I really hate to run around for 15-30 minues begging for Uvc and behemoth just to be able to go down to the arena to fight a little.
Behomoth and uvc is just the basic kitt, if i can ill go for absorbshield, ac, evades and whatnot.
The reason for this is bacause without them i dont stand a chanse and i KNOW that everyone else will be sporting the same buffs, especially the titled warriors. (Which btw is the only ppl to fight nowdays)

This has made pvping to a very booring and tedious process upuntill the actuall fight that lasts for a few seconds. Then you need to go get all the buffs again.

To make things even worse allmost all pvpers lvl150+ now have the caracteristic decranum mk2 hood to show that they are uber.
