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Thread: What people care about is what people do. (which isn't pvp for instance)

  1. #1

    What people care about is what people do. (which isn't pvp for instance)

    I can't read everybodies mind, but from what I see, this is what people do

    _____________________People Over lvl 100||||||||People under lvl 100
    80% lvling with teams____Is the only way to lvl|||||Fun because it's outdoors
    5% soloing missions_____Easy at low lvls||||||||||||||Impossible at high lvls
    5% getting items________Hard if you are a newb|||Easy because people aren't newbs
    3% finding a team_______Easy if you know the places to find people|||||Lvling in the same places makes it easy to find a team
    3% adventuring_________Exciting but has no purpose|||||more interesting than lvling at times but seems pointless which is sad
    2% PvPing_____________Only for a select few professions and people nomatter what lvl
    1% other stuff__________Musta forgotten something

    Please reply people with your values
    ODieEngineer - 130 Atrox Neutral (20 days) Engineer. member of The Independant Rubi-Kaans
    ODieLag - 73 Clan NT (15 days)(my newb days)

  2. #2

    Talking More like...

    20 % fighting in teams
    10 % rebooting after you have LDed
    25% Waiting for other members of team who have gone LD
    15% Trying to find other team members since everyone is lagging so bad
    10% waiting for res to wear off after being killed by invisible mobs
    5% soloing missions (unless they are soldiers over lvl 70 or most prof over lvl 100)
    5% shopping
    5% Waiting for a team mate to get missions after realizing that no none has one
    5% standing arguing about what to do
    3% PvP
    2% bumbing up against a zone again and again until you finally actually get through
    "Woe unto those who would tempt us from our path. Woe unto those who would defile the the Spirit in transgression against Him. For them I shall show no mercy. Such is the will of Bantz"

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