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Thread: Marriage

  1. #1


    I see it more and more around me. Two very happy people walking around. A big smile on their faces. Yes, we have another married ( or to be married ) couple walking around.

    And what does this strong bond in love give us on Rubi-Ka ?
    Next to a happy feeling, Nothing !

    And for that a small I idea popped up.

    All the newbie players should get a marriage ring. It is only 1 and it has no value by itself.

    But then one day you happen to meet he wo/man of your life. Love a first sight, or even after a long friendship you fall in love. Time to get married. You both take your marriage ring and visit "the althar". It is a building in a neutral city ( I think Borealis/newland will fit ) and there on some sacred ground you can both put your rings in the marriage stone.

    This will activate the rings and makes you connected 4-ever.

    The ring will get a special that will only inflict the one you married. It gives a special power if you get near eachother (same as some engi shield work).

    For example a lovely MP woman and a Enf man ( who doesn't like a big shoulderd atrox enf ? )
    They marry, the NT lady will have a ring that boosts the health and AC of the Enf for like 500.
    On the other hand the Enf's ring will give the MP a boost of 15 intell/mat crea/t&s.
    This will only work when they are together and feel happy cause of that.

    But remember, you can loose your heart ( ring ) only ones.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    every thumb up for this great idea!

    in UO it was possible to merry each other, why isn't it in ao?

    ok, 500hp/ac whatever is too much (nice however ) but just some optical effect like some golden glowing arround the 2 happy ppl or so would do the job.

    i allready know a very nice agent who would get my ring *waves to some cwazy*

    make it funcom, make it!!!

    PS: how about a special gesture for the merried ones, /kiss ?

  3. #3
    Then again most people would like it an event like one.
    But good idea.
    Being married should have an advantage.

    And like you said, when around each other.

  4. #4

    Post Then again...

    What about those cynical married couples (Archie/Edith Bunker, Al/Peg Bundy, George/Louise Jefferson, etc...) should we have rings that put the other mate on /autoignore, or should the rings come with a /counselorbot?

    Instead of that glowing light that follows the two happy couples around, would it then be a small dark fracto cloud that hovers over them delivering a slight drizzle that makes the frowns and glares only a slight haze?

    And how 'bout when that wandering Trader visits places of ill repute in the vastness of the Newland desert... should we then expect to see rings delivering the effect of an automatic alimony deduction akin to lifetime guild dues payable to the disdained loved one?

    And one last note for the poor dismembered Atrox of Rubi-Ka...
    Will the woman's ring come with it's own variable speed setting and rechargeable batteries, the uni-sex environment may be fine for Calvin Klein colognes or reversable turtleneck Old Navy wardrobes... but it leaves a slight bulgeless environment between the pockets of the Atrox...
    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you should have any further questions or comments please contact someone at my office and I'll try to get back to you.

  5. #5
    Thnx for your very good critics

  6. #6

    Re: Marriage

    Originally posted by B-Nito
    For example a lovely MP woman and a Enf man ( who doesn't like a big shoulderd atrox enf ? )
    First--love the idea. My RL wife plays the game with me (or I play the game with her...), and we wanted to get married in game. I love the idea of getting a bonus (even if it's just 1% exp/life etc)

    However (and I hate to be the one waving the PC flag here....) but just to point out a few things about your post---

    1. Doesn't necessarily need to be a man/woman combo
    2. Atrox are asexual (ie without gender).

    Mr Pendent

  7. #7
    If you check the ARK page, you will see that characters can register there for official RK marriages. There are several nice sites provided, several ceremony scripts, ARKs willing to perform the ceremony, and the loving couple both get wedding rings free of charge. The FAQ is detailed and contains many useful answers.

    Go forth and multiply.


  8. #8
    Mr Pendent,

    Ever heared about a exampe idea ? So yes.. fe/male and fe/male can marry..

    And marriage is about love .. so no problems with the uni idea
    ( as you can hear I am Atrox myself

  9. #9
    Poor cloudeh, he goes down quick in 2ho


  10. #10



    Marriage gives only disadvantages (stress, begging for sex, etc.)
    soldier Punkbum
    trader Punkbumm

  11. #11
    The ARK wedding page can be found here. As Scorus said, there are are number of different weddings to choose from, as well as locations, and you get your very own wedding ring and even a surname change.
    Earn free game time and play with your friends[/b]

    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  12. #12


    Hi there!

    Did I ever mention I want my last name changed to "Cat"?


    So anyone out there who happens to have this last name and would like to marry a young and healthy adventuress (especially since the unnamed dancer guy fromt he ICC let me down for their silly ICC rules :P ) ?

    Take care and *purr*
    -- Leopard on RK1 --

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