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Thread: Auto-equipping the wrong crap.

  1. #1

    Auto-equipping the wrong crap.

    What the hell is with sleeves auto-equipping to the wrong side? If I try to equip something on the RIGHT arm why the hell does it equip to the LEFT side?! Yeah yeah, I know all about taking off the currently equipped sleeve before equipping the new one. But hell, this is like my third bug report just for today, seems like I've been submitting this bull**** for the past few weeks on a continuous basis.
    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you should have any further questions or comments please contact someone at my office and I'll try to get back to you.

  2. #2

    Re: Auto-equipping the wrong crap.

    I think we all hope this would be the most important bug in AO

  3. #3


    Sheesh... trolls all over these boards now days...
    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you should have any further questions or comments please contact someone at my office and I'll try to get back to you.

  4. #4

    Re: Hrmph...

    Originally posted by Isaah
    Sheesh... trolls all over these boards now days...
    Nobody from FC reads these boards anyway. Send an email to FC instead. Do you really think anyone cares about this bug when there are problems like the massive sync-bugs ?

  5. #5


    I beleive people from Funcom DO read these boards, they may not take action on every single topic they see, and they may not even read all of the threads (or even half of them for that matter). And to answer your question as to whether or not I think anyone cares about this bug in the face of the current 'sync' bug, I say yes. If no one cared, do you think there would have even been a post on the issue? Now, do you think that trolling posts on the 'little' bugs will garner you any more recognition for the greater bugs in the game? And if you truly believe no one from Funcom reads these boards why post here, more specifically why start threads with such titles as "Fix the Server!"?

    If taking the initiative and starting threads on bugs (big or small) isn't your cup of tea, then why not just stay out of them, or at the very least not post unless you have something to actually contribute to the subject. I've gone back and read a great many of the threads that you've posted on, and I'm absolutely certain you can keep your hands full, and post count up by debating with the naysayers on Enforcer/Atrox issues.
    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you should have any further questions or comments please contact someone at my office and I'll try to get back to you.

  6. #6
    Well sure its important to care for every bug in this game. But as I mentioned better write an email to Funcom. Btw my answer wasnt meant as trolling. Think about it again ... wouldnt AO be an awefull game if the described bug was the most important bug to care about ?

  7. #7
    Make sure your multi melee or multi ranged is correct. That will cause this.

    Never equip by right clicking on the item, always drag to and from the slot.

    I used to have this problem taking off and putting on my pillow in my left hand while buffing, now that I'm a little more careful everything is fine.
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

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