #4
    What gets me is why traders think they are the most asked for Profession for buffs.

    Other than that, those people who get cocky, just tell them to go **** off and ignore them

    But I always reply with, One seconds or please wait.
    Or if you dont want to buff, go afk and say nada.

    My soldier has had a wrangle twice, becuase second time i ran out of ammo.
    I aint needed one since now cuz I self equip but later on ll need a to help? )

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    What gets me is why traders think they are the most asked for Profession for buffs.
    I used to get a lot of tells for wrangles, starting at lvl30 (heh... at approx. that lvl I was asked for a +70 buff... errrr... try something like +25???). Once I hit lvl70, I was getting quite a few tells for wrangles. I sometimes had 3 or 4 people giving me tells for wrangles after about 3 minutes of standing in the BB while waiting for a guildmate.

    However, this has changed within the last 1-2 months. There are a lot more traders around now plus the looming 14.2 OE changes, so I've been getting less and less tells for wrangles, and it's very noticable. Less /tells despite my gaining lvls (although, in all fairness, I'm a slowbie when it comes to lvling until school gets out... too much homework now).

  6. #6

    Re: Can I get a wrangle?

    Originally posted by Xiauzon
    To those people, I'd like to say- what do I owe you? do you consider that there are quite a few other people asking me the same question at the same time usually? Do you realize that in most cases I can't just turn and hit you with the wrangle you need on the spot? I have to go to divest and plunder, recharge nano, stack more divests, more plunders, recharge nano, wrangle? That isn't a simple favor for someone you don't know and if I did that for every person who asked for it, I'd never get anything done.
    What does anyone owe any other person? Traders are not the only profession that get pestered for thier buffs...

    The work that you put into casting what I assume to be a +132 Wrangler is comparable to the work an MP puts into casting a Mocham's buff at a bit above your level. Granted, you have the added danger of possiblity that the Leets you're Divesting/Plundering in Backyard #5, may kill you. Ok... That wasn't fair, I know you guys often work in the field.

    The simple fact is this: the game is filled with beggers, @$$h*lses, and greedy SOBs.

    You get used to it after a while...

  7. #7
    My enforcer gets asked for essences far more often than my tradr gets asked for wrangles. The difference is I'm happy to fire off an essence because it's quick, simple and I can keep doing it. If you want a wrangle I'll have to explain that I probably dont have the exact wrangle you want, ask if they have enough NCU for the next one up, possibly go find something to ransack, come back and cast the wrangle. Now, if I get another tell in the next couple of minutes I have to explain that no, I cant wrangle for a while since the last one is wearing off. Should I tell them to wait? sit do nothing for 2 minutes so I can do the next one?

    And thats saying nothing of "cna u rangel multy-meley?" ...NO!

  8. #8
    My biggest pet peeve with being asked for wrangles is when the person just asks for "whatever I got." O_o

    Well, I have this nice little 40something wrangle that I've been able to cast w/out draining for a while....
    And I also have this other wrangle that requires me going outside and chaining up every single drain I have...

    I need some communication peeps! Give me a freakin' number!--or two or three freakin' numbers so I can figure out which one would work best!

    edit: Actually, that's my second biggest pet peeve. The first is the guy who didn't tip me for the wrangle to equip his shotgun asking for ANOTHER higher wrangle to cast his bot before the last wrangle has even run out.
    Last edited by PaulyShore; Apr 14th, 2002 at 16:28:57.

  9. #9


    My absolute fav (I'm an MA btw) is the morons shouting "DaveDread Critbuff PLZ!" then when i buff them "Wow! LMA! Thanks DaveDread!"

    I better run like a bat out of hell from that zone. Still, you traders usually get some cash for your efforts... 8)


  10. #10
    Well, in the early 30's I've started getting tells too.
    Not as many as described in the previous posts, but some.

    So far, I've only turned down one, and that was only because I didn't have that nano at the moment (still don't but will soon).

    I don't care. In fact, that was what I started up for. So you might say that my purpose is fulfilling itself.

    Once I wrangle, they allways come back for Mmore.

  11. #11
    Bureaucrats are pestered for Authority Figure buff !
    This madness has to cease NOW.

    Yes buffing Psy is uber, but you know what ? We don't care and we keep it for ourself. Muhahahahhahahahahaha !!!!!
    No go back living in denial pretending you don't need any Psy buff for PvP.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  12. #12
    I too noticed that my Trader is getting alot less tells for wrangles the last few weeks, even though his lvl indicates the ability to run 'decent' ones now. Yay! Finally time to pass through Tir or Newland without a single tell Not that I mind wrangling, but it's nice to be able to get other things done too.

    Those of you who think Traders exist merely to be the buff-whores of the rest of AO community, think again. Last nite I responded with a 'sure, no problem' when an Engi needed a good wrangle, and after running through half of a lagged-down Tir to the backyard and providing my services, recieved only a 'cool, thanks'. Of course I said 'you're welcome, enjoy' and headed back to my own business, but people have to realize that time on Rubi-Ka = time IRL.... so a small compensation for the 7-9 minutes would be an easy way to help me feel compensated when providing a such a time-consuming favour. The wrangles I cast without stacking drains is quite a different story, since it only takes the 1 second to cast and a few more seconds to accept and respond to whatever tip or thanks I get.
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Cayana
    At least you have the courtesy to respond that you're too busy, and you deserve respect for that. Half the people in this game will just ignore you if you politely ask for a buff, and I find it really sad that people are that selfish. How many seconds does it take to type "I'm too busy" or even just plain "no"?
    sorry, it can happen too,
    that someone really have no time to answer.
    Here what happend yesterday:
    it was my first/second mission in city of home
    ( i'm Omni, everything new for me there ),
    this second mission was my own, and also a very important one,
    i tried to get a replacement, because someone left,
    discussed with team mates about something,
    get a tell "can i have....", i would really do it in spite of that i was in QW --->
    try to tab, also just look around ( crowded stairs ),
    CAN NOT FIND this person, that sent me a tell,
    by this time we have finaly a complete team,
    sorry i really don't have the time to type /tell "soandso" sorry bla bla
    ( i even would scroll up the chat, to spell the name correct,
    and i type rather slow )

    If even me, MP, can be so busy, what about Traders ?

    Quantar, MP 93

  14. #14

    Re: Re: Can I get a wrangle?

    Originally posted by Heart of Evil

    The simple fact is this: the game is filled with beggers, @$$h*lses, and greedy SOBs.

    Sad but true
    damn... how can we get rid of them ?
    There was a really nice idea of "bad customers list"...
    ( i would make even 2: bad customers & nice customers lists )

  15. #15

    Thumbs up

    Originally posted by TugBoat
    What a wonderful opportunity to give agents a "hide profession" nano, or to create a tradeskill item for a skill like Quantum Forcefield Tech that would give you a "open/closed for business" HUD.
    Exelent idea !!!

  16. #16

    Thumbs up Bad Customers List - Great Idea

    I think I will begin working on putting up a site where people could enter names of ppl and give feedback about their GOOD or BAD experiences with that person. That way you could do a search for their character name and know what ppl have to say about them be it good or bad. Then people could have this site up in the background while they are playing and check out their potential group members or business associates before its too late.

    Case in point:

    PC X (Doc): Hey want to join me for a group?

    YOU: Just a sec (check the site)

    SITE: PC X often insists on pulling as he claims that "docs are the the best class in this game" or that "docs can always heal themselves if they have to"

    SITE: PC X refuses to cast heals on members as he says "I dont want to waste time healing cause I cant fight while im casting"

    (By the way Ive grouped with a doc just like this and I really would have liked to get some information about him before I grouped expecting heals that never came, and how surprised was I when the enforcer (who was designated to pull) was followed by the doc while the rest of the group looked around bewildered)

    Prolly will take me a few weeks to work out the details. I submitted a new thread here where you all can post and ideas criticism flames etc or just say yay or nay toward this idea:

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