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Thread: HP Bars bugged Or....Hmm

  1. #1

    HP Bars bugged Or....Hmm

    Okay now Alot of people are getting anoyed with this, especially in the PVP scene.

    Now lets start with PVM.

    I am leveling with a team of people my level or higher.
    When they are attacked by mobs, SOME...of them...there HP bar does not drop, at all...ever...

    Some say there Evades are high but, I see alot of Player was hit by mob for XXX dmg.

    Powervault and Blizzaga <(my alt) found something interesting out.

    With both did TMS at the same each other our HP was staying full, but on our owns screens the HP bar is staying the same.

    Many soldiers, Dankman, Aqualimon or Nenous have told me that they in pvp FULL auto'd for around 3k and 2k on burst /fling or whatever and said the persons HP didnt drop, I have seen this happen once.

    Sometimes when I pvp people there Health bar does not drop for AGES.

    Somtimes when I buff people with Essence instead of leaving a huge Gap where the HP a has been added it stays the same.

    Some people have told me it is Health/life implants, but I have these and I asked alot of people does my hp drop straight away and it does.

    I dunno, whats going on ?

    Oh and..when the HP does eventually drops...I tell you, it drops so fast.


    Kinda disadvantage, you dont know if your hurting them or not.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Happens to me all the time. I'll be dueling another MA, Advent, or Enforcer. I'll be hitting them for 1k dmg. I see them chain-healing, but their health bar is at 100%. Then, they'll all of a sudden drop dead. Or they'll start running away in slow motion with 100% health, before all of a sudden dropping dead.

    I've actually been killed, but not really killed. Kind of like the mobs. I'll die (the music and all), be at 0 HP, then I'll heal back up. My opponent can't attack because I'm already dead. And the whole time, I'm still attacking. I think it's a sync issue.

  4. #4

    engies trimmed down to 50%

    don't forget the engies with their HP trimmers.

    They use it on their bot and wham, their HP (on everyone BUT their own screen, both the team panel and individual targeting) drops to half; and refuses to go to full.

    (although it does return, eventually, but I'm not sure what the circumstances were)

    Gives healers a heart attack.

  5. #5

    Red face

    Same with me.
    I hit ppl with 2,8 AS and follow up with 1,1 fling and their hp bar dont move att all...
    And i also had /tell from ppl accusing me for exploiting
    I have to ask them...why did i die? and why do they think i healed myself...?

    There is some kind of bug with the hp-bar and FC is aware of it, lets hope it's fixed in 14.0.



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