Greetings all,

The Guild of Engineering and Armory Reserves is seeking professional Engineers and Traders to join our ranks.

We offer training,assistance,a guild pool for trusted members,and specialist divisions to avoid wasting ip in trade skills.

If you are interesting in affecting the Trade aspects and promotion of Engineering on Rubi-Ka Secondus give a tell to ........

Ixitdescorp,Vice Director
Lechwalesa,Acquisitions Division Chief
Drakonac,BionicsDivisions Chief
Littlesexy69,Pharmaceutical Division Chief

OOC::we seek full time players of engineers and traders who focus in trade aspects,role playing,power leveling,etc.

we our a slow and steady growing guild,our purpose being a pre buff and mop up unit in combat zones,our primary purpose being helping other guilds in trade skills,so they can focus on war aspects of RK2.