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Thread: A question regarding Bots and Engineers

  1. #1

    A question regarding Bots and Engineers

    Now I know you are all tired of hearing the Engineers complain about 14.2 and OE'ing, etc, etc, etc. This is not complaining, but a question or perhaps an idea that FunCom should REALLY consider.

    While I understand the need for the OE patch in 14.2, here is one point in regards to Engineers I don't understand. Why do we "spawn" bots instead of building them from scratch? My concept is simple. Create an Engineer Only (i.e. Fixer and Trader) shop with the necessary parts to build a bot from ground up. Once assembled this "constructed" bot would have considerably lower t/s and m/c requirements than a spawned bot would. This would also incorporate the Engi's green engineering skills that are practically useless elsewhere in game. This could truly overcome the OE objection that many Engi's are concerned about. Just as Med Labs created from monster parts require incredibly low stats to use, so should a "constructed" SlayerDroid. I can see no drawbacks to this concept and truly it will force Engi's to use IP more to the skills that they were designed to use as opposed to weapons and defense (that's what our bots are for anyways). I encourage your feedback on this (especially you Engi's out there!) and I really would like to know what FunCom's thoughts are as well.

    Anxicor - 130 Engineer

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    That's a good idea. I don't think it would even be that hard to implement: this is essentially the same process that will be used to make the Kamikaze Bot before you are able to spawn one (whenever they implement it, that is).

    Anything that makes more use of our tradeskills is a Good Thing.
    Numi7, Omni-Tech Employee
    Solitus Engineer
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  3. #3
    Good idea. Just wondering, have you sent this in as feedback yet? It would be a good idea to do so as the idea is pretty cool.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  4. #4
    So, it is a work-around so that Engies can continue to 'overequip' (high robots) after 14.2 hits the servers?

  5. #5


    Originally posted by Lazz
    So, it is a work-around so that Engies can continue to 'overequip' (high robots) after 14.2 hits the servers?
    No, not a workaround at all. This would still require the Engineer to be profficient is FOUR different Engineering skills as opposed to just 2 nano lines. This would also cause the Engineer's ability to attack to be lowered as the IP used in weapons would need to be reallocated to Engineering skills if the player would like to build their own bot. My in-game example is in the treatment labs that are made from monster parts - the requirements for those are incredibly low but the effect is 5-10X that of the standard labs bought from the machines. Don't forget even with 14.2 Engineers can still spawn bots well over the 80% threshhold, it's a matter of maintaining control when the buffs wear off. This solution could virtually end the Engineer 14.2 argument entirely as it would push our class to use skills it was originally intended to use. Let me just quote something from the character creation screen :

    "The engineer profession is geared toward the creation of items and weapons. No profession beats engineers at creating robots to do the dirty work for them. An engineer may not be the strongest of all professions but makes a powerful opponent or ally by using gadgets and robot helpers."

    I hope that clears up what I was trying to say.

    Anxicor 132 Solitus Engineer

  6. #6
    Awesome idea! Bumpage!
    Cyrus "Othar" Peak

    "The Honored Guard, Serving with Pride, Prejudice and Patience." - Justsabi


    "My body is my Temple."

  7. #7
    Thats a great idea. I really like the idea of assembling bots. It also introduces the ability to manufacture various flavors of bots depending on what sorts of components you use.

    For instance, you might say a Mark V chasis can hold 100 kilograms of machinery. The player would need to decide if he wants to install a big heavy gun, or maybe use some of his weight allowance for more armor..

    You could do the same with the power plant. Depending on the rating of the power plant, you could install various combinations of energy weapons, forcefields, or NCU components.

    If Engineers worked like this, I would be tempted to play one over my 'crat. As it is, the class just isnt interesting enough.



  8. #8

    You've brought forth a twist to my idea I hadn't thought of. Hybrid bots of sorts with multiple configurations. That's a great idea! Imagine a bot running around Tir with a Slayer head, a Warbot body and the legs of a Glad Bot! That would be a sight to see. Excellent addition.


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