I'm very dissapointed in this. It's general knowledge that NT's arent very good (not bad just not good).

This concept for a OE fix is crap...

Why not do a degrade weapons and armor over time. Have a class be able to lengthen the time or make it midlevel general.
Of course limit the degrade. But you see this would create a better money sink than yalms as some ppl just wont go and spend 5 mil on a freaking plane.

This will also create problems for OE as the item will no longer be top of the line after 36 hours of game time. (say a 1-3 ql downgrade)

Also the current fix hurts a lot of other things such as pet classes I understand the idea of not alowing someone to equip too high but why not do something similar have it store your stats un-rezzed with implants and equiped items only and allow no item to be equiped where any one of it's reqs are 1.4x your "base stat".
I dont believe any programmer is going to say that that would be harded to implement then what your considering now.

Ok so say the patch continuse as planned then when are you actually gonna make the classes be equal? or at least close.

I mean teams are going to look for 1) a doc and 2) a trader.
Solo an MP can self buff to all hell and an engi or crat cant.

This patch will strech the class system even farther then it was to begin with.

All I'm saying is go for a more thought out strategy. PLEASE.

-- Hyperlink