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Thread: Searching for missons for items?! What ever happened to the good old search engine?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Searching for missons for items?! What ever happened to the good old search engine?

    Hrrmmmmm..... How far into the future are we suppose ta be again? Was the technology of the search engine lost?!

    What I mean by this is why cant we specify the mission reward and, Location? I know we can choose by the long borring process of moving the slider and generating new missions only to find they are not what you are looking for...

    When I work for something I dont get told what i'm working for. I pick and choose what I work for. Or in stores the same thing applies. I would not shop at a store where I knew that I could not find what I was looking for. I think it'd be a nice feature in game to have more accessability to the ease of a simple search engine.

    2 more cents into the F.C. piggy bank

    Any thoughts?
    Live long. Put your face in many h00ters.
    What would be next The Hardend Criminal would change his name to the The Misunderstood Offender?

    Frame pointer not aligned. Stopping!

    If your elbow hurts when you go like this, don't go like this!

  2. #2
    so, let me recap this if I may:

    the fact that in year 29 thousand or something, people RUN to mission areas, where they *Hammer* lizard-monsters to death so they can loot their bodies, often finding high-tech items (I do NOT want to know where that Outlaw hid those rings), all the while wearing Leather armor, is ok with you...

    ... but a somewhat unfriendly user-interface on automated mission-dispenser machine of the future bothers your sense of realism?

    It's a game dude... they make things hard to, well, make things hard
    If you had to press a button to get a right mission, then had to press another button to finish it, and had a 3rd button to level up (or better yet, a slider - "hmm, this morning I feel like going up, lesse, 7 levels"), how many people would play it?

    Granted, it may be a bit crude method of limiting rarity of certain items or prolonging the game, and please don't think I'm in *love* with it or anything, but I still think it's fantastic compared to some other issues, like the crime that are 18 hour special-item spawns with campings and random drops

    (and btw:
    >>When I work for something I dont get told what i'm working for

    I want your job! )

  3. #3
    First off have you been to the City of home lately? People go there by the hundreds to *Hammer* the lizard-monster to death every hour of every day on Rubi-ka. They sit and go through mission terminals and missions until they find the mission they are looking for. Is that wrong and do you not take part in it because it ruins the suprize for you? Or do you sit and protest one of the best ways to get xp 100+ and not goto the city of Home?

    Ok, if you look up on a search engine and you get everything you dont want and its accepted and expected that you go through the motions for one half to one full hour as a casual browers to get the thing you are looking for but you get it none the less you are saying its ok?

    I play less than 20 hrs a week and would like at least to pick a missions location without going through thousands of credits and a lot of wasted time that could've been use actually playing. Apparently you see an end that is totally blown out of porportion instead of the practicality of this idea.

    And you're right it is just a game and my sense of realism is'nt the issue. I think in this game the mechanics of things are somwhat lacking in some departments that could be improved dramaticly without losing the challenge of the game. If you think that simply going through the motions of sifting through missions all the while your free time is ticking away is fun that's your opinion.

    All in all, I think that this is something that can and should be improved, wich is what this thread is about. If you like things hard, do your missions while running backwards or play blind folded. Myself on the other hand like them challenging not tedious.

    2 more cents into the F.C. piggy bank.

    More replies please
    Live long. Put your face in many h00ters.
    What would be next The Hardend Criminal would change his name to the The Misunderstood Offender?

    Frame pointer not aligned. Stopping!

    If your elbow hurts when you go like this, don't go like this!

  4. #4
    Relax, no need to get upset - I'm just thinking out loud:)

    As I already said pretty clearly (I though:)) in my post, "please don't think I'm in *love* with it or anything"... so I probably won't be running my missions backwards any time soon either :). Just because I didn't throw a rally behind your idea, doesn't mean I'm against it :).

    And I certainly wouldn't complain if all I had to do was to type in "nano armor, QL 100, here in the City please" :). It would make my life just as much easier as it would yours :)

    But the extrapolation *isn't* that far-fetched. Couple of off-hand examples:
    A *lot* of the fighting in this game is similarly boring and unrealistic. A lot of enforcers just type "Q" every 30 seconds; MP's type in "/pet attack". Others do whatever it is they do - fight after fight, mission after missions, level after level.... never much of a change, and really pointless as well:). Frankly (no sarcasm here), I'm totally and absolutelly bored with it. Heck, was bored at lvl 30. Skip it? :)

    And why having to spend 3 hours going around the city, bugging this guy for a wrangle, that guy for essence, the other guy for treatment buff, just so I could put implants in? Make it so everybody can put all implants in...

    ok, so now I'm being a pain in a butt - probably almost as much as the mission system is:). I'm not even disagreeing with you much there, but truth is almost any game in the last 15 years since I started playing had such random annoying thing *some*where inside it. As much as it annoys me, it also seems like a pretty obvious design thing. They gotta put obstacles somewhere to keep people "challenged". Sometimes they're good about it, sometimes they're bad about it, and sometimes they're plain lousy about it. This would fall into the category of a minor annoyance, to me, compared to zillion of others out there... most people deal with it exactly how you described; I'm *guessing* the designers had an idea that it'd also to an extent promote communication, as you'll talk to people trying to trade or exchange items - what's useless to you might be useful to somebody else:).

    And yeah; I too either click until I find an item I really need, or (quite commonly) trade with people. I've noticed that I almost never get items I myself need, but my MA and NT friends get them all the time. So I get my NT friends recompliers and nanos, my MA friend parry sticks and armor, and they find stuff that I can use:).

  5. #5


    Heh, no worries, I ain't mad at ya. ;p

    Since there are no other replies and no other opinions besides my own and yours on this thread it may feel like a personal attack on yours. Now if i start the reply with "Your a moron" then I'd say its fair game to say I was upset.

    This is an everchanging game with the potential to become better than it is. This is something that can make the game a little better. There are things that suck worse than this in the game and since they have resources expended to such a task why not use them.

    Making things harder or more challenging is not the same as making things tedious or monotinous or less efficient. If getting xp the normal and pretty much one of the only efficient ways is boring then I suppose there are always the broken trade skills or poppin chests and doin implants and by the time you gain a lvl that way the date that the game is schedueld to be terminated will have past for 100+ casual players. I will post another thread on that later.

    If you yourself do it the long way like everyone else and do not like it,(wich is a given) why not find a better way. Why not refine this as I really dont think the game balance would be as adversly affected as you may think. If not items then location. If not location then items. Either way or both we can take the long road to the same place or the less monotinous and make things better for those with mad hours to spend as well as the ones that have limited hours to spend.

    2 more cents

    Anymore thoughts?
    Live long. Put your face in many h00ters.
    What would be next The Hardend Criminal would change his name to the The Misunderstood Offender?

    Frame pointer not aligned. Stopping!

    If your elbow hurts when you go like this, don't go like this!

  6. #6
    >>Anymore thoughts?

    just one - sign me up

    (I always play a bit of Devil's advocate; helps to test the idea before I fully subscribe to it. And lord knows there are plenty places in the game to cut the tediousness)

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Nostra343
    But the extrapolation *isn't* that far-fetched. Couple of off-hand examples:
    A *lot* of the fighting in this game is similarly boring and unrealistic. A lot of enforcers just type "Q" every 30 seconds; MP's type in "/pet attack". Others do whatever it is they do - fight after fight, mission after missions, level after level.... never much of a change, and really pointless as well. Frankly (no sarcasm here), I'm totally and absolutelly bored with it. Heck, was bored at lvl 30. Skip it?
    uh no speaking as an MP we do not just type /pet attack and leave it at that... a dangerous twink meta who heard meta's were uber powerful does that.... those of us who are there to save your ass in a group with a rage debuff or something to tear aggro off the tank long enough to save him while we are trying to save our own life by some other method since our healpet is on the tank... what level are you cause you sound like a clueless lowbie...

    And why having to spend 3 hours going around the city, bugging this guy for a wrangle, that guy for essence, the other guy for treatment buff, just so I could put implants in? Make it so everybody can put all implants in...
    anyone can put implants in just go to a treatment station. if you need a doc buff *gasp* make some doc friends or join a guild and you'd be supprised how easy it is to get one, same for every other buff in the game.

    honestly the mission terminals could be improved with options for selecting general location or perhaps ways of weighting the rewards table so it tends towards armor/nanos/weapons/other but to be truthful with aomd it's really not that big of a deal, my only real gripe is you need to move a slider before you can click the button for another set of missions again which has a habbit of making me miss an item when i go into assembly line mode as well as feeling none too well on my wrist.

  8. #8
    >>what level are you cause you sound like a clueless lowbie...

    don't be too rash to deal out judgements left and right... :(
    Would being a level 100 make me automatically smarter or more intelligent? level 150? level 200? :-)
    I *am* a noob, in a sense that I'm always learning and always curious , always inquisitive and always debating things - hence the nature of my posts here:). I don't ever plan to outgrow that noobishness :-).

    At least I try to keep my posts as polite and inoffensive as I can:). I don't always succeed, but it is rarely my -intent- to offend or bellittle others.
    And what's wrong with being a clueless noob? We ALL start there:). As long as one is curious and willing to learn, there ain't no shame in being a noob :)
    "lowbie"... what a wonderful, respectful phrase :)

    >>uh no speaking as an MP we do not just type /pet attack and leave it at that

    As you can surely check, my current main char is a climbing lvl 87 MP. I do all the things you mentioned because I personally prefer to be activelly involved battle. That being said, if you haven't ever met an MP that "RP's" by drinking coke in battle, you haven't met most of the MP's that I have:).

    *Regardless* - what I typed was a "for instance", an analogy, an example, a brainstorm, what have you. An argument put there for the sake of exploring the main issue in depth.

    >>anyone can put implants in just go to a treatment station. if you need a doc buff *gasp* make some doc friends or join a guild and you'd be supprised how easy it is to get one, same for every other buff in the game.

    This too is irrelevant to the main topic; it was also brought just as an example. But still, if you wanna debate it, why not...
    I don't know what levels are you talking about either. Personally, I can usually self-buff myself, and as an MP I make my own imps. I'm also in a 170+ people guild that has sufficient resources in most cases.
    But you make it sound like it's a 3 minute deal for everybody, and if not they must be "clueless lowbies"...
    A person wanting to, say, put 150QL imps, will usually spend a fair bit of time on it. The basic imps are unavailable in store. The treatement requirements are usually insane. Many peopple will need to get feline grace or IC or Essence to get their base abilities up. They may need to borrow unique items that enhance those abilities enough. They will have to put med suit, which means they may later need a whole new set of buffs if their armor is over-equipped. And so on...
    Again, I *am* a noob, but I've observed enough players lvl 100-150 that hate even thinking about next set of implants, because of the time expenditure involved.

    But anyhoo, you've seen my last post when you wrote yours, and you thus know that I myself agreed with Vasion on the change to Mission Terminals:). Does this side-discussion serve a useful purpose, or have a point other then to label me a "clueless lowbie"? :)

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Nostra343
    >>what level are you cause you sound like a clueless lowbie...

    don't be too rash to deal out judgements left and right... :(
    Would being a level 100 make me automatically smarter or more intelligent? level 150? level 200? :-)
    I *am* a noob, in a sense that I'm always learning and always curious , always inquisitive and always debating things - hence the nature of my posts here:). I don't ever plan to outgrow that noobishness :-).

    Level really has very little to do with if someone is a newbie or not, an ubertwinked engineer who sat back with a mocham'd, wrangled, lend nano'd bot since day one is just as much of a newbie as those fighting in the ways you listed above. Knowing your a newbie is great but doesnt excuse your earlier outright lie about the game system to try making a point.

    At least I try to keep my posts as polite and inoffensive as I can:). I don't always succeed, but it is rarely my -intent- to offend or bellittle others.
    I honestly don't care if people like my forum posting personality. If you have been offended by me I don't care, if not I still don't care. I speak my mind and use whatever facts are needed to make a point, if one of those facts happens to be pointing out your ignorance of the game system to show why what you feel is a good idea is decidedly not then so be it.

    As you can surely check, my current main char is a climbing lvl 87 MP. I do all the things you mentioned because I personally prefer to be activelly involved battle. That being said, if you haven't ever met an MP that "RP's" by drinking coke in battle, you haven't met most of the MP's that I have:).
    Unless we were fighting greens or lame yellow/low low oranges I would probably warn you if i saw that behaviour and ask it not to continue, in time if it continued I would probably find someone to replace you and kick you from the team. It's fine to goof off but there is a time and place for everything, when joe is getting hammered by something or sally might pickup aggro is not that time for you to be typing /drink.

    *Regardless* - what I typed was a "for instance", an analogy, an example, a brainstorm, what have you. An argument put there for the sake of exploring the main issue in depth.
    How can you alter facts by leaving out huge portions of the truth to obtain a complete 180 from the actual event to make a point then wonder why I call you on it? I called you a clueless lowbie because the only levels it's possible to hit Q or /pet attack and sit back are at low levels.

    >>anyone can put implants in just go to a treatment station. if you need a doc buff *gasp* make some doc friends or join a guild and you'd be supprised how easy it is to get one, same for every other buff in the game.

    This too is irrelevant to the main topic; it was also brought just as an example. But still, if you wanna debate it, why not...
    I don't know what levels are you talking about either. Personally, I can usually self-buff myself, and as an MP I make my own imps. I'm also in a 170+ people guild that has sufficient resources in most cases.
    But you make it sound like it's a 3 minute deal for everybody, and if not they must be "clueless lowbies"...
    No usually it's more of a 20 minute deal if you have organized things properly, you don't have to stand in trade/tir doing nothing while you see to this meeting of the minds so you can get the proper buffs. If your an MP and do your own implants like you claim it should be doubally easy to do the above simply by rembering those who you've done implants for and having treated them well at the time. Your quite right it's 100% irrelavent to the topic but hey, your the one who brought up the claim that not everyone could put implants in not me, I simply pointed out the gaping hole in your logic.

    A person wanting to, say, put 150QL imps, will usually spend a fair bit of time on it. The basic imps are unavailable in store. The treatement requirements are usually insane. Many peopple will need to get feline grace or IC or Essence to get their base abilities up. They may need to borrow unique items that enhance those abilities enough. They will have to put med suit, which means they may later need a whole new set of buffs if their armor is over-equipped. And so on...
    and? organize things, it takes 20 minutes on average to do all this sort of stuff... if you cant organize it till tomorrow evening then just wait till then, honest it's more productive than spending "three hours" of time trying to get everything setup. I can equip a new MCS right now but need to get both riot control and a 132 wrangle to do so, guess what's sitting in my pack till tomorrow?

    Again, I *am* a noob, but I've observed enough players lvl 100-150 that hate even thinking about next set of implants, because of the time expenditure involved.
    MP's have it pretty easy with implants :) once you put in your implants for infuses you might upgrade them as you go to a bit higher QL but for the most point it's done, you can fit ql180ish implants in at level ~110 with proper planning and stepping.

    But anyhoo, you've seen my last post when you wrote yours, and you thus know that I myself agreed with Vasion on the change to Mission Terminals:). Does this side-discussion serve a useful purpose, or have a point other then to label me a "clueless lowbie"? :) [/B]
    Yes, it points out that you agreeing with him has very little value seeing as all your points are backed up by the same cloth the emporer's robes are made from.

  10. #10
    >>doesnt excuse your earlier outright lie about the game system

    hey man:)

    Sorry, that's how far I got; I don't pay too much attention to people looking for confrontation or getting their kicks out of it:)
    There are plenty of nice folks I could spend my time with instead:). Vas and I argued his point reasonably peacefully (I thought), and we found that we agree:).

    You can call my observations of actual players (I'm not saying myself; I'm saying of other high-level chars) a lie, but they are factual observations, so I cannot logically argue any further then that (and neither, really, can you, but oh well:).

    What you or I or anybody feel is the way one should play the game, is not the same way everybody else chooses to play the same game. It doesn't matter if you're "right" (in choosing an "optimal" way of playing a game) or not, some play their way out of inexperience, some out of preference, some out of circumstance. Some that I know like to read a good book during a battle, some to chat with their friends. Calling it a outright lie does not unfortunately make it different:).
    Viva diversity:)

    Have a great day:)

  11. #11


    Ah, there's nothing like the well structured flame thread.

    "honestly the mission terminals could be improved with options for selecting general location or perhaps ways of weighting the rewards table so it tends towards armor/nanos/weapons/other"

    There is useful information in almost every post. ;p Good stuff.

    Wound'nt it be nice to use the games own interface instead of a 3rd party program?
    keep it comin.
    Live long. Put your face in many h00ters.
    What would be next The Hardend Criminal would change his name to the The Misunderstood Offender?

    Frame pointer not aligned. Stopping!

    If your elbow hurts when you go like this, don't go like this!

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