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Thread: Once and for all...!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Once and for all...!

    I just have to get this out of my system, once and for all. I cant remember who said it, but he put it so perfectly by saying "DO I LOOK LIKE AN ESSENCE DISPENSER?!". I log on, and before the picture get up I have three-four people around me asking for essence. I always give essence to those people, and that's not where this frustration comes from... the thing is, many people tip for essence buffs. I never take a tip though, but I always appreciate people offering - so I offer it myself. I play on Rubi-Ka 2, and I have never, ever, payed for a buff. No one will accept it. Until some days ago. I had started up a new Agent, leveled her to lvl 8 and needed some sort of essence to make my life a little easier. I could only find 1 enforcer there at the time (it was late, and I didnt have enough SKL to use the grid). I first asked him if I could borrow a moment of his time, where he replied "that'll cost ya". I thought he was kidding, but anyway I asked him for a MAX 16NCU essence. "15.000 credits". He was lvl 106, and he wanted 15.000 credits from a lvl 8. I said that all I had was 3k, and that I would have to pay him the rest at a later time. But no... So, is there is point to my ramblings? Yes, the first thing I did today was to log on with my enforcer, go in to every backyard I could find and buff all the people there for free. I met a lot of cool people, most of them having higher level characters. Bottom line - be nice to other people, help them out, and you'll have fun. Make all player interaction into a money-scheme... you'll be miserable.

    Thank you for reading my ramblings... I dunno if it made any sence, but I just had to get it out. Better than beating my girlfriend over it... or?

  2. #2
    Makes perfect sense to me. Asking 15k from a lvl8 at 108? Either this guy was having a bad day, didn't feel like buffing and used this to get you to stop bothering him, or he has some serious issues with reality.

    Apart from giving away money, I usually go out of my way to help out new players. Being an adventurer, that obviously doesn't mean I buff scores of people, but I frequently visit the backyards, healing people, answering questions and entertaining them in wolf form.

    I figure that if I'm nice to someone when they first arrive to the planet, they'll be nice to others in turn when they're higher level.

    And I'm not even on RK-2!
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  3. #3
    I love to help people too, especially other engineers like myself. I dont know too much about the game really to answer questions about other player classes.

    I also use Virral's workshop as a great reference to new engineers, and try hard to guide them into the art of implants, buffs and robots!

    Just incase you are a new engineer reading this, click here for Virrals workshop, great place for all engineers

    Or give me a /tell

    Engineress (lvl68)

  4. #4

    Angry Give us the name of this guy

    There are not so many player on RK2, and most of them are cool.

    We can't let a dumbass ask 15k for a stupid essence, so give us his name and we will learn to him to play, he just will have to pay for buff, for team....

    I have never ask for money for buff even with my trader who make 132 wrangler (when i'm not busy) for free.

    So be cool all it's just a game

  5. #5
    I'm not as nice when I get asked for Essances. But then I'm an Atrox with JUST enough nano to cast all my buffs. If I buff someone else up that means when I get going to where I'm gonna hunt, do my mission, whatever, I either gotta wait or do it without some of my buffs. I try to be nice to random people but I find it incredibly annoying to have people come up to me asking for an Essance when I'm trying to meet up with my team or get a good mission. Also I rarely get so much as a thank you, generally people asking for buffs are very rude. If someone would come up and say "May I please have a moment of your time" or some thing similar I'd gladly buff them but no one has ever done that. Usually it goes "U got essance?" then "Don't u have a better 1?" or something more insulting to my characters nano abilities. So no generally I don't buff random people that ask me. I used to but I'm on strike until someone is polite.
    Oren "Ironheel" Fadri
    Clan Enforcer

  6. #6


    I undertand you, it is very boring to see people coming and ask you for a buff like if they share their all life with you.
    But it's cool to buff nice people.

    And for those who said "you don't have better" i know what you feel cause my enf was very bad in nano until i have change my implants, for those one i was always so bad in nano, for the nice guy i have better buff

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