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Thread: MMORPG Anarchy Online to open new German server!

  1. #1

    Talking MMORPG Anarchy Online to open new German server!

    The German dimension will launch in early May. More details will be announced shortly, including information about the upcoming German betatest.
    Excuse me, but beta testing what??
    ::. Anarchin, OT Fixer, Legion .::

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynyah
    The difference is that you dont need a brain to camp things

  2. #2
    That would be Beta6 of Anarchy Online then.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  3. #3
    Don't you mean Beta14.x?

    Proud Ragnarok member

    Splatmaker -- Enforcer
    Darquan --Soldier (Retired)

    "Stop wasting air on my planet" - Meetloaf
    "Aman skattadu wattaman skattadu" - Anonymous crazy little trader

  4. #4
    Uhm, no... The patches officially started at 11.0, so we can't count it that way. Every time a beta is released we get a new number. Not after every patch. Beta5 is the official open beta test, and now beta6 is going to test out Customer Service and see if they can get it to work.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

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