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Thread: Exploring-bah

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Exploring-bah

    Just spent 20 minutes in my plane flying down the road leading away from Camelot, just to see where it went. Guess what, it goes to nowhere. So I turned East toward Mort, following the southern border. Guess what, I ran into the Eastern border, also uncrossable.

    The game is just a bunch of discontinous boxes, rather than a true world you can explore. I hope they have plans to complete the planet to make exploring something exciting, rather than just running into impassable zone walls.

    The most fun I had today was reaching top altitude in my plane, switching to 3rd person zoomed way out, then deequipping my plane. That was a nasty fall, fortunately I passed out at terminal velocity, well before I hit the ground.
    "So shines a good deed in a weary world."

  2. #2
    Well I got a news flash for ya. Avalon (the zone that holds Camelot) at this time only has one crossable zone wall. The north zone wall is the edge of the world, the east and west zones aren't yet available. South will take you into Whailing waste (sp?).

    I'm sorry that you didn't have success in your first try at exploring. Perhapse you should try to go from Tir to Athen (I assume you're Clan) or Newland to Athen or Tir.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  3. #3

    The landscape FC has made already, needs to have more stuff

    I think that the majority of the players are awstruck by the vastness of the planet, but I feel that whenever I go yalming I won't find anything. I think that FC should do stuff, like mabye make all rare mobs accessible to a path, so that if u just followed paths, you would find something cool. There are a tona paths in AO in my opinion, so this sounds fun.
    ODieEngineer - 130 Atrox Neutral (20 days) Engineer. member of The Independant Rubi-Kaans
    ODieLag - 73 Clan NT (15 days)(my newb days)

  4. #4
    Explorin is still definately fun even if ya do hit unfinished zones occasionally!

    As a Lvl 32 Adv i was runnin around Central Artery Valley today. I even managed to outrun a Forest Eremite at one point ... until i ran smack into a Bushworm and got eaten! .... Even so it was still cool hehe.
    And Avalon has loadsa interestin places if ya can dodge the Vultures and Fatestealers long enough.

    I just cant wait for the zones to be completed ... And i hope it happens asap

  5. #5
    West of Avalon -> Endless Plains and Striate Rubi. Zones not in the game. Presumably the Camelot road will go to... Sparta!

    East of Avalon -> Three Craters -> Mort. Why isn't TC in the game? I don't know. It just isn't.

    West of Stret West -> Great Cathedral Park. Supposedly a HUGE zone. Doesn't exist yet. But it may, one day, and with it will come the Gangly mountains and the other three HO outposts (1HO, 3HO, 4HO).
    Omni Bureaucrats work for "The Man."
    "The Man" is the >190 Fixer title.
    Ergo, Phillip Ross is a Fixer.

  6. #6
    I've gone exploring before... quite disapointing.

    In AC when you went exploring you were going to find something cool eventually.

  7. #7

    Nerf the yalmahas :)

    If they just nerf the low quality yalmahas a little bit the world will become a bit larger

    Found the tooth yesterday Its surprising how fast its possible to run with 10 vultures in pursuit

  8. #8


    Don't give them any ideas, my yalm is the only thing that keeps my account active

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Those "zones you can't access but should be there" where supposed to be water zones or something. Something they didn't implement anyway. Yeah, it's kinda boring (remembers when i wanted to go to Andromeda and stayed stuck by the border line...) but, if my memory still works fine, well, they are supposed to be "added" later on.

    This way tranquilizes me, because I can tell to myself that there'll be new zones
    Of course, I may just be dreaming
    Kheeze (MA) / Yunmei (ADV) / Nekroman (MP) / Shixiu (ENF)

    (¯`·.,¸¸.·´¯` French Corp ´¯`··.,¸¸.·´¯)

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    so you didnt see ?
    Oh yeah I did !

    I don't even know how I survived. I was a low lvl lost in there, running to escape some flying red thing =) And I saw that op, telling me to myself "cool ! I will be able to grid elswere !"

    Had to terminate or to die from red mobs I've chosen : suicide in dignity
    Kheeze (MA) / Yunmei (ADV) / Nekroman (MP) / Shixiu (ENF)

    (¯`·.,¸¸.·´¯` French Corp ´¯`··.,¸¸.·´¯)

  12. #12
    Andromeda is there now, it is accessable from 4 holes, Clon****, Stret East Bank, and Pleasant Medows. You'll hit an uncrossable zone wall if you try to get there from Lush Fields.

    The not yet implimented zones are not all water zones, some are like Bay of Jobe (where the city of Jobe is said to be) but I doubt that Plains of Salt, Western Endless Plain, or Gangly Mountains are water zones.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  13. #13
    Does anyone know the names of ALL the zones not implemented and their locations? I know 'em, but who else here does? I mean ALL of 'em.
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  14. #14


    Well.. sometimes when I get missions far away, I end up bumping into glass walls, world ends where the textures are smeared onto the surface near the end. Looks very ugly, and really, really destroys the good feeling that this is a real world.

    I think it is a very bad thing. It adds up with the F9 debug info you have to read to find your loc, and give you that debug/unfinished game feeling.

    Did that make sence? I wonder...

  15. #15
    Zones not in the game yet, top left to bottom right:

    ---The West, Clan Controlled---
    Striate Rubi (far NE zone)
    Broken Crest (east of above, west of Avalon)
    Three Craters (between Avalon and Mort)
    Western Endless Plains (south of Striate Rubi)
    Endless Plains (east of WEP)
    The Big One (east of EP, north of The Longest Road)
    Road to Kapar (east of The Longest Road)

    ---The East, Clan Controlled---
    Dry Wastes (between Athen Shire and Newland Desert)
    Plains of Salt (south of Perpetual Wastelands, north of Tir County)

    ---The West, Omni Controlled---
    Gangly Mountains (south of WEP and RTK)
    Nebula Mountains (east of Gangly)
    Great Cathedral Park (east of Nebula, west of 4 Holes and SWB)
    Plains of Divaad (west of Broken Shores)
    The Reck (between Rome and Broken Shores)
    The Spur (between Rome and Broken Shores)
    Bay of Rome (south of Galway; possibly now also Galway County?)
    Coast of Winds (south of Plains of Divaad and BS)
    Reck Peninsula (south of The Reck, west of Sea of Jobe)
    Sea of Jobe (east of Reck Peninsula, south of BOR)
    Coast of Peace (south of Lush, east of SOJ)
    Omni Bureaucrats work for "The Man."
    "The Man" is the >190 Fixer title.
    Ergo, Phillip Ross is a Fixer.

  16. #16

    unimplemented zones

    Great post, Gerinn!

    I have rather enjoyed studying the satellite maps of Rubi-ka, wondering about the areas that seem impossible to reach, but very worthwhile visiting if one reads the descriptions from the AO Forge map ( . I hope these zones will be added as the game evolves - I personally can't wait
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

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