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Thread: Don't make quest NPC like Alvin vanish

  1. #1

    Don't make quest NPC like Alvin vanish

    Doing the quest to gather all items is already hard and long enough so why the hell do you make all npc who give us the quests vanish?

    I haven't seen Alvin once during the last 3 months and there are always people camping them.
    I'm not playing AO to wait 10 hours in line for my turn just to give an item to a npc.
    I work during the week and can only play the evening and waiting for a npc doing nothing for several hours isn't my vision of fun. Just for this reason I will leave the game for another which doesn't have this lame feature asap if you don't change it.
    I can understand named mobs with special loot having a longer respawn time than regular mobs but in Alvin's case it's a quest godammit and the time spent hunting robots should make up for a respawn.

    Even EQ, known as the king of campers doesn't do that with quest npc.

    I love doing quests because it changes from the daily missions but this current feature kills all the fun.

    Please change it.
    I'll keep bumping until you do it or until I'm gone to another game without such a boring feature is released.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Good point!

    Nuff said!
    Buford Hitokage Matt

    Explorer 73% | Socializer 66% | Achiever 33% | Killer 26%

    Don't fear the night...
    fear the ones hiding in it.

    "Jesus is coming - Look busy"

    "Im not Uber. Im your common joe. Im level 178 and untitled. I never had a title and I never really cared whether I got one. All I really wanted was to have fun, learn new stuff and put my creativity to some use." - PhiliosPhreak

  3. #3
    I think FC should employ the one person Man they seem to lack.


    ..And I mean that.

    Great post btw.

    215/15 | Lagerlad Atrox Adventurer | eqp | Mostly indestructible
    214/13 | Xpie Atrox Meta-physicist | eqp | Supernova!
    Member of Ragnarok

  4. #4
    I 100% agree. Its totally ridiculous. I waited for 3 straight days for my chance to talk to Dodga. Once I finally got the quest, I search out some robots to kill and headed for the trashkings area. I get there to find its camped of course by some lvl 150 doc who had no intention of sharing.

    The first thought that popped in my head was "When the hell did this game become EverQuest?"

    If I wanted to spend endless hours staring at nothing, waiting for someone to spawn, I would still be playing evercamp.

    Please, please change this. Its just a stupid unnecessary time sink created by inexperienced quest designers.

  5. #5
    Either make him not despawn, or make it so people can't camp him, like making the spawn location random. Lush is big, but I would actually think it would be cool to hunt him down and do the stuff than wait for some moron to trade him the item before I can give the Card to him. (even though he said hed wait)

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Bump, stupid 2 hours spawn. Just in case: Clan version of Alvin is Dodga, change him too plz, just to make sure FC dont forget him
    NT phone HOME!!

  8. #8
    so is there a single person still arguing about super-duper-long Unique-mob respawns?


    How about some reaction then from our friendly FC folks?

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