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Thread: Can we docs get an answer ...

  1. #1

    Can we docs get an answer ...

    Cross posted from

    cause it seems we don't get any reponses...


    I don't know how closely gaurded this information is but I for
    one would really like to get a answer on this. Please respond
    if possible.

    Healing --- Min vs Max

    We all know as docs we have a huge range between the min
    and the max heal. What i'm after is what affects this, what affects
    whether i do a 1200 heal or a 600 heal. I know alot of us have
    done different things to figure this out but our anaylsis and
    testing procedures are really in accurate and hard to baseline
    (hard to watch your heals when that mob is beating on you).

    So here is the questoin: What factors affect our min/max heal

    1. Is it truly a random roll with no outside influnences.
    2. Is it a random roll with our buffed skills affecting the outcome
    based on percentages.
    3. Is it a random roll with our buffed skills and the mobs ql that
    we are fighting(hard to calculate is it the mob hitting the person
    we are healing or his friend beating on our backs as we keep
    the tank alive).

    This would go a long way to helping a majority of us plan and
    support our chars. As well as save us and our team mates alot.

    Example scenario

    Name Lifegiving Elixir
    Nanocost 201
    Requirements biological meta 786
    matter meta 714
    Effects modify target health 693 - 1283

    These are the top 2 single heals in the game
    still very sad that the min heal is 600ish (more about that
    in another post at another time)

    Name Emergency Medical Response
    Nanocost 200
    Requirements biological meta 763
    matter meta 692
    Effects modify target health 665 - 1244

    as you can see the bio matter req is 23 points higher on
    the LE vs the EMR .. Now if our skill effects the maximum heal
    it would be better to still use EMR even if we have the skills
    to use LE. Answering this would help many a veteran and
    new doc alike cause we would be able to calculate how and
    when to buy new heals. As a doc casting the biggest heal on
    your tank is very important to keeping him alive we all know
    how it fells to be fighting a mob and cast that 600 or 200 heal
    4 times in a row when your tank is going down fast to a mob
    that is hitting him for 300 twice as fast as you can heal.

    I hope this is something you can answer as i think it would go
    a good deal to helping alot of docs and would be a good gesture
    of faith and info.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    sigh another day and still no response

  3. #3

  4. #4
    bump .. a simple no we won't tell you is fine but an answer

  5. #5
    I doubt they can actually tell us, but a hint would be nice.

    bumpity bump da bumpo de bump.
    Doctor Valen, Omni Medic
    Keeper Mezathras

  6. #6
    They really need to look into heal for all profs.

    I have traders in my team healing for over 1k almost all the time...
    MA best team heal is a little bit over 700 (that is max) traders have like 900 as min...

    DOCs shoule be the profession that heal best without a doubt, they should be ALOT better than any other prof that can heal.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon

    DOCs shoule be the profession that heal best without a doubt, they should be ALOT better than any other prof that can heal.
    This is something I really like to hear...
    NT phone HOME!!

  8. #8
    Arggg .. still no reply.. are we on week 2 yet ? ... I love it
    i know somebody from FC has to be reading this.. So.. tell
    us no we won't answer or your working on it or you don't
    care either or so i can go back to something useful..


  9. #9

  10. #10
    heya Mowatx :O)

    Now you know how NTs feel not having the best Nukes in the game. Its really silly that docs and NTs have been overlooked like this. I mean really we deserve to be better than any other profession in our core skills. Its just sad that we should have picked another profession to play if we wanted to do what our profession stated.

    Sometimes I think Funcom would be better letting a monkey code with all these silly ideas they have about the game :O(

  11. #11



    don't forget us fixers who are out gridded by the beacon warp brigade

    maybe posting is not the answer, try to mail them direct or arrange fro all the docs to do the same then some one has to answer or be spammed for days until they do

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