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Thread: Mission Boss in hunting grounds??

  1. #1

    Mission Boss in hunting grounds??

    Ok..the team missions are now in place & at the end you get a boss that drops 10 or so items, or so I here because missions get old & hunting is becoming more popular. (an increasing number from what I see)

    I would love to see boss mobs spawn at random around hunting spots & just in general around the world.
    In the spirit of "balance" I would like to see things cater for the hunters as well as the missioners.

    Perhaps have the boss spawn with his mob guards "stickey" to him so when he moves they move with him. So as to keep the fairness there.

    Or if ppl don't like the idea of having the boss just wandering around perhaps have that transporter that takes you to the boss room appear at random in hunting spots.

    Also his loot, I would like to see it drop more nanos than anything else, since hunting doesn't relinquish anything other than high Q weapons (wich after this anti-stepping patch & the upcoming anti AO patch they will be worth squat on the open market), 200+ monster parts (which needs well in excess of 500pharm to convert), gold items & a little armour from time to time.

    Oooh.... how about instead of chests, hunters can look under rocks for there loot with a test on there "rockpicking" ability

  2. #2
    excellent idea.
    BiggerDave - 93 Omni Soldier
    Fethers - 43 Omni Agent
    Phetherz - 18 Omni Doctor

    Unit member of Omni-Tek Blackwolf Operations

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