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Thread: map annotating?

  1. #1

    map annotating?

    is it possible for Funcom to add this feature.. i really need it because its helpful for me to mark down areas of interest... i think that it would also help others too...

  2. #2


    I really think that is a good idea - Don't know if u can do it - But my god, that would be quite the feature!

  3. #3
    That would be completely easy to do... they just need to have a text file on the user system or something that stores coords, and the text to put on the map...

    Not like people could exploit that, really.

    Level 77 Clan fixer.

    Trellame ought to be sainted or made a deity or something. I mean, seriously.

  4. #4
    i think it would be nifty to have some big marker that the user can put onto the map... and when you hover above the marker.. it says what you wrote to describe that marker...

  5. #5

    And Zoom!

    I'd like to be able to zoom the map out, to get a wider view of the area. Of course the Mob/terminal blips would all get munged together, but it would be useful when travelling.

    Just 2 sizes would do: Normal (as now), and Small (1/2 scale)

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