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Thread: Alus Alliance ready to Defend Clan Citizens and Territories

  1. #1

    Post Alus Alliance ready to Defend Clan Citizens and Territories

    Alus Alliance Press Release

    To all Omni-Tek factions who are part of the March 21th ultimatum to Mr. Henry Radiman that threatened to attack our capital and all clan territories, we ask you consider the consequences of your actions. You state the lives of your corporation are brutally murdered yet you fail to mention the attacks from omni factions against clan and neutral guards, unwarranted and unprovoked attacks. Neutral guards do not engage neither clan citizens or omni employees and clan guards only open fire on anyone who is not a clan citizen, and this common knowledge so your employees should stay within Omni-Tek controlled territory. Any OT employee enters clan territory at their own risk as we clan citizens enter Omni-Tek territory at our own risk.

    Another part of your statement, and we quote "The Dust Brigade, Red Freedom, and renegade clan members acting out in pure bloodlust, are all controlled within your jurisdiction, and to this day we have not seen any effort by you to detain or terminate any of the said terrorist groups. It is for this reason, and after extensive investigation that we, the Omni-Tek factions of The Dark Carnival, Enigma, Division 9, The Nordic Alliance, and The Sword of Justice have found you guilty of harboring and funding these terrorist groups and their activities against the corporation Omni-Tek."

    This is not true, March 1st CoT Commander Pendion Duktar and CoT Director Fiona Langdon met with Clan Leaders to discuss the Dust Brigade threat (yes, CoT and most clans consider DB a threat), they shared information and updated clan leaders on their efforts to track down Dust Brigade. Alus Alliance Clan Leaders at the meeting clearly supported the effort to deal with the DB threat, even tho we do not fully support CoT on all matters.

    Red Freedom is no more, Cmdr. Redruum now is part of the United in Freedom Alliance, so if you have any questions about Red Freedom contact him.

    Dust Brigade has attacked Clan Leaders, including Alus Alliance members, they're also suspected to be behind a plot to kill Mr. Henry Radiman last year and many clans have officially declared war upon this terrorist organization. If you have conclusive and solid evidence that a clan has been funding or assisinting these terrorists in hiding please make it public so CoT can take the proper steps to aprehend and interrogate such individuals.

    You ask Mr. Radiman to admit CoT's involvement in clan terrorism, therefore you ask for him to lie for your own benefit since CoT has had no contact nor enough information to hand over any Dust Brigade member to Omni-Pol officials . Dust Brigade has commited crimes against the clans, therefore we have the right to arrest and prosecute these criminals in our own accord, and after which you may judge and prosecute them and they in turn serve the sentences from both sides (which means more or less a life sentence, or perma-death depending on what is the heavier sentence)

    You give 72 hours assuming CoT is aware of parties involved in funding and assisting Dust Brigade, and threaten to conduct harsh military actions targeted at Tir, The Council of Truth, and any other clan controlled areas without any information from our side. You so call "efforts to capture and terminate all affiliates with the Dust Brigade, and Red Freedom" is misguided as DB is as much a threat to Omni-Tek as they are to clans, orders to aprehend any Masked Commando on sight has been issued by most Clan Leaders, while the second organization you claim to go after no longer exists.

    We Clan Leaders members of the Alus Alliance ask you to consider the facts we present, and make you aware of the consequences if you should decide to attack our cities and territories as your ultimatum states. Should our cities and territories come under attack, we shall retailiate against Omni-Tek as you represent the corporation in such action and target any Military/Mine Facility and engage any Omni-Tek Military Personnel and any Omni-Tek employee considered armed and hostile.

    For Mercury Dragons:
    Commander "Windguard" Wagner

    For Rebel Forces of Rubi-ka:
    President Elroy "Badcow" Cifuentes

    For Rubi-Ka Freedom Fighters:
    President Ernest "Mamasboy2" Fuchs

    For Knights of Sacrifice:
    Lord Shane "Rederon" Kirklin

    For Freedom Force:
    President Malcom "Gaupa" Fuchs

    For Tir City Watch:
    Commander Ronals "Fouloleron" Babilonia

    For CriMe:
    President Winston "Uprising" Marinos

    For Dark H0r1z0n:
    President Gregg "Joshlvy" Thompson

    For The Resistance:
    President Federico "Madfatman" Lene

  2. #2
    I do not, want another episode as that just after enw year, where we tried to give Radiman a deadline, there was no responce at all, so we attacked Tir, and Athen. After we had meet only limited clan forces at those citis, in form of the guards, and with some.... weird form for defence made by clan supports.
    We went to MeetMe Dere, and it all ended in a large battle.

    I do not favor attacks, like that again.

    I dont say that Omni-Tek are the sole target of the Dust brigade, but many clansmen dont like Omni-Tek as well. How can they hate both? or who do they hate the most?

    that is a hard question.

    Now, you say that you have facts, well, would you be willing to present them, in person, to the faction i am member of?

    By doing this you would be able to show us any evidience, or such to prove who else might support the Dust Brigade, if not the council.

    Me, personnaly, think that someone inside the council, without Radiman´s knowlegde have some dealings with the Dust Brigade.
    The same within Omni-Tek.

    If we do not find these traitors, we might end in another war.

    Squard Commander.
    "Arila" Ashwell
    The Nordic Alliance.

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