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Thread: ~ Oh my.... am i BIG!

  1. #1

    ~ Oh my.... am i BIG!

    I would like a 1 time use to be able to change our height/fatness again.

    I chose extra tall as my enforcer, and now im eating the ceilings...

    if i buff myself with a essence, and then use mongo, and then right after use a challenger, My head is in the celing of any mission.

    I can barely squeeze through doors, and i can't fit through those pillars in that "one" odd room. ~ i only get those missions sometimes in caves... (i gotta push u repeatidly to get past it).

    Now imagine i get "enlarge" casted on me and i use bracers....
    Oh my will i have a problem....

    Please allow me to switch my size.. If u can do IP Resets.. im shure u could pull this one. I would be much happier.

  2. #2
    I chose large size too, and im experiencing the same problems. FC should have anticipated this and needs to fix narrow passages so enforcers can use their nanos without fear of getting stuck.

    You should not get a penalty for being tall. In RL you can at least bow your head when your tall, and you wont get your head into the roof.
    Cyrus "Othar" Peak

    "The Honored Guard, Serving with Pride, Prejudice and Patience." - Justsabi


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  3. #3
    Hold on a sec...
    IP resets? Somebody explain this to me.

  4. #4
    With the 14.2 patch that has been planed, you will be able to reset a skill and get back the IP you spent on it.
    -Omnitek is your fiend
    Claybats the Sane
    Idahoe | Kalderon | Claybats | Meyna

  5. #5

  6. #6
    When patch 14.2 hits live servers you will get 90 reset points. To use them you remove EVERYTHING then use them on a skill and it drops down to what it would be if you had not put any ip in that skill. 90 is enough to take down every skill if you want and these 90 will dissapear the next patch after 14.2 if you dont use them. Every time you lv you get some reset skills, since I dont know the number per lv I wont guess but as you increase in lv the more reset points you get each time you lv. Everyone thank FC for this, its bringing back my ip hell soldier.
    Leader of Shadow Company

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  7. #7
    great... so my thread about me being one tall mo fo... has turned around in becoming another thread about IPR.... bah!

    oh well at least some people call me the "friendly green giant"

    i should buy a green coat and some titan armor.... but then again... nobody would see my head since its up in the ceiling....

    Bump* on a fix for this

  8. #8
    On behalf of the Dev Team we will introduce for you a /crouch social next patch. Got get these lumbagos babe !!
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  9. #9

  10. #10
    I think it would be nice if we could at least change the weight on our chars.. maybe with a diet pill or a fattening milkshake or something. I made a "normal" weight female and she ended up a little top-heavy for my liking. Feel like I might fall over in a stiff breeze.. I would like to slim her down a bit.

  11. #11
    Perhaps there could be a checkbox in the options menu that allowed you to toggle being able to see the size changes of your own character on your own computer.

    What I mean is that everybody else would be able to see that you're huge, but your computer would show you as being normal-sized, if you'd like, so that you could still see clearly in tight spaces (ie no head up in the ceiling).

    And with not being able to fit through places...whatever they did to cub ( Not you, Cub, Playful Cub; but I'm sure you realize that, having been an advent and all) and grinning hunter that allowed them to fit through doorways could probably be applied to normal-sized characters...of course, I don't know if those fixes actually were applied to everybody or not...

    And if you b*tch enough, they'll fix that one mission that is giving you trouble, much like they fixed the acid brown cave to an extent.

    And Cayana, I'd like to be able to do that too. You mean after 30,000 years, humans still haven't perfected the art of weight loss/gain? Seriously, I think it would be funny to fatten up at Christmastime and then slim back down.

    "I know you miss the Wainwrights, Bobby, but they were weak and stupid people - and that's why we have wolves and other large predators." - A caption from Gary Larson's The Far Side

  12. #12
    I dont think you actually get *stuck* no matter how tall you are.

    I'd say the actual player *size* is the same, it's just the visual effect that changes. I too have that problem with that odd brown cave room, but I always have, from level 1
    Don't be lonely anymore.

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