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Thread: The mules of Rubi-Ka

  1. #1

    Angry The mules of Rubi-Ka

    I am Sllaagor. I know not how old I am, or where I was born, or who my ... genetic ... parents may have been. My mother was a test tube, my father was a knife. I was created in an Omni-Med lab, designed for one purpose. A slave. A beast of burden.

    I awoke to a life of endless toil in the mines, sub-human living conditions, and the surety that I would die under a pile of unrefined notum, sooner or later, in one of the ever-present cave-ins ... and the knowledge that no one, especially the ones who created me, would know or care.

    Waking hours filled with work. The small amount of free time spent thinking, speaking with others. Learning. I learned of the three breeds of true humans, and learned that my breed was, and would always be, less.

    Calling the Atrox "Homo Atrox" is a sick joke. How are we human when we cannot reproduce? I have no sex organs, but science cannot make living cells forget that they were once human. I am tortured in my dreams by flashes of strange emotions I have never known before. I see ... visions ... possibilities ...

    Shortly after I met the Solitus ... he never told me his name ... I learned that there was life outside Omni-Tek. A place where a person of any creed could make a difference. He spoke of the Clans, of a mythical-sounding city known as Tir where Atrox lived lives instead of endless slavery. Thoughts of Tir began to fill my days until I could not take it any longer.

    One day, a friend of mine was killed in a cave-in. Our OT supervisor didn't even bat an eye, sent us back to work ... we could not even honor our own dead! I killed him with my bare hands, and then killed his two Atrox enforcers, though I was hard pressed and badly wounded. The other slaves threw me out of the mines and into the wilderness, where I wandered for many days, feverish and lost.

    A Clan patrol found me and took pity on me, healing me and directing me to Tir. I arrived yesterday, and it is everything I have ever dreamed. I train long and hard to support the Clan cause, and to work towards my greatest dream.

    I want to invade Omni-Med, either by force or by stealth, and get the information that could make the Atrox a true human breed. Male and Female. They must have the knowledge. Look at all the other lifeforms they have created, the other human breeds. I live for the day when I will witness the first two true Homo Atrox, a male and a female, born into the world in a Clan laboratory. Then perhaps they will go forth like a modern Adam and Eve and take their place among the true humans of Rubi-Ka.

    I am still young, inexperienced ... but I work hard to improve my skills. I am patient ... it is easy to be when you have no mating imperative. I would change that. I would be a man, a true man, with balls and all! To understand the strange dreams I have of love and life and those things denied to all Atrox.

    I am patient.

    - Sllaagor


    <OOC: Yes, I know, the game is set up that way, most likely for a reason ... but I think it could be a very interesting parallel plotline. I can see endless missions being created from it, in-game history being made, and perhaps some day a patch that adds male and female Atrox, with appropriate differences, bonuses and penalties. I doubt it will happen, but it makes a nice backstory and driving impulse for my Atrox Enforcer!>

  2. #2

    Wink wow

    ooc: wow, very nice story ,)
    tradeskillz ?

  3. #3
    <OOC: Thanks! I've wanted to roleplay on an MMORPG for awhile now, just haven't found one that was more than just hack and slash with people running around named SuPaKiLLa spouting l33t every two steps. When I first saw the low level monsters in AO I laughed myself silly!>

  4. #4

    Thumbs up A battered Atrox...

    ...stumbled down the path toward our small patrol. I could sense strength, and not the physical sort, in his resolve to reach his destination in such physical shape. After summoning my manifestation and informing it to guard me, I cautiously approached the massive figure. There was a glow about him, one of purpose and willpower. It must have been a strange sight to my comrade soldiers, a Nano-mage of barely 5 feet looking up at an Atrox that nearly doubled his height, if not tripled his weight.

    "Where are you headed stranger? These are no lands to be caught roaming aimlessly, there are many dangers about."

    He explained what had happened and his destination.

    During the long walk back to Tir we spoke of many things, and he surprised me with his above average intelligence and self aware-ness for an atrox. I was truly intrigued by his quest, and it seemed to be one for something very rare in this world...Truth and justice. I decided, I shall help this poor soul. I shall teach him what I can, and then again he may just teach me a thing or two. After a nice cold Freeland Ale, I told him it was time to train. I handed him some chest armor and we made our way out the South Gate. To find some OT's to kill.

    (((ooc: Slla is my RL brother, he is an Atrox Enforcer and I am a Nano-mage MP...We enjoy leveling and killing, but are looking for a little more (played UO a long time, It went from some RP to none). If there is anyone else like us that are looking to kill and try to make our own niche in this world of possiblities, let us know ))))


  5. #5


    OOC: Yeah, my guild is really into roleplaying and we have some atroxes among us who might like your story You two have a guild yet? If not send me a /tell in game or send me an email.
    End OOC

    I wish I could have met one as interesting as yourself. I have gone on many a patrol mission usually with little intel gathered. I guess north from NL isn't always the most active area....
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  6. #6
    One thing, your not called homo- atrox Just Atrox.
    Nice tho

  7. #7

    Wink Atrox, Homo Atrox, whatever ....

    <OOC: Actually, it is Homo Atrox. Just like it's Homo Solitus, Homo Opifex, etc. Homo Sapiens would be us. Atrox is just the common name (and correct as they are not truly Homo Atrox, considering they can't breed)>

  8. #8


    You do bring up an interesting point, my Atrox friend. I hadn't addressed it directly before, just in responses to your other communications on this channel. But I do think you are right:

    Homo Atrox is something of a misnomer. Who could ever mistake your kind as human? You're barely sentient, after all.

    Your mother was an artificial womb (Likely the Omni-tek Vivipod X or XI) and your father was a set of centrifuge-isolated DNA chains. The real mystery is whether or not you actually have a soul. The cell scanning technology would seem to indicate that you do, but I think perhaps the Atrox are all sharing the simple soul of your original DNA any case, we can't have you dull-witted worker products replicating unchecked; first of all, you have no capacity to raise young, and second of all, the shoulders of your breed would kill anything trying to pass them through her birth canal. Get this straight, Sllaagor: Your kind are grown, not born. And no one at Omni Med has any interest in what the product has to say about its design. We own your copyright, and you perform the services we designed you to perform. If you fail to continue to perform them, then you will be replaced by a more efficient breed.

    Yes, I can see how this might seem cold; but it's simple business. It's a pity you have some kind of malfunction that prevents you from taking pride in your labor the way you should.
    The doctor is not responsible for filing your insurance claim forms. Please see the front desk for further assistance.

  9. #9

    Omni-Med will pay

    I am most definitely not your friend.

    I say that you, Doctor, are the one without a soul. You callously play "God" and tamper with genetic forces for personal gain. You claim I have a "malfunction", once again reinforcing your belief that I and my kind are nothing more than organic machines.
    It is your attitude that has brought suffering on the human race throughout history, tampering with things you cannot possibly control. You may have created us but your creations have minds - - and SOULS - of their own.

    Make all of the threats you want. You do not own me any longer. I am free from the OT yoke and I intend to remain so. Even as we speak, disenchanted Atrox band together with one goal: Crushing Omni-Med for their inhumanity, freeing the Atrox genetic code for modification.

    Omni-Med had better care about what they have wrought with the Atrox. It will come home to roost. I for one hope that you personally are present in the lab when I and my fighters smash in and gain freedom for our breed. Your death will not be quick, clean or slow. No insurance can save you from torture and imprisonment at the hands of your creations.

    Think on it, Doc. An eternity of agony, strapped to a chair, being experimented on, cut up, mutilated... your nerves screaming for help that cannot possibly arrive. That sounds like a fitting fate for a person of your moral caliber. I would be happy to personally oversee your ... re-education. Get this straight, Firenza: I will not rest until the Atrox is a true breed. I will utterly destroy any who stand in my way. All of your book-learning and pretty degrees on the wall cannot save you.

    - Sllaagor
    Clan - Atrox Enforcer

    <OOC: Great post, Doc. I've been waiting for an OT doc to "put me in my place." /OOC>
    Last edited by Sllaagor; Feb 28th, 2002 at 19:33:44.

  10. #10

    Omni Atrox

    Once I worked in the mines. But I got mad lots. They was going to delete my pattern thing and make me go away for good the next time. That made me mad. I broke a guard. Another guard shot me. I died. I woke up in a white room with nice nurses.

    Then a man in a white suit said "You can do better, come with me"

    They showed me how to get mad and do stuff that would be good. Like bashing those clan people. They make me mad. They want to kill me because I work for Omni. Omni takes good care of me, they let me bash things when I get mad.

    And I get mad a lot. Sometimes for no reason. Then I feel like smacking things.

    The doctors say I have a Benny Fishal Defect.

    I do not know Benny.

    But he fixed it so I could get out of the mines, so that's ok with me. I say let Benny give me some more defects.

    I get good money. I get a nice place to live. The Atrox that run away, well they are dumb. They live in dirty houses and where there is bad food and drink.

    And they make me mad. And that is bad for them. Especially if they want to hurt the nice nurses and doctors that got me out of the mines.

    And if you know Benny, tell him I said thanks.

    Atrox Enforcer
    Major "Rhase" Marsalis--RK1

    Morgan "Chainbreaker" Durousseau--RK2

  11. #11
    I name is Oren Fadri, called Ironheel, this is story of why I take name Ironheel.

    In earliest remebers I is in cold dark place taking shiney stuff out of walls. I know now it Notum, but not know that then. I smaller then most I work with but bigger then the peoples not like me that just watch and tell the bigger peoples like me what to do. Every day same, work get fed eat, I slowly gets bigger and work not so much in the smaller type places but in bigger with the other bigger like me people.

    Then one day be different. Person not like me came, the smaller type, Opifex I learn later they called. I see them before workin on the stuff that make the not bad smellin air. But this one not like those, those walk around all scared of the in charge type people, this one got way of walkin that I only sees in the in charge type people. Like that one was a in charge type person.

    The Opifex walked up to the in charge type person and say that it not good to treat Atrox all bad and stuff. I glance up from work from time to time but not wanna get shocked so keep workin, I workin next to friend I make when littler, Roland who we's all call Rolly cause fer Atrox Rolly is all agile 'n stuff. Well Roland is really smart and tell me that Atrox is us and that the Opifex type person is a Clan type person and wants us be free.

    I was just gonna ask what free mean but then all sorts of stuff start happenin. Booms and yellin and shootin and diein, lots of diein. Rolly run at guard person that be Atrox like us but not like us, that one never work, wear different type clothing and have shockin stick instead of diggin stick. Well Roland go up to guard type person and do spinny kick thing and break guard. People yellin at all us to follow, not knowin what to do all us Atrox type follow. We run and run and run then I see thing I never see before.

    I see suns for first time. It hurt, it hurt lots! But it feel good to, warm, and bright. All us stop to look at big balls of light in sky, though at time I think it just a really tall roof. Well we stop to long and bunches of us get shot and die, we run again followin the people that Rolly says are Clanners. We run for long time until they say it OK to stop. They talk to us, tell us about things we not really understand then Rolly say that we is free and can do what we want. Well we just wanna work so the Clanner types say OK and let us work loadin stuff in really nice pretty city call Tir. But Rolly not wanna work, Rolly talkin to this really tall though not tall as I guy who wearin this funny black armor and got no weapons like the other clan type peoples.

    Rolly talk to that guy for long time then come talk to me. Rolly talk about fightin and freein other Atroxes 'n stuff like that. But I not wanna fight, I just wanna be worker like before only get ta be outside in the sun and see plants and get time to rest if want to. Rolly say that one day I learn that I no can just be worker, that it not right that others fight to free I and I not fight ta free others, then Rolly say that I no friend and that name now is Ironheel 'n not Rolly cause Rolly gonna crush all the Omni-types like the guard type person.

    I not talk to Rolly for long time after that, year maybe two, I not sure. Well one day all us Atrox type peoples be workin way out away from Tir and I see Rolly. I say Hi and Rolly say Hi back and reminds me that I should not call Rolly Rolly anymore but say Ironheel. I grins and say ok. We sits and talk and Ironheel talk about all the Atroxes that been freed and all that good stuff.

    But then peoples in black armor show up. They point funny gun at Ironheel and I. Next thing I knows I is infront of the insurance place feelin all sick 'n stuff. I try find out what goin on and where I best friend be. People tell me that Omni's kill Ironheel cause of all the trouble I friend caused, but kill with special gun so insurance no work cause there some big bad problem. I very sad, then get mad. I learn how ta use axes and stuff ta fight and I join Clans as an Enforcer type person.

    I hope someday they figure out big bad problem with insurance stuff so Rolly come back. When that happen I give name back but until then I gonna be Ironheel and free the Atrox type peoples. I miss best friend. And that is story of why I be Ironheel.

    Oren "Ironheel" Fadri
    Clan Enforcer

  12. #12
    ((OOC: Great origin story!))

    Yes, the Atrox can be such sweet creatures. Your innocence' is so evident in this transmission that it really sickens me to think how the clans will take advantage of you. Brainwashed into thinking that we, your parents, seek to exploit or harm you. It's the clan exploiting you now, exploiting your genetic tendency towards anger and rage when you're pushed too far. How long had you worked in the mines, doing good work and having real meaning and significance in your life, and no troubles?

    And now, or very soon, you'll find yourself asking "what's the point? Why am I even alive?" Because you can't do the thing you were born to do, and you can't fit in with the other people like you who worked so hard and achieved so much. The clan has achieved nothing but scorn and their fancy words about freedom are just a disguise for their perpetual quest for hand-outs.

    It happens to all the breeds but the Atrox, strong, noble, and trusting, are the most vulnerable to the shameless lies of the clans. I only hope that somehow you can return to your family because we love you, and miss you, Ironheel. We want you to come back and to mean something again, and not be lost and confused.
    The doctor is not responsible for filing your insurance claim forms. Please see the front desk for further assistance.

  13. #13
    OOC: Thanks, and let me compliment you on a very well played Omni. I hope it's not to confusing, that's always my worry with trying to portray a character lacking intelligence. It's hard to talk about someone without ever using a pronoun! Damn Atrox and their genderlessness!


    I hadta ask friend Zylas to explain some big words you use so if I gets it wrong it him fault.

    I like workin in mines OK. But I not think I Like it now, I like sunshine, and green stuff, and eatin stuff other then the mushy stuff they feed us. I ask Zylas what Brainwash mean and he go into big long talk about how Omni do it but I think him wrong. I think you wrong to when you say Clans brainwash I. Omni no brainwash me, just make I work. Clans no brainwash me, just explain how Omni not give I choice on what I's wanna do 'n stuff like that.

    I not worry to much about why I is alive, I know why. I is alive to do things that littler and weaker type people can't do. Like get whupped on by big bad scorpoids and mutants and spidery thingies while others shoot it. I is alive to kick open doors 'n stuff that others no can, oh and I is alive to bash heads of the Omni type people cause they make Atroxes slaves.

    I no can go back. That's what friends say, once I go try talk to Omni type person, ask them why they make I slave. Maybe I shoulda put weapons away er somethin. Cause Omni type person shoot I lots and I die. Unlike Rolly though I come back. So I no try talk to Omni's no more when I see them. Just whack 'em in the head. And 'sides, if I come back to Omni I not gonna be able to check insurance thingie to see if Rolly come back yet.
    Oren "Ironheel" Fadri
    Clan Enforcer

  14. #14
    I see, Dr. is this your idea of how Atrox should function? They need others to explain to them even the most simple of things? So dumb that you cannot even persuade them to do what you want them to? Please, Dr. that is not buisness.

    Ironheel, my friend, let me explain to you why your friend was likely a clan member. Your friend most likely believed they were good, nice wonderful people. Your friend likely thought that with them it was free. Your friend Rolly probably 'freed' other atrox, and confused into thinking the clans were better than omni. Your friend likely told you that it was fighting for a better planet and that you were wrong not to do the same.

    I understand why you are angry at your friend's death, I know the feeling. But please, even mentaly challenged as you are, you should see that with clans you are no more free than you are with omni. If you want to see the sun and greens, then you can do the same as an Omni enforcer.

    I do not fight as a clanner for freedom, or justice, that's no reason to fight in a war, because during war time no such thing exists. I fight with the clanners for hope of winning the war, and seeing the day when I can leave this planet. Some know where my loyalties lie, and they are NOT easy to minipulate. Please my friend, educate yourself, then choose your side, for your friend himself said you are no longer friends.

    Anyways, Dr. I hope you will get your story straight, not all atrox are as helpless as this fool, and you, as an omni-tek employee brain wash millions of atrox every day. I want honesty, not propaganda. Then we'll chat.

    (OOC: very nice story. :BIC)

  15. #15
    I don't personally brainwash them. I have assistants to do that.


    The Atrox are a stubborn breed. Generally they hold on to their instructions quite well, but when they decide to change their minds it is incredibly difficult to get them to change back.

    With that in mind, I'm working on some designs now that reduce the danger of the Atrox going against its instructions, either by hard-coding those instructions genetically as instinctive behaviors, or by eliminating their minds entirely. With successful progress, I should be able to present some of these designs to the board in the near future.

    As for your analysis of the clans, I hope you do realize that clan success will likely spell the end of life on this planet within a few very short years as the artificially controlled environment collapses and this planet goes back to being the uninhabitable sun-blasted desert it was when Omnitek found it. True peace and harmony is impossible until Omnitek regains supreme control of the world and eliminates the parasitic infestation of the clan. The clan has been the source of the problems since the problems began. The clan started the war. You fight for nothing more than free hand outs, no matter what noble words you use. Omnitek brought life to this planet and without Omnitek there is no life on this planet. Pure and simple. So rather than contributing to the decline of living conditions on this planet, why don't you return to Omnitek and be a part of the only viable solution for peace and prosperity - and put in an honest day's work for an honest day's wage as well?

    Humans were not born or made to scavenge like vultures in the desert. The clan goes against all that is peaceful and human in all of us, living on what you can beg or steal from Omnitek while contributing nothing whatsoever to the continued existence of that corporation which you depend upon for your survival. Even most bacteria have the sense not to kill their host, knowing that this will cause them to perish as well. Are you not even as intelligent as e. coli?
    The doctor is not responsible for filing your insurance claim forms. Please see the front desk for further assistance.

  16. #16
    Hmmm two peoples talkin. Ok Imbersin yeah you is right Rolly say all them things, but free more then Atrox, actually I think freed more Opifex then anythin. Prolly cause needs LOTS of Opifex type people ta do stuff one of us Atrox type peoples could do.

    I don't like you call I stupid. You be usin bigger words then that but I know what they mean. I no make fun of you for being puny weakling who not even big around as I arm, yeah Atrox no think as good as other types of peoples but it not fair ta poke fun at us for it. So I no make fun of you cause I could crush yous in one hand and you no make funs of I smarts OK?

    Omni not let I be free, all friends say Omni gonna make I be miner again. I was good at bein miner and feel good about that but I feel gooder when I kills da big stuff that be hurtin my littler friends. I feels real proud when stand over body of thingie I kill, I know I goods at stuff like that and wanna keep doing it. With Clans I get ta go to all kinds of neat places. Just today I see Wailing Wastes. There nice big pretty lake in it if yous look hard enough. Anyways I made here, why ever wanna leave?

    And friend not dead, there just big bad problem with insurance thingie. When they get fixed he come back.

    Doctor type person, normally I like doctor type people. They keep I insides on the inside and I likes that. But I not thinking I like you much. You is super smart but yous not know much about us clan type peoples. We work real hard, makin stuff, fixin stuff, stopping mutants and cyborgs from breakin stuff and killin peoples, we do all kinds of different type things.

    And you is big time wrong about planet dieing if Omni leave. All I friends talk about how Omni killin planet, I not sure if they right but I sure Clans not killin planet. We keep Athen and Tir real green and nice. It very pretty. I like just walkin around in Athen Shire. Yous should come visit sometime Doctor type person. I show you that clans not all bad types.
    Oren "Ironheel" Fadri
    Clan Enforcer

  17. #17


    I am an atrox. I doubt that your arm is bigger around than my body, though I am small. I am not disturbed like you are, I have a brain, whether I was meant to or not, I do. As in reply to what the Dr. stated, I am sorry but he is indeed correct. Without Omni this planet will fall apart, without the water they supply how will we keep Tir green. Athens is not green, I've seen pictures of Athens before clans took over. It was second only to Rome.

    I actualy look forward to the day that the planet falls to a desert again, when the notum is no longer worth the risk for at least Omni-Tek. By then I will be off the planet, handouts or not, I will leave. However if Omni begins winning again, I will move I suppose. I change with the tides...

    Ironheel, your 'friends' may be able to think, unlike you, but that does not imply that they are intelegent. Take my word for it, the Clans and Omni-Tek are no different, except one makes the resources and profit while the other spends it. Anyways even I am finding it hard to disscuss with someone with IQ ranging in the negatives.

    (Oh and believe me, Omni will not put you back in the mines. You already helped cost them an outpost, they won't do that again. They will keep you locked on the battle feild where treachory will not enter your mind, but this is of course what you want.)

    It would also help Dr. if you could start implementing propaganda into their dreams. I've heard of it before, it works for the stupid ones, but not on intelegent people. If they are smart they realise what is happening and usualy kill themselves. Win, win situation huh?

  18. #18
    Ironheel: I think you can see that the "Dr." and Imbersin are clearly trying to confuse you. They want you to think that the planet will fail without OmniTek controlling everything. There is a possibility that the planet might fail without OmniTek being here, but it will not fail if we take the power of governance (how people are told what to do) away from them and give it to the people of the planet. OmniTek can be here, just not bossing everyone around and shocking Atrox into work, or putting the so-called not "intelligent" Atrox as cannon fodder (atrox in army that get killed first). My friend, you are intelligent. Just, in your own way. Your seemingly (what it looks like) "low intelligence" is just showing that you dont understand why the omnis want to control everything. Your intelligence is how to stop bad people and how to help good people. Your friend Rolly was a good person. Dont let the Omnis try to trick you into joining them again. With the clans you are more free to do what you want than with the Omnis, dont let them tell you otherwise. They are trying to make your friends look bad. The ones that freed you. Ones like Rolly.
    And like Imbersin said, they wont use the shocker on you anymore, but that doesnt take away the truth that they did it before. Now they see you are not some stupid atrox they can take advantage of, but an Atrox who can see the difference between right and wrong, which seems to be blurred (fuzzy or smeared) to the Omnis.
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  19. #19
    You is Atrox Imberson? How you talk so good? I not understand. Is it cause you say you smaller? Anyways I really not think this planet all fall apart if Omni leave. Planet hold together just fine before Omni show up prolly not fall to pieces after either.

    And fer livin on here there be TONS of water and lakes and woods and green type stuff. And there be lots of living running around type stuff to. I see lots and lots of scorpoids and nightcrawlers and wasteprowlers and TONS of Rhinomen. I think that shows that Clan know how to keep Rubi-Ka all nice and green 'n stuff.

    And you startin to make I mad. You say I no can think at all. Well I think enough to know that betrayin yer friends is bad. And that just what you do. Other clanners count on you but you say as soon as things look not so good you just turn and run like little coward. I not like that. Just today I and some friends get attacked by big mean nightcrawler family. I tell them ta run and hold them off long as I can so friends no die. It hurt lots then I back at reclaim and not feelin to good but that better then let friends die. I no can understand how you say so easy you leave friends just when they need you most.

    And what if I not wants to always be fightin and killin? Clans let me do other stuff to. Not be like Omni and shocks I if I acts bad. In fact Clans encourage, that big word I just learn from friends, I ta make weapons. They say I really surprizing good at it. Use word savant er something like that. Anyways I like buildin stuff. Make I feel good.

    And to Smashabasha, no worries. I 'member that it be Omnis that cause big bad problem with Insurance that make Rolly go away fer awhile. But I think they getting problem fixed. I just talk with friend that say someday I see Rolly again fer sure but it be some other place. I not quite understand that. I thought Insurance only work on Rubi-Ka? At least that what peoples say when I ask questions about Insurance.

    What right and wrong simple. If it make people happy then it right. If it make people not happy then it wrong. But that cause problem. Cause I was kinda happy in mines but more happy now that not there... hmmmm I think on this more then come back with better answer. But still I thinks that basically right answer to whole right and wrong problem.
    Oren "Ironheel" Fadri
    Clan Enforcer

  20. #20

    A Mule of Rubi-Ka: Origin of Identity

    This is Rubi-Ka. My tale is one unique to this forsaken planet and I hope that in reading this, you may begin to understand the conflict inherent in this desert world. Here, at the edge of the universe, we face what could be humanity’s first, and maybe last, chance to ensure its own freedom. I use the term humanity loosely, you see, as in many ways I am not a human. I am a breed unique to Rubi-Ka, designed by Omni-Tek’s mining operation here. I was grown in a vat with thousands of others like me. Bred for strength and endurance but not to think. We are the slaves of Omni-Tek. Born to work the mines and not to think, not to seek our own freedoms. I am Atrox, the mule of Rubi-Ka.

    The foreman at the mine was a Solitus. I remember that much. His name has long since escaped me, but he lorded over us all. He was from off-planet somewhere and in his office he had pictures of himself and his family on another world. Earth perhaps, I don’t know. He was standing with his arm around a pretty woman and his hand on the head of a little girl. He looked thin and happy. He looked like he cared. I now think that maybe if I lived somewhere that green, my arm around a woman, holding my child to my chest, I could care too.

    I spent those days in the dust and dark of the notum mines or in the corner of seedy bars. I would leave the mine with the rest of my crew, the biggest and the king of the pack. We would find a bar and drink until we didn’t feel the ache of our muscles, until we could stand tall, like fools. Then we would fight. Fist to fist, club to club, we would batter each other and any who would challenge us into oblivion. What did we care? If we ever took it too far, there was always Insurance to take care of it. I don’t remember much from that time. A face here, a fight there, but I think on it and can’t piece it all together. At no point can I say, “There, that was me. I did that.”

    One thing I do remember though, you could say it is my first memory. She was slender and tiny. She seemed like a child, perhaps she was but she acted like no child. Her hair was black and hung long to her shoulders, she was scarred, though, by some old burn that marred her skin hid her nature. Her features were hidden by a mask of tattoos that worked over the ridges and bumps of her marred face. She had turned her ancient injury into her own beauty. I don’t know how she came to be there, but I fought her. She wasn’t much of a fighter, but she lasted until the end. And I saw her there, in that moment, in her last defiant stand before me and I remember.

    The next day we were just getting started when a man came in the bar. He was no taller than the girl and was dressed in black, but wore white bands on his arms. He carried a short staff that he tapped on the ground as he walked. The sun and the dust had long since burned themselves into his face, but there was a stillness about his expression. He called me out.

    I laughed and told him, “You, old man? You’ll be no more a challenge than that girlie I beat yesterday.”

    He said that girl was his daughter. He said she had no Insurance. I stood to face him.

    Those of you who do not live on Rubi-Ka are likely unfamiliar with the sensation of resurrection. I can assure you it is not a pleasant one. I was reeling on the platform by the insurance terminal, aching and unfocused from the sudden revival. I saw him leave the bar but I could not gather my thoughts to act. He was taking his time as he came towards me. For the first time, it occurred to me to be afraid.

    I spent an eternity gazing into his eyes. In numb and raw terror I saw the pain that was in them. He raised that stick and beat me to the ground. In a flash of agony I was reborn and he was waiting for me. Again and again he battered me into unfeeling death and again and again I was reborn into his furious arms. I remember his eyes, anguished and sorrowful amidst his wrath. I remember the faces of my comrades looking on. I remember the spectacle I had become. I remember the first time I ever considered my own destiny. I wanted to die.

    [OOC: I came to this forum to post my story, but found I'd already been pre-empted with the Mule of Rubi-Ka bit. So I'll just piggyback on all you Atroxes instead. (stop complaining, you're big, you can take the weight.) Anyhow, some great stories here, keep up the cause my brothers and sisters, er, my gender-less comrades.]
    Caduceus 207 Doctor of the Bratpack
    Matahari 147 Agent
    Lyra 156 Crat

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