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Thread: A Message to ICC from ICC Resistance

  1. #1

    Exclamation A Message to ICC from ICC Resistance

    *Start Transmission**

    ICC you tried killing me and my troops of a combined Omni/Clan Task Force.

    Guess what this Kitty does not know how to play dead like your puppets and obediant mindless lap dogs.

    I am back and now that you tried killing Boss Ross when I found out about the assassination through my carefully planted bugs. I will now see to your destruction and Clans and Omni-Tek will no longer be under ICC Control or puppets this is a new war there is Freedom and Hope now. ICC your History.

    This war is now going to you and now it is a Combined Clan/Omni-Tek vs the ICC.

    ICC, I challenge you and draw you out confess you want Rubi-Ka and want a Breach of Contract I have more evidence then the lies your telling to the people you could have ended this war 700 years ago when it started. It is now to Celebrate our Independence Day from the tyranny of the ICC.

    People of Rubi-Ka I am back from being in a coma for so long. I am sorry I failed you there was nothing I could have done. I was in a Coma. I am back let's bring this war to the ICC and show what real soldiers are like with a combined Clan Omni-Tek Task Force.

    People this war will not be easy many upon millions will die. ICC has backing and credits. The only way how to win this war is make ICC bankrupt.

    High Commander Silverstone. I interecepted the transmission are you a mindless lap dog or are you a High Commander end the war now and take the war to the ICC with Omni-Tek as your tanks. Or, do you want those credits and notum also heard you have a mass shipment of new weapons care to use them on the real enemy the ICC.

    Boss Ross, if you hear something get out of your Coma like I did and wake up. Join with Clans and be the Clans tanks. And, take the ICC out. Are you that much in a comotase state that you do not see it but you hear it all the time of them laughing and mocking you. I tried to warn you and you did not listen so listen now make peace.

    We need to get this war off Rubi-Ka I heard there is a new planet being made with ICC Invasion Forces coming to invade Rubi-Ka. We need to destroy the ICC. This Transmission is going to be jammed soon.

    People of Rubi-Ka; Freedom is Now, it is Independence Day take out the real Facist enemy, The ICC.

    Freedom for All, Death to the ICC!!!

    **Transmission Jammed**
    Last edited by Kitty_Tepulus; Jul 5th, 2005 at 05:26:53.
    Royalty by birth. I now discovered my future. ICC Resistance Leader. ICC wants to reclaim Rubi-Ka. And, I am a fighter not a diplomat.

  2. #2
    ((OOC: As per your previous thread and the comments that I made, if you can please edit this thread to remove the references from the fake conversation you posted. Thank you))
    Former Director
    ARK-Events Team
    Advisor of Rubi-ka

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    Thank you Anarchy-Online players for making my time as an ARK-Events Team member, a memory I will cherish.

  3. #3
    Even if this was legit, the ICC would utterly destroy us.

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